Ugly Nailpolish

I would like to nominate a candidate in the “Ugliest Nailpolish” category:

I’m not sure even this ugly photo lets you appreciate just how ugly it was. Maybe another photo is needed, a super close-up:

That’s still not QUITE expressing it. I’m not even sorry I didn’t do a good job staying in the lines, because I think the bits on the skin give a better feeling for what the color looked like. Nauseating yellow-greenish brown, with chunks. It felt like it ought to come as part of a Halloween costume. A zombie, maybe. Something decaying and dirty.

It’s Revlon Nail Art Moon Candy in Cosmic, and I’m so happy I got it on clearance instead of paying full-price:

It’s two attached bottles. First you’re supposed to put on two coats of what looks in the bottle like a nice dark green but is in fact a streaky algae/mud combination. As I was doing that, I was thinking, “Wow, I wonder how the topcoat is going to transform THIS?”

Then you put on the top coat, which looks like it’s going to be a glorious gold with cool shimmery iridescent bits, but in fact ends up adding a “pee” element to the color, as well as being more litter than glitter.

I took the pictures quickly, so I could remove the polish right away—and I NEVER take polish off immediately, even if I think it’s meh, because it’s discouraging to waste all that work. But I wanted this OFF MY NAILS. (I didn’t even wait to take the picture of the bottle, figuring I could do that later; you can see the edge of my thumbnail, which is now a much nicer medium green.)

It was fun to show the kids, though. I was like, “Look at my nails!” and each in turn said “EEEEEEWWWWWWWW GROSS!!”

26 thoughts on “Ugly Nailpolish

  1. Elizabelle

    Oh dear. I am a fan of putties and grays and browns when it comes to nail polish, but this is just…not pretty. It’s not even edgy. I have one of the Revlon Moon Candy polishes in, I think, Supernova…not 100% sure of the name…and it’s much lovelier than this, kind of a gray with purpley glitter. Sorry you had a bad polish experience! :)

  2. ellbeejay

    Good to know! I have been searching for the Moon Candy polishes ever since I saw a post up at Style Lush about them. I will be sure to avoid the Cosmic color should I ever actually FIND them (looking at you, Target, Walmart and Walgreens!)

  3. Maggie

    Whoa. What fool approved that for sale? That is some unattractive nail polish. On the other hand, now I know what to buy for my son’s zombie costume next week.

  4. Swistle

    ellbeejay- I’ll have to go find that Style Lush post! I have two more colors from this line, and I’m hoping they’ll be better.

    My Target has them tucked away on an endcap, on the bottom shelf. It’s a very odd place for a relatively new product. NOW they’re on clearance, but they were on the bottom shelf of the endcap even to begin with.

  5. Yo-yo Mama

    Oh, honey…that really IS hideous. I’m typing this with nails that were also ill-fated and FUBAR within an hour of painting because I decided to put on some gloves to do yardwork this weekend, but even they look better than THAT.

  6. Bratling

    Let’s call it glittery diarrhea, shall we? It looks like a diarrhea diaper that has been undiscovered for an hour and peed in besides. (either that or a swimmy diaper that has been pooped in during water play.)

    And now that I’ve sufficiently grossed everybody out, I think I’ll go now and rescue the 18-month-old from her four-year-old sister!@

  7. Gigi

    I can only imagine how awful it really is if the pictures don’t do justice to how gross it is!

    I’m glad you got that off pronto and didn’t walk around with it on. Ick!

  8. Just Vegas

    Wow, gross. I was going to say “ogre” but I’ll have to go with “zombie” instead. The bits on top look like splinters from clawing your way out of a coffin.

  9. Heather

    I have a revlon double ended polish. Mine is bright orange with gold crackle. Nothing was wrong with it, other than the orange became really dull with the gold crackle on top.

    Yours? Pretty hideous. Its funny you mentioned it because I looked at the colour in the bottle and thought, that looks nothing like the colour on her nails. No sooner had I thought it than you mentioned it!

  10. Shelly

    Wow, that is some awful nail polish! But, aren’t kids wonderful for those, “hey, look at this!” moments?! I love showing my kids stuff like that – they have such fun reactions.

  11. Tracy

    Perfect for a scary Halloween costume!

    Any chance you can use the “litter” topcoat with a different color bottom coat for a better effect? /grasping at straws


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