I have a new mug that I love enough to feel a little surprised by it, because why feel so strongly about a cup? But there it is.
I first saw it at Marshalls, AND it was on clearance, AND the last one left—and then I noticed it had a huge crack down the side. Dang it.
Then my mom and I went to another Marshalls another time, and there it was. On clearance ($3), last one left, but no crack!
I love the appearance of it, of course, and that’s a lot of the explanation for my passion (that shade of green! the pairing of that shade of green with the black-and-white! the shape of the handle! the slight flare-out at top and bottom of the mug!). But I also love the hand-feel (comfy handle with little thumb-rest on top; nice balance) and lip-feel (rim the right thinness and right angle), and those are crucial for long-term mug enjoyment.
Maybe you saw Title of the Song (here’s the lyrics version) when it was going around before, but when Paul played it this morning I found I had forgotten it and was ready to hear it again:
“Regret over the lateness of my epiphany.” “Naïve expression of love.” “Repetition of the title of the song (can you hear the title?).” “Drop to my knees to elicit crowd response.” I love all of it.
One of the best parts is the comments section. “Pointless comment about how I came here via Metafilter.” “Continued glorification of the video. Realization that in all likelihood someone else has probably made a similar comment. Declaration of how little I care if it is the case! Repetition of my glorification.”
I watched the video and I’m very confused. It seemed like a fine song but I can’t figure out why all those people were laughing. So I went and looked up the lyrics thinking maybe I was missing something and the song was making fun of something on the down low but lo …..nothing. I don’t get it.
Very super cute mug indeed. Id love to have a set of those and matching plates.
Bwahahahaaa! I shared the lyrics version on FB, because it helped me to “get” the joke faster. Plus the soundtrack was better.
Nik-Nak, the song is like a template for all love ballads that were popular in the 90s. It especially reminded me of Boys 2 Men. Hope that helps!
I love this. It reminds me of something I haven’t seen in a while: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbhrz1-4hN4
Thank you so much for this lovely Labor Day present, Swistle. I in fact missed this song when it was first going around (apparently) and I am very happy you mentioned it again. I clicked the lyrical version link, and every line was better than the next.
Also, I totally understand about the difficulty of finding a coffee mug of the right rim-thickness (or thinness as the case may be) for proper sipping, and am very happy for you to have found one you love. I have kind of full lips, and a lot of cups are problematic for me: I sip and end up with all kind of coffee drips around the edge. Or maybe it has nothing to do with mouth shape, and I just have some kind of handicap involving mug-sipping. I don’t know. But there are very few mugs I like, I know that.
I can’t watch the video right now, because children will flock to me and I don’t want them to. HOWEVER, you should go listen to this week’s TAL http://www.thisamericanlife.org/. Skip to the segment on the play, which is hilarious. (Or listen to the whole thing; it’s all good, but the play is the best part.)
This isn’t a real comment, only to say that Google Reader told me that I already read this post and I had not, and I want my post, darnit. Any RSS issues, or just me?
ssm- Hm! I wonder! I wouldn’t know an RSS issue if it bit me on the hand that fed it, so I am not sure!
I had never heard this song before, and it just totally made my evening. Thanks Swistle!
I’m feeling a certain amount of concern for the performer in the red shirt who left part way through. I was going to say I’ve never seen anything like it, but then I remembered that once, during a choir performance, the girl next to me fell all the way off the stage, rolled down the stairs, and into the dressing room. But other than that, I’ve never seen anything like it. I hope he was okay.
Oh, that is a VERY good mug!
Thanks for posting the song. I had heard it before, but forgotten about it. It’s a clever and smart concept.