Soup, BlogHer, Nerd 5K, Fleenus Try-Traps

I’m having soup for breakfast. It is a perfectly cromulent breakfast, but now I am onion-scented and it does seem too early for that.


This is the time of year when I start panicking if I’ve made the wrong decision and should quick buy a ticket for BlogHer ’11 before they sell out.


Listen, do you kind of want to get in on the whole “bloggers who run!” thing, but you are pretty sure you are genetically incapable of EVER getting in on the whole “I was feeling lazy, so I just did a short 10 mile run today!” thing? Reading and Chickens is doing a Nerd 5K for the socially-awkward, can-I-just-wear-my-jeans?, wanting-to-die-after-1-minute-of-running among us. Here’s the FAQ. The 5k will be run, or walked, or pretended-to-run-it-while-actually-sitting-at-home at the same time on the same day wherever you are, so we don’t have to make eye contact with anyone or worry that anyone is looking at us. I don’t know if I’m doing it or not: I’m in the stage of fretting and considering and making lists of pros and cons—which, if I know me, will last until it is too late to join in. But at this point I am favorably INCLINED toward the idea, and will consider it as I’m dying during my 1.5-mile walk.


Henry calls Venus fly-traps “Fleenus Try-Traps.” If you tell him the actual pronunciation, I will cutchoo.


Please help me boss Sara into naming her baby girl Penelope Rosalie. There is a poll, so you can boss her there if you don’t want to leave a comment.

On the review blog: review of a custom-decorated (with stickers) toothbrush and toothpaste for kids, with a $100 Visa gift card giveaway. Through June 9th.

15 thoughts on “Soup, BlogHer, Nerd 5K, Fleenus Try-Traps

  1. Elizabelle

    Well, I’m a blogger who kinda runs, and I feel genetically incapable of it most of the time. I’m training for a 5K; maybe I should write about it on my blog so it doesn’t seem like ALL the “running bloggers” are genetic mutants? PS I saw the “Kiss My Thistle” bumper sticker TWICE this week!

  2. Anna

    My little girl says ‘windowshelf’ for ‘windowsill’. I never correct her because it is very, very cute and also she has a point I think.

  3. sarahbb

    I have started and quit the C25K thing SO MANY TIMES. It’s embarrassing. I’m favorably inclined toward this, too, though. I don’t mind a little more public embarrassment.

  4. Annika

    I have no personal interest in whether or not you attend Blogher, but I can’t help but notice that it is only about two hours away from me this year. So maybe you should skip the Blogher ticket but buy the plane ticket IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

  5. Stimey

    I was going to go to BlogHer and now I can’t and if you go and I’m not there, I will DIE.

    Also, if you do decide to go, I have a ticket that I bought at early bird price that I’d be happy to sell to you to save you some money. I haven’t gotten around to trying to sell it yet, so if you want it….

  6. Eva

    Penelope Rosalieeeee!!!! Penny, Rosie, Lee, so many good nicknames! and It’s totally one of those names that are adorable for a 4 year old, but can go on to be a Senator’s Name. I have a name like that, and i love it. That’s the test for girl’s names if you ask me.

  7. Alicia

    My four-year-old (birthday today!) has been overgeneralizing a lot of suffixes… like “-es” on words that only need “-s” or “-ed” on words that only need “-d” (he sings a song about “I poopted in my underpants”). My grandmother today corrected him saying “leafes” (“leafus” for “leaves”… the ones on trees). He immediately corrected and probably will never say that again. It KILLS me. I mean, seriously, WTF.

  8. Shelly

    LOVE Feenus Try-Trap! I remember the last of my daughter’s “baby-isms” was “bissick” for biscuit, and when my mother-in-law taught her the correct pronunciation, I thought I would murder her. Broke my heart!


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