Idea for Remembering Resolutions

The trouble with resolutions is that I forget all about them. Like, did you know that last year I resolved to pass along good things I hear about people? ME NEITHER! It was a total surprise to me to read that just now!

You know what would be cool, would be to write our resolutions on a piece of paper and frame that paper somewhere we’d see it all the time. Then each year, replace the piece of paper. Not only would this be kind of fun (choosing the frame, decorating the paper), it might, like, WORK.

So I think I’m going to do that, if I can think of any resolutions. I guess I could reuse last year’s, since they seem completely fresh and unused.

18 thoughts on “Idea for Remembering Resolutions

  1. Elizabelle

    You know what, I think I do remember that one because I thought it was a great idea and I made a point to do it myself! So I completed that resolution for you; feel free to mark it off your list!

  2. Party of 5

    I’m not sure I want, “Lose 40 pounds and have sex with my husband more” in a frame where everyone can see it but it is a good idea if you have sweet and thoughtful resolutions like you had last year.

  3. d e v a n

    My problem is that when something is in a certain spot for awhile, I stop seeing it altogether.

    I was surprised by some of my resolutions too. I had totally forgotten them.

  4. Tara

    In 2009 I made a pretty list of my resolutions and hung a copy on the back of the front door so every time I left the house I remembered them. I only made 4, but I kept them all! If you don’t want the world to see them, you could put them up on the bathroom mirror, or wherever you sit to do your hair/makeup. :)

  5. Caitlin

    Oh, YES! I am doing this this year! I heard a great idea recently (of course I forget where) about picking a WORD for the year. So I have picked my word and am going to put it in a frame on my dresser where I can see it every morning. The word is LOVE.

    Love for myself by challenging myself: read more, eat better, exercise more. (I feel better when I do.)
    Getting rid of things I DON’T love: Clothes that don’t fit, decor and furniture I don’t love (but it was all I could afford at 23), etc.

    Love for my home: Completing some projects I’ve had in the works.

    Love for all: Choosing my attitude, not getting mired in the negative.

    ….LOVE! (Frames are FUN and so are projects!!)

  6. Caitlin

    Also, I meant to add that my hope is that by simply having a WORD, I will remember it and use it throughout the year. Even if I don’t stick exactly to my detailed plan here, what can go wrong with being inspired by Love for a whole year? Nothing, that’s what.

  7. Whimsy

    Last year I picked a single word to live up to – it was so much easier to remember my goal because it was a single word.

    (And now I just read Caitlin’s comment and realize that I’m just repeating what she said… but I can add this: the single word thing totally worked for me, it was awesome. I’m doing it again for 2011.)

  8. momma on the run

    I haven’t made resolutions in a while because they usually involve weight loss, and I usually fail at them completely, so I wind up feeling like a chubby failure. I tried again this year, hoping for a different result. I like the framing idea, though.

  9. Cherie Beyond

    I always think it’s better to set a life goal than a strict resolution. Something I’d like to do to improve my life. That works better for me. This year I’ve been feeling a bit poverty-stricken in my soul, so I think my goal will be “Live generously.” And I think I will take your idea and frame it and put it right by my bed, where I will see it every morning.

  10. Erica

    I think there ought to be a way for you to combine your idea for displaying resolutions and your love for calendars. Perhaps you might create your own calendar with photos that represent your resolutions for each month?

  11. Swistle

    Ooooooooo, Erica. Erica, this is good stuff. I am thinking. Maybe a group of photos of the children, but with a small text area representing one of the resolutions? And maybe have one resolution per month?—or else repeat some. HMMMMMMM. This need MORE THOUGHT.


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