This Post is Not Entirely About Cats, Despite First Three Paragraphs

The cat is still peeing in our laundry, so I am buying lidded hampers, a Feliway refill, new socks and underwear and t-shirts and towels, Nature’s Miracle, and two pairs of Etsy earrings. I am calling the earrings a “thank you for not euthanizing me” gift from Mouse to me.

And check out THIS development:

This is how Benchley sleeps: DRAPED.

I’d have more hope that this meant the end of the Pee Punishment, except that this picture was taken yesterday and she peed in our laundry this morning and then the cats had a big hissy spat. Plus, this might end up meaning my computer chair will be involved in a territory dispute and will need to be burned.

It is less than three weeks until my solo trip to see my brother and sister-in-law and niece and sister-in-law’s sister! And then it is only about a month after that until my brother and sister-in-law and niece move to a location an hour away from me! (We are still working on my sister-in-law’s sister.) The only downside of their move: I think it will look silly if I still bring my pink suitcase on visits to see them.

I was doing Postcrossing postcards last night and something fun happened. I had just finished a postcard and I got my next address—and the address seemed verrrrry familiar. It was to another person at the same address! I love when stuff like that happens. Once Paul and I both got the same person to send a card to. We realized it because he read aloud the person’s wish list and I recognized it as one I had seen a week or two before.

I don’t want to get all INTO IT here, because I know all of you with dishwashers already know all the problems with dishwashers. I just want to say that sometime soon I am going to have to point out to someone that “starting the dishwasher running” does not count toward doing one’s fair share of dishwasher duties.

14 thoughts on “This Post is Not Entirely About Cats, Despite First Three Paragraphs

  1. Theresa

    The little Feliway plug ins didn’t solve our pee problem either. I think it’s because the feel good stuff is only in that one place. I found this cat de-stresser collar for cats at Wal-mart though that is working wonders! You put it on the cat just like a flee collar, and they are only $8 as compared to at least $20 for the feliway, and it goes wherever the cat goes. Our old lady cat has been wearing hers for about 3 weeks now and amazingly NO PEE, NO spats. She is even coming out of hiding all the time now and purring all over the kids and company and everything. She hasn’t done that stuff in years. So now, all of our cats are sporting them.

    And I love your pink suit case! You should carry it anyway. *laughs*

  2. Inside the Philosophy Factory

    Mouse and Benchly will eventually get along, most of the time — they’re just doing the dominance battles for now. The peeing may or may not be related.

    We had a laundry peeing cat for years, she was young and generally cranky. Sometimes, once they start doing it, they’ll take any opportunity to do so. She wouldn’t get into hampers, but laundry baskets were fair game.

  3. Sarah

    I always think to myself, when reading or hearing people’s Cat Troubles, “Why even HAVE cats, they are nothing but a nuisance!” And then I remember how Jim and I both had to take turns circling our neighborhood this morning, in the middle of trying to get the kids ready for church, to find our runaway dog. AGAIN.
    So yeah… why do any of us have PETS, period?
    I suppose, though, this is the same logic many people use when choosing not to have kids. And frankly, it it a sound logic. But the heart wants what it wants!
    Good luck with the serial pee-er!

  4. Robin

    Okay: I had an old cat, a sassy new cat, and a peeing in laundry baskets problem. I tried Feliway, extra litter boxes, different litter brands, trip to vet to rule out UTI, etc. But still with the peeing. What eventually worked: Valium. 1 mg twice per day, prescribed by our vet. I remember it had to be name brand and not generic. We did a 30 day course and never had a pee problem after that.

  5. Shelly Overlook

    Someone in my house thinks that telling me the dishwasher needs run (even as he’s putting the last glass of the night into the machine) constitutes doing his duties.

  6. Astarte

    Hey – that cat is Sasha’s long lost cousin!!!! That’s how she sleeps on the heater!!!!

    I’m sure you know this, but be prepared. When one of our cats was peeing, every time we closed one avenue she (whichever one it was) found another. She’s mad at you, not the laundry. If it goes like ours did, you might want to close the bedroom doors for awhile, just in case, because she went from peeing on the carpet in our room to our bed when we took the carpet out, and then to other beds. God, I hope your cat doesn’t do that. Sending non-peeing vibes your way!!!!

  7. Kelsey

    Perhaps I’m just a tiny bit grateful to be allergic to cats at this point in time…

    They are not my favorite animal, but the way Benchley is draped over your computer chair is pretty freakin’ adorable. Sorry about the pee – I don’t have any good suggestions for you – I’m still trying to get my five-a-half year old to ditch her nighttime pull-up!

  8. sara

    Making a comment about the dishes, socks on the floor or general mess in a person’s area doen’t count? Well then, I’ve been doing it wrong for years.

  9. Anne

    Ick, I’m sorry about the peeing. We lost a couch to cat pee a couple of years ago, but eventually the pee punishment stopped.

    I’ve never heard of that postcrossing thing before, but that’s so cool! I’m totally signing up right now. I wonder if we’ll ever get each other in the postcard shuffle? That would be hilarious.

  10. Liz

    I actually would like to see an entry about if you think having a dishwasher has really lessened your workload or not. If it has saved you time, how much?

  11. Swistle

    Liz- I would say it doesn’t really save time or work but that it changes the KIND of time/work. Less soap and water, more loading/organizing and unloading. Upside: nice to have a place to let dirty dishes build up other than in the sink and on the counter. Downside: we keep running out of dishes before it’s time to run the dishwasher.


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