Free Charity

Pseudostoops is doing her annual charity series: she brings attention to lesser-known charities, and then she makes a donation to that charity of $25, plus an additional 50 cents for each comment received on that post. Normally comments are accepted only on the day of the post, but as you may have noticed the internet is sleeping/shopping/baking this week, so comments are lower than usual and she’s still taking comments on Monday’s and Tuesday’s posts. If you have a few minutes, you could give to some very nice charities for a few clicks and a few comments.

I really like her idea, and I’ll do a half-match: I’ll send the charities another 25 cents per comment received on her posts. So for each comment you leave, 75 cents goes to charity, and you can do that three times.

Click here to learn about (and get Pseudostoops and me to donate to) to The Women’s Treatment Center.

Click here to learn about (and get Pseudostoops and me to donate to) Sweet Miss Giving’s.

Click here to learn about (and get Pseudostoops and me to donate to) The Night Ministry.

Tomorrow, she’ll be choosing five charities nominated by commenters, and letting us vote which of the five should get a donation of $50.

It’s a fun idea and a great way to give money without having to, um, give any money.

9 thoughts on “Free Charity

  1. Sarah

    I commented and linked! Thanks for doing this, Swis- I have been feeling super guilty about not managing to do more charitable stuff this season. I mean, not the yuck kind of useless guilty, just the kind of “I really hate Christmas when all I manage to do is eat crap and shop and further mess up the house.” This made me feel better!

  2. Alice

    ROCK. i just went to vote on the final charity, and noticed your comment about your checkbook, and now i understand why! you are amazing and wonderful, just like pseudostoops! :-)


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