P.S. and a Care Package

You are going to feel a lot less sorry for me when you hear that one of the things in the mail pile was this care package from Shelly of Notthedaddy:

The way it happened was this: Shelly of Notthedaddy sent a care package to Shelly of Scenic Overlook, and the package included a book I’d been wanting to read, and I said so in a comment on Scenic Overlook Shelly’s post about the package, and Notthedaddy Shelly was all, “Oh hai! I am your fairy godmother!” and a package arrived in the mail for me. So now I’m thinking of trying that all OVER the place. “I’ve been wanting to drive that car,” I’ll say to you, or, “I’ve been wanting to try that Godiva chocolate,” and you’ll just hand it over!

This has put me in a care package mood. Plus, I’m trying to declutter, and I see no reason I couldn’t “declutter” the gift closet a little. So let’s have a care package. Leave me a comment that starts “I’ve been wanting…” and I’ll pick a winner on Friday night (the 18th). I am afraid you have to be in the U.S. (or APO/FPO) for this: it is SO EXPENSIVE to ship a car full of Godiva a box of clutter overseas.

112 thoughts on “P.S. and a Care Package

  1. Chris

    Not going to ask for a care package but I wanted to say- I LOVED that book! I’m reading The Girl Who Played with Fire now and it’s just as good so far. Same main characters.

  2. Christina

    haha I’m game! ;)

    I’ve been wanting a Kitchenaid mixer like the one in the background of your care package!!

    I’m also giving away something on my blog. Feel free to head on over!

  3. Jess

    I’ve been wanting BABY CLOTHES. I have to stay away from Target and Old Navy because it KILLS me to just walk by the baby departments. And yet I DON’T HAVE A BABY.

  4. Alice

    oh, hooray for shelly!! i need to read that book too, it seems to be The Thing To Read these days.

    i’ve been wanting… hmm. can it be that i’m not grousing for something at the moment?? that seems improbable.

  5. Eleanor Q.

    I’ve been wanting the person who switched my cuddly, funny 18 month old for this crazy, wild 18 month old to fess up and switch them back. Like now.

    I’ll settle for chocolate. Or caffine.

  6. jen

    I’ve been wanting to stop with the junk eating and start with the exercise – but this damn cupcake recipe has taken control and made me bake them TWICE in the past month. Ugh.

  7. CAQuincy

    I’ve been wanting…some Chai. Or a Pumpin-spiced latte. But I’m being good and economical and brewing coffee at home to take to work–how boring!

    I’ve also been wanting a shopping spree at Target. *sigh* Good and economical = depressing!

    BTW: Have I told you lately how much I love you? :-)

  8. Becky

    I’ve been wanting ice cream a lot lately, as well as another pumpkin scone from Starbucks. But now I’m wanting a car-ful of Godiva. I used to work at a Godiva store, and we got a 50% discount. It was still expensive, but who cares? It’s GODIVA. I love that stuff. Sadly, no Godiva store here.

    ps. My word verification word is tubons. Sounds like a nickname for me after eating all that ice cream, scones and chocolate. Thanks for the complex, google. Besides, I’m eating for two!

  9. beyond

    send the care package to someone who needs it more. (unless it’s the kitchenaid. ha!)
    you are going to love the girl with the dragon tattoo, and then you will want to read the girl who played with fire as well. excellent books.

  10. Sally

    I’ve been wanting my husband to come home from his week long camping/fishing trip and take back over his half of the childcare/housework. I’m too lazy to be a single parent!

    I really liked “Dragon Tatoo” but the second part of the trilogy (The Girl who Played With Fire) is even better. Don’t be discouraged – Dragon Tatoo is a bit slow at the start but it gets “sleuthy” (I think I just made that us but it fits!) toward the middle and crazy at the end.

  11. Melissa

    I’ve been wanting a vacation. Just some time away from work, to be at home with my husband and 1st grader. Just some time to help the 1st grader through the rough time he’s having right now.

  12. Mama Bub

    No Whey Mama stole my comment, so I’m just going to have to say that I’ve been wanting a lifetime supply of Nutella.

    Also, that book seems to be popping up everywhere. *Adding it to the list.*

  13. Erica

    I’ve been thinking of doing a care package myself.

    I’d love to win yours, but I’m afraid an actual package from SWISTLE would be too much for my heart and I’d die.

  14. amanda

    I’ve been wanting to find a magical item to purchase or make that will make life a little easier and/or more fun. A care package from Swistle might fit the bill :)

  15. Mimi

    Don’t pick me, because I was super lucky to get a Swistmas package from you last year and it was the most awesome thing ever and you should totally share that love to as many different people as possible.

    But… I have been wanting some of those cute plastic tumblers that Target always carries, except I live about two and a half hours away from my nearest Target (I KNOW!) so I never get to go and just browse. Whoa is me.

  16. Tuli

    I’ve been wanting good books! And for Autumn to arrive! And to lose 30 pounds (so if I win, send me DIET chocolate)! And a new job (but that’s up to me, not you. But I’ve been wanting one, so there it is)!

  17. Lauren

    I’ve been wanting some free time. Or maybe a cleaning lady. And I need a book list to tell me what to read because when I take two little kids to the library I can’t manage to find anything for myself. Also, I would like to make a really cool quilt. And I’d like to find some good fall recipes. And I’ve been wanting to get my hair cut short but I’m chicken. I’d also like to throw a wine tasting party only I’d probably fall asleep after one glass. And I could use something chocolate. Although none of this will be useful unless I get some of that free time. Well, except the chocolate.

  18. Leah Rubin

    I’ve been wanting a care package with a really fabulous book to love and some warm, soft socks and about a pound of $50 bills. Too much?

    Okay, how about this:

    I’ve been wanting to clear things out and declutter my own house, so for the love of God, woman, don’t pick me! (Unless we’re talking chocolate. Or books.)

  19. Di

    I’ve been wanting to have my whole family together, to have given birth to my son, and have our toddler here with us.

    And here we are, and I can’t help but wonder: WHEN WILL I EVER SLEEP AGAIN?????

  20. nicole

    The book is so unexpectedly good! When you first start it you might think it is not interesting, but it is!

    I have been wanting a pastry blender as I plan to tackle making my first ever apple pie this fall.

  21. 2Forgetful

    I’ve been wanting fun mail! I’ve been wanting cloth napkins because I read your blog and put them on my mental shopping list but never my actual shopping list. I’ve been wanting cool dish towels to distract people from the fact that I found the time to scrape the paint off of two walls in the kitchen but not actual time to paint. But really, I’m just wanting the fun mail!!!

  22. jird

    I’ve been wanting chocolate. Okay, mainly I’ve been wanting peace and courage and a job, but chocolate will fill the gap nicely. :) Actually, anything fun in the mail would work!

  23. Just Jiff

    sigh. I’m having a very rough time of it lately with my stepson’s egg donor’s drama.

    I’ve been wanting CHOCOLATE. and no drama. And cutesy stuff from Target to make me forget my issues for a bit. And maybe something to divert my attention from homework. and work. sigh.

  24. ccr in MA

    I’m waiting for that book to come from the library. It does seem to be everywhere these days, doesn’t it?

    I’ve been wanting the summer that missed us to happen. And I’m wanting my cat’s limp to go away. But if you mean a thing that can be held in the hand? Chocolate is always the answer.

  25. Mommy Daisy

    Cute package.

    I’ve been wanting…almonds. Just sounds good right now. Too bad I don’t have any in the house at the moment. I’ll have to grab some at the store tomorrow.

  26. Captivated

    I’ve been wanting a new lap-top, new kitchen knives, and window treatments.

    On the cheaper side, I’d just love anything that comes in the mail. I loved care packages in College and at camp. Part of the fun was wondering what was in the box. Some chocolate didn’t hurt either.

  27. Cagey (Kelli Oliver George)

    I am married to a kind, gentle man from India. His name is “Manoj”. I believe “Manoj” is the same as “Paul” in India. I could be wrong, but since a situation such as that is so very rare, I laugh at the possibility.

    P.S. I feel ya, sister.

  28. melissa

    I so want a husband like Paul to clutter up the house I’ve been trying to de-clutter while I’m on vacation…and to cut pull cords off of lamps (REALLY?!) Oh wait…I already have one of those!

  29. melanie

    i really want a good book to read. i finished everything i got from the library, and i hate to be in between good reads!


  30. DanielleCorrelle

    I’ve been wanting a good book to read. My little monsters… er, um, little angels, are finally at a point where they pretty much amuse themselves and mommy actually has time to read again. Instead though, mommy tends to play around on the internet.

  31. DomestiKook

    I’ve been wanting a box full of stuff I don’t need that my husband will totally groan about when he sees. I’ve also been wanting to send out my own care package surprise box from my own blog, but don’t really have any followers, oh and I keep forgetting to write new posts. Sad me would really enjoy a box full of random stuff from one of my favorite bloggers.

    I’m with you on the Godiva..hm maybe some can go out in my gift box!

  32. Laura

    I’ve been wanting to meet my daughter, but alas, she is comfy in my belly for now. Too funny about the book, I actually just put that on my goodreads “to read” list yesterday.

  33. marybt

    I’ve been wanting another Land’s End sweater (size L or XL), some Country Apple stuff from Bath and Body (or similar), a black dress (size 12 if it’s stretchy otherwise a 14), some DVD’s for my 2 year old, a year’s supply of toilet paper so I never have to buy any again, some picture frames, pretty much anything from Etsy, some soy candles, another reed scent diffuser, a coupon organizer, a roasting pan, and a pumpkin shaped pumpkin pan. Oh yeah, and some new tea towels – I love tea towels!


    By the way, Shelley rocks! That’s an awesome care package.

  34. tracynicole22

    I’ve been wanting a book that I can’t put down, some mint tea bags that are really minty AND have caffeine (do they exist?) and some extra sleep. But a Swistle care package would be fun too!

  35. Sara

    I’ve been wanting some energy (so.tired.cannot.move.), and would love to have a clean house. Obv, need the first to make the second happen! So, I guess I want a maid. And a cook. And a nanny. But a care package would certainly make me smile! :o)

  36. Jenny H.

    FUN! That book caught my eye as I actually HAVE a dragon tattoo on the back of my neck. I think I need this care package the super most. I am preggo with number three and currently being killed by all-dang-day-sickness. True story. But! If for some reason I do NOT get picked I will love you anyway.

  37. samantha

    I’ve been wanting some pretty stationary. Like, the kind you LOVE but never want to use because you don’t want it to be gone? And then when you DO decide to use it you have a points system as to who is actually WORTH of such cardstock? Yeah, that’s what I’ve been wanting :-) And if it came from Swistle then it would be even better!

  38. Me

    I’ve been wanting a pick me up lately. My boys and job run me ragged, and I’m sad that summer is ending. I am a target clearance whore myself, so if I don’t get picked I may just have to go up and do some damage to those endcaps :)

  39. Felicia

    I’ve been wanting…

    any fall/winter clothes to fit my children (boy 3T and girl 6-9 months or 9-12 months). (I know, BORING)

    Although personally I’ve been wanting some cool Target clearance stuff. The Target by me never has anything good but you always seem to score some awesome stuff!!

  40. Erin

    I’ve been wanting a Swistle care package for a while now. And have been thinking about using cloth napkins… :)

    And Christina totally beat me to the “I’ve been wanting a Kitchen Aid mixer” thing. :)

  41. Lawyerish

    I swear I’m not pandering here, but I’ve genuinely been wanting to try some Swistle brownies for ages (you know, FOR THE BABY) and I would never object to a package full of happy surprises. The thought of digging through a box and finding all sorts of cute, fun things makes me rather giddy, in fact.

    I have also been wanting a BLT and a nap.

  42. Courtney

    I know this is random, but I’ve been wanting a new cheese grater and a new pillowcase for my body pillow…

    …and also some ice cream to stop this incessant heartburn (I’m 35 weeks preggo today).

  43. Sheena

    I’ve been wanting a Swistle care package. Seriously, every time I read about one of your packages I think to myself, how wonderful would it be to find that in my mailbox? Brownies…hand towels…Target clearance product…I drool…

  44. Bethtastic

    I’ve been wanting a reed diffuser. I don’t know why I haven’t just bought one.

    And some denim capris that aren’t skin tight. While I LOVE the 80s, let’s get past the skinny jean phase…

  45. bat7mess

    I’ve been wanting to feel a little love lately. Especially since a couple of people have actually thrown me some hate. And my two year old will no longer let me kiss her :( A little love would be most welcome in the form of a care package. Especially one with chocolate!

    PS: something’s weird with my computer, so if you see this more than once, I’m sorry!

  46. Sam

    I’ve been wanting my mojo back. 8 months postpartum and there IS NONE. Am a dried up husk of a woman. I believe that a care package would fix this right the fuck up, yo.

  47. lisa

    I’ve been wanting my two boxes FILLED with several hundred dollars of Target goodies to show up. I mailed them myself on the 5th of August. Im loosing hope every day. Im guessing you can’t replace it all for me but I’ll settle for anything fun at this point. (sniff).

  48. Laura

    I’ve been wanting to know your secret to finding time to blog. I used to be somewhat more consistent and then baby #2 arrived (who is now 2!) and I can’t find enough hours in a single day. How do you do it! With double+ the amount of kids of myself! Oh, and your writing seems effortless and naturally flowing… I bow to you Dear Swistle!

  49. Emily R

    I’ve been wanting a label maker for as long as I can remember, but I just can’t seem to justify it. I suppose some delicious Swistle muffins wouldn’t hurt, either.


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