Watch Quandary

I saw this Casio watch at 75% off at Target yesterday (’s original price is inflated, because Target’s original price was $59-something and their clearance price was $14-something), and I DIDN’T BUY IT. Now I am kicking myself. What was WRONG with me? I was all, “I can’t read the display, whine whine!” but surely I could have LEARNED to read it? And it’s cute! And I need a watch! And it was 75% off! And it matches my new bathroom!

I’m wondering if I should drive back to Target today, more than an hour round-trip with three small children, on the off-chance that the watch will still be there. (Are you about to suggest that I call the store and have them check? THEN YOU ARE NEW HERE.)

32 thoughts on “Watch Quandary

  1. donna

    No, don’t buy that watch. You will just end up throwing it away next year when your mother in law comes because you will never have learned to read the display. I’ve been staring at it for a few minutes and cannot figure out what time it says it is.

  2. Mommy Daisy

    It is cute, but the display? Hmm, I don’t get it either.

    LOL, I’m like you too…call? Why would I call? I’d drive all the way there to find out they didn’t have it.

  3. Jen

    It reads 10:58, no? I say buy it. I have a watch that no one else can read but I LOVE it and I get so many compliments on it (not that it receipt of such is a reason to buy something). I say…if you have a need to go to Target for something else, then go. Otherwise, wait until the next scheduled trip and if it is still there, it is “meant” for you. Or wait until Paul is home and the kids are in bed and fly like the wind to Target on your own. I’m of the school of thinking that if you are still wishing you had bought something after 24 hours, then you should just buy it.

  4. Jess

    There will be OTHER watches that are cute and 75% off. And perhaps they will go with ALL your clothes instead of just some of them. And they will be the kind where when you glance at it, you immediately know what time it is. And that’s the point of a watch.

  5. Christina

    I can tell it says 10:58, but I don’t understand the other displays. I’m totally inept at programming stuff like that, so I’d probably walk around forever w/ the wrong date and the alarm going off. I say if you can get those under your belt than get it!

    It’ll match not only your bathroom, but your target clearance price and Tide bottle orange shoes!!! :)

  6. Alice

    i’m with the “No”s. that dispay is WHACK. (or is it wack? i never know) and there will totally be more clearance watches that are less… crazy. new watch!!

  7. HollyLynne

    I once drove to 4 different Targets trying to find more pairs of these fantastic wooly thigh high socks they had last winter. So I think you can guess where I stand about driving back and checking to see if it is still there :)

  8. Eleanor Q.

    I’m voting no. I think if you want orange stuff, most summer stuff is heading towards clearance and you’ll be able to find better orange fun there.

    ps: I really like the bathroom color!

  9. Whimsy

    **steering clear of Watch or No Watch Drama**

    Hey Swistle,
    I’m curious how long a typical Target trip is for you. You are seriously a Target girl, and can spot clearance where I would just be skimming. So it makes me wonder: how does one **plan** a good Target Plunder a la Swistle? Do tell, from start to finish. A Swistle Target Primer, if you will.


  10. Beth (A Mom's Life)

    It’s very cute but I’ve got a feeling it will still be there. There’s a reason they have it marked 75% off…either they had waaaaaaay too many or you and I are the only ones who think it’s cute?

  11. Kelly

    I DO think its cute but I’m always attracted to avant garde kind of things. the display makes it a no go though. I mean, NEXT time you’re at target if its there, do it…IF you can read it (thinking maybe in person its better?) If not, I promise there will be other watches that you can read. =)

  12. Mimi

    I love the orange-ness of it, but don’t care for the layout of the numbers. Confusing! But I guess for that low of a price I might be willing to be confused.

  13. Swistle

    Whimsy- I usually spend 1 to 2 hours in a trip, but it definitely depends on how whining/wearing the children are being. I can kind of LIGHTNING my way through it or I can browse and enjoy, and it also takes less time if there’s practically no clearance that day.

    I have a route that takes me past the endcaps, since the endcaps is where the good clearance stuff tends to be, and also through the middles of the departments that have clearance racks instead of endcaps (such as the clothing departments). I also glance up each aisle to see if there’s a patch of clearance tags.

    Definitely there are times when there’s just NOTHING. What generally happens is that first a bunch of stuff will go on 15% off, then 30% off…and so I start WATCHING for it, and when it hits 50% or 75% that’s when I SPRING. I try not to get too attached to any particular item: treasure-hunting works best if you want “some sheets” at 75% off, and not so well if you want “those specific sheets” at 75% off.

  14. Swistle

    Nowheymama- They’re not, because the price was $Reasonable x 2 = OMG. I’m hoping their twinness will help with the stress when they go to kindergarten next year—although they might be in different classes.

  15. Anonymous

    On the twins in kindergarten thing…….I have twin sisters and my mom fought pretty hard to have them in the same class through elementary school. My sisters were pretty independent of each other, so they didn’t have to worry about them hanging out with only each other. In 4th grade, the school really wanted them in different classes, but that was pretty much a pain because of different assignments, etc. In 5th grade, they went back to the same teacher.

  16. Ashley

    I am generally not one to comment on another’s fashion decisions, because well…I’m terrified someone will comment on mine. However, please pass on that watch. Anything that matches your bathroom shouldn’t accessorize your outfit! I vote find something gorgeous and shiny that you can admire yourself in, while in your bathroom.

  17. lenna

    I am a twin and the school split us up in the second grade. It was best for us both, especially my brother. We had our own language and he would speak that language to me and I would translate. So when we were split up he learned to talk on his own. Besides I would beat up anybody who looked cross eyed at him.
    Can you tell we are close?
    Most schools split up twins now days and don’t bother to ask the parents.
    I enjoy your blog so much. You are just too funny as your probably know. I bet your friends love to be around you. Everybody needs to laugh.
    Take care oh, and I sorts like the watch but would not like it if I couldn’t tell the time. Thus ~ a watch.
    God Bless ~

  18. Celeste

    That watch is on eBay and there seem to be several available. Of course you’d have to pay shipping and I don’t know if that’s against your religion, but maybe it’s worth it to put your max bid out there and see what happens.

    Otherwise speak up if you would want anybody else to be on the lookout for it. I’m new here, or else I’d know if you just really prefer the thrill of bagging your own discounted stuff at your own Target.


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