
My kitty Georgie died this afternoon. I don’t want to make a huge deal about it, because I realize he was a housepet and that he was elderly, but I’m in the mood to talk about him a little and so I will.

I got Georgie from a shelter in 1994 when I was married to my first husband, which means Georgie predates my current husband and all five of my children.


Kitten Georgie drying in the sun after a bath, in 1994 in the apartment I lived in during my first marriage. That’s a sprouted avocado pit acting like a tree nearby. The avocado plant died in a later move, and I haven’t successfully sprouted another pit. When my first husband and I decided to divorce, I was worried he would fight me for the cats. I needn’t have been: he said, “YOU are taking the cats” and I said “Whew.”


In this photo it is 1996, and Paul and I are living together in our first apartment. Georgie is holding a banana bread recipe for me while I bake.


Still in our first apartment, and by now Paul and I are married. Georgie is investigating the stock pot, and evidently I am baking cookies.


Here it’s 1999, and Georgie is giving newborn Robert a careful sniffing the day we brought him home from the hospital.


It’s 2005 and we’ve been living in our house for over 4 years. We have 4 children. Tolerant, patient Georgie allows baby Edward to lean on him and examine his collar.


Here he is sleeping in his usual spot, in his favorite box on the desk next to my computer monitor. I buried him in it this afternoon, so my desk looks weird and empty.

208 thoughts on “Georgie

  1. Penny

    I’m very sorry. I know how hard it is to lose a pet who is a member of your family and who has been your friend for a long time.

  2. Jess

    I’m so sorry. How strange it must be to lose someone who has been with you for pretty much everything that’s a part of your current life.

  3. Jewels

    You shouldn’t feel like you can’t make a big deal about it– Georgie was a part of your family for a long time and he was special and important to you. (I tend to get very indignant when people say things like “it’s just a pet” about, for instance, my cat). Anyhow, lots of love to you.

  4. Omaha Mama

    I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m sure things will feel strangely empty for a while. Maybe you could make a Georgie photo book with all of your awesome photos. They’re even on sale at Kodak right now, I know how you love a good sale. ;0)
    Hang in there.

  5. Mommy Daisy

    I’m so sorry! You’ve been through a lot with that cat. Pets are so special to us, and they share in these moments in our lives. They are truly part of our family, and I know you’re sad to have lost him. That’s OK!

    Our current dog is my first pet. We got him a year into our marriage (today is our 9th anniversary) when we bought this house. I know it will be one of the hardest days for our family when we lose him. (BTW he was 1 1/2 when we adopted him, so I suspect it won’t be too many more years.)

    Whether we want it to be or not, losing a family pet is tough

  6. Charese

    I’m de-lurking to tell you how sorry I am to hear about Georgie. Losing our animal family members is never easy. Hugs and good thoughts go your way, Swistle!

  7. aibee

    Oh, Swistle.

    I want to say more but all my brain is saying is, Oh, Swistle.


    I wish cats really DID live for nine lives. Then we’d never go though the pain of losing them.


  8. Christy

    Oh Swistle – I’m so sorry. I knew as soon as I saw the title of the post. I’ll be hugging my Gumbo a little tighter tonight because of your beautiful post.

  9. TheresaG

    aw, what wonderful memories you have. I dread the day my two leave me.
    and I agree with the other comments, you should be able to make as much a fuss over this as you want. They become part of our lives and our families, and leave a hole in our hearts when they’re gone.

  10. Heather

    My heart is breaking for you today. Even if you knew it was coming, he’s been a big part of your family for a long time so it’s ok to be upset. I’d be a blubbering mess.

    I’d send you one of my homemade cards but I dont know where you live so I’m sending you lots of warm fuzzies instead.

  11. alexis

    Oh, so, so, so sorry. What a sweet kitty, and what sweet memories of him. I’m glad you talked about him. Cats are a wonderful thing.

  12. Natalie

    Awww Swistle, your Georgie is like my Digit, in that she was with me during my first marriage (and I was all “phew” when he said I could take the cats too) and everything that came after that. She is twelve. And she is patient and tolerant too, and definitely part of the family. I’m sorry about your kitty.

  13. Heather D.

    Swistle, I am so sorry to hear of about Georgie. I know the pain of a beloved pet’s death and I feel for you. You have been a good cat Mom to him!
    Hugs to you

  14. Jen

    I’m so sorry to hear about Georgie. It’s always very hard when loosing a pet as they (to me) are just as part of the family as everyone else. I lost two cats this past year so I know how hard it can be. I’ll be thinking of you!

  15. Erica

    I’m so glad that it wasn’t sudden and that you were able to lavish Georgie with extra shoulder time and love.

    I’m sorry that he’s gone, but I’m happy that the two of you found each other and had all those years together.

    Tonight when I say my prayers, I’ll be sure to ask that Georgie gets shoulders to lay across in heaven.

  16. Nicole

    So sorry for your loss. The fact that he pre-dates your husband and kids is huge. He has been a tremendous part of your life and you should write about it. He looks like my Murphy and the thought of not having him around for morning love or his evening violent love makes me verclempt.
    So sorry.

  17. Gina

    I’m so sorry about Georgie! It’s always hard to lose a pet, but when it’s a pet like Georgie, it’s even harder. I lost my first cat a few years ago, and he was the first pet that was mine – not my family’s. Like you, he predated my husband and kids – he was family.

  18. JK

    I am so sorry for your loss. He was part of your family and the loss is very real. I lost my boy (cat) almost 4.5 years ago and I still miss him everyday.

  19. Anonymous

    So sorry to hear Swistle! Poor Georgie. If you are like me at all, Georgie was probably your first “child” before the kids came along. He was a member of your family, and I know he will be missed.

    This post has me giving my kitty a little extra lovin’ tonight. :(

  20. Nervous

    Swistle, I’m so sorry. It’s daunting even when you know it’s coming. That was a lovely recap of his many years with you – I especially love the pic of him holding the recipe card, what a sweetheart. I’m glad he was able to live such a full happy life with you and your family.

  21. Anonymous

    i am so sorry. i put my elderly kitty to sleep july 4th weekend and it was 10 times harder than i thought it would be. i kept saying, its so silly i am upset”he’s just a cat” but he was MY cat since I was 12 – and I turn 30 next week. It’s sad. I am so sorry.

  22. Jenipurr

    I’m so sorry you had to say goodbye to your kitty. My oldest kitty is almost 19 years old and I am dreading the day when I have to do the same. A cat who’s been with you that long, through so many life changes, is definitely not ‘just a housepet’, he was a member of your family. Big hugs of sympathy to you.

  23. Angie

    Oh, I’m sorry about your kitty. Our cat, that we’d had since 1995, disappeared earlier this year, and I am still feeling sad about it. Just a house pet, but part of the family and loved nonetheless.

  24. Marie Green

    Oh, man, I needed some perspective, because as I type this David is in the office cleaning up where Coco has recently taken to peeing. She’s had a previously perfect record with the litter box, so we were pretty mad…

    But, now I’m thinking of Georgie and how much animals add to our lives.

    Thanks for sharing.

  25. willikat

    You are so lucky to have had such a sweet, loving pet. What a beautiful, wonderful friend. By that I mean you! You were a loving and wonderful kitty-mom. I am so heartbroken for you…hugs from me. Since I’ve been on kind of a crying jag today, I’m adding a few tears for you and Georgie.

  26. misguided mommy

    there is already a jillion comments but whatever. i am so sorry. cats are so hard, it’s like losing a kid, your FIRST kid. my heart goes out for you. and the shoe box was the sweetest thing ever.

  27. Kristi

    Oh I am so sorry. I cried while reading this because I too have a kitty that predates my husband and kids and know I’ll miss her dearly when she is gone.

    Lots of BIG HUGS to you and your family.

  28. J.L.S.

    Delurking to say you got me with the shoe box. Well, actually you got me with an orange cat with a wonderful name. As one who has three cats, this was hard to read — but he sure looked happy and it’s clear he adored his family. Such a fitting tribute to bury him in what he most loved to rest in. Sorry to hear about your loss.

  29. DomestiKook

    Beautiful tribute for a beautiful boy. My tears and hugs are with you. I’ll give my Gus a little extra love tonight and remember to be grateful even when he drives me nuts.

  30. Anonymous

    I am sorry for your loss. Georgie looks like he was a wonderful companion and family member and will be greatly missed.

  31. drhoctor2

    Delurking to extend my sympathies, Swistle..what a GOOD cat..may the earth be soft as down to him..
    Make a fuss…our pets give us so much for so little.
    I love all the photo’s but the sniffing infant one is classic kittyness…

  32. Alice

    oh swistle, i’m sorry. this post had me choked up. the picture of young georgie sniffing robert.. oh my goodness. he may have been “just a housepet” but he was YOUR housepet, and a part of your life. hugs and hugs and hugs.

  33. Kate

    I’m so sorry, swistle. That was a lovely tribute to Georgie. Looks like he was a real sweetie!

    I’m really sorry for your loss.

  34. Clarabella

    Aww, Swistle, I’m so sorry, but what lovely memories you have AND have photographic evidence of.
    I missed this post in my reader earlier and was wondering over SamanthaJo’s tweet about bursting into tears over something you posted. Now I’ve gone and done the same thing (burst into tears).
    Losing a pet is hard. I hope you bask in those memories (and maybe bake yourself some condolence cookies in remembrance of Georgie.)

  35. Whimsy

    Oh Swistle,

    I’m so very sorry about Georgie. I loved hearing about him, and can clearly see all the joy and kitty-love he brought to your life. I just adore seeing the pictures of him – what a sweet little man he was.

  36. Stacia

    Oh hon, I am so sorry. Georgie looks like a great cat and you obviously gave him a wonderful home.

    We also got a kitty in 1996, and we buried him 2 months ago, so I know how you feel *hugs*

  37. jac

    I am sorry – he looks like a lovely, patient, tolerable cat. And especially helpful with the baking, which is where I find most cats lack that extra edge.

  38. DCMomma

    Oh swistle I am so sorry for your loss.
    Georgie will be missed! I love the pic with
    the recipe card.

  39. dramamama

    I am SO sorry! Bear and I lost our Clovis cat a couple years ago. He was our first pet together, and he predated our marriage and our children. It was so hard. *hugs*

  40. Christine

    Rest in peace Georgie. Swistle, I am so so sorry. It’s so hard, no matter if we know it’s coming or not. Thinking of you and Georgie today, he had a good life and was so loved.

  41. Tonie

    This was a lovely tribute. I have found this poem so comforting when faced with loss, that I want to paste it here for you – even at the risk of sounding like the woo-woo “poetry” person.

    In Blackwater Woods -by Mary Oliver

    Look, the trees
    are turning
    their own bodies
    into pillars

    of light,
    are giving off the rich
    fragrance of cinnamon
    and fulfillment,

    the long tapers
    of cattails
    are bursting and floating away over
    the blue shoulders

    of the ponds,
    and every pond,
    no matter what its
    name is, is

    nameless now.
    Every year
    I have ever learned

    in my lifetime
    leads back to this: the fires
    and the black river of loss
    whose other side

    is salvation,
    whose meaning
    none of us will ever know.
    To live in this world

    you must be able
    to do three things:
    to love what is mortal;
    to hold it
    against your bones knowing
    your own life depends on it;
    and, when the time comes to let it go,
    to let it go.

  42. kittymoo

    Oh, poor Swistle! I treat my two cats like children, and will be devastated when they go. My heart goes out to you! And for Georgie, who seems to have had a wonderful life, but would have loved to have as many years as you will.

  43. Pickles and Dimes

    I am so sorry, Swistle. What a wonderful tribute to Georgie. He seemed like a cat with a gentle soul and a good sense of humor.

    Please don’t feel like you can’t talk about it because it is a big deal. If anything, you can email me a BOOK about Georgie and I would read it because I love hearing about people’s pets so much.

    I love that you buried him in his favorite box, and I especially love that photo of him holding the recipe card.

  44. carrie

    I’m so very sorry. We lost a kitty a few months ago – they really do become part of the family. I’m glad you talked about Georgie and shared some of your memories with us. He was beautiful! The pic of him holding the recipe card is priceless!

    If the kids are missing him – the book Cat Heaven is a great little book that helped my girls. They like to think our cat is up eating tuna out of white saucers up on the countertops in Heaven with all the other kitties.

    Hugs to you!

  45. Megan

    So sorry about Georgie. I can’t help but tear up because I know how much that kind of loss affects a person. Even if it was time and he had a good life and blah blah blah it still just really sucks. I’m sorry.

  46. Shelly

    I’m so sorry to hear that Georgie is gone. He was a beautiful cat and was with you a long time. I’m glad you had those last months to lavish him with love. And that picture of him holding the recipe card is unreal! What a great cat.

  47. Abbie Dahl

    I’m so sorry about your loss. Sounds like Georgie was an important part of your life… through both good and bad. I’m sure you wil miss him terribly.

  48. Brooke

    I’m so sorry. Sometimes pets aren’t JUST pets. Recently my dog got a mysterious infection, and early on it looked like we were going to have to put her down. She is only 7 and she was not in apparent pain; she jumped around and ate like a champ. I fretted and cried. She is OK now (the doctor was all surprised and I was all, you let us spend all that money thinking she was going to die anyway?), but I feel your pain a little. Take care of yourself.

  49. Anonymous

    I’m so sorry. I have two cats approaching elderly and I can
    hardly stand the thought. I hope
    the empty spot on your desk is
    soon filled.

  50. Kate

    So sorry to hear this. And I agree with the others, please, make a fuss, pets are such an important part of our lives. He was such a beautiful kitty.

  51. rebecca

    He is the spitting image of my Frodo. He was a beautiful cat and he obviously got to live many wonderful years with a family that loved him. I love the picture where your son is inspecting his collar. Sorry to hear about your loss. They do leave a mark in your heart, don’t they?

  52. Snoopyfan

    What a wonderful tribute to your very special boy. Now I must pull myself together so the kids don’t ask me why I am crying.

    RIP Georgie, I am sure it is all fresh catnip and sunbaths in heaven.

  53. Susanica

    What a beautiful tribute Swistle. So many things I wish I could say but all I can think of is to say that your pain is real and your loss profound. So sorry. -Monica

  54. val

    I’m sorry for your kitty. I consider my cats my furchilds so I’d be very upset. It sounds like he had a nice long life.

  55. Morrigan

    What a moving tribute to a beloved member of your family. Georgie was as lucky to have you in his life as you were to have him. I’m so sorry for your loss.

  56. bluedaisy

    I think pets are essential members of the family- it so amazing that Georgie was with you thru so much!!
    Apparently, based on 160-some comments, we all get it :)
    Lots of love!!

  57. shygirl

    Oh, Swistle. We just went through this ourselves and I’m still reeling, but I want to say: heartfelt hugs, and lucky, lucky Georgie for having such a wonderful family. How good and joyous to bring a cat into your life and love him so much. I firmly believe that affection makes the world a better place, and in a way, the deep sadness is a reflection of the deep affection you’ve given (and are still giving, even now). Well done, even though this part sucks, because affection wins the day. (These thoughts have been comforting me and so I wanted to share them; I hope it’s not coming off all assvice-y.)

  58. Emma

    I lurk, reading your blog and occasionally finding such truth in what you say a tad uncanny.

    I am so sorry that Georgie is gone – judging by the way you speak of him and the beautiful pictures, he was much adored and will always be loved.


  59. Katie

    That last photo and caption made me cry. I am so sorry. I think I had such a hard time losing our dog last year because she sort of represented my youth…my pre-mommy days. And it felt like I was just that much older and different than I was when I got her. I don’t know. But your post made me feel the same way. I am so sorry you lost your dear friend….

  60. MzEll

    Sweet boy… We’re thinking about all of you, Mz. Swistle. Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures… He’s got good friends wherever it is that he is going…

  61. Kim

    My sincerest condolences. There’s a purity to the love we share with our feline family members and I’m sorry that you’re grieving. Wishing you peace.

  62. Kelly

    Oh I’m so sorry. I totally believe in cat heaven so I’m sure he’s frolicking about in the great kitchen in the sky. there is something about orange cats, isn’t there? I had one growing up and he had the coolest personality ever. There is that same silly spark in the pictures of Georgie. He was adorable. that was a beautiful post. If I believed in reincarnation, I would want to come back as a cat in your house. He knows how much you loved him and that doesn’t go away. Ever.

  63. Julie

    Losing a pet is horribly sad. They have special qualities that people never can fill. It effected me for weeks when I lost my sweet Chloe’, and I suspect you will feel it for some time, too. It looks like he was a great kitty. So sorry, Swistle!

  64. Melissa R

    So sorry to hear that you’ve lost your friend, Georgie. He sounds like he was a great cat and you will obviously miss him a great deal.

  65. Kate @ Life As I Live It

    Awwww Swistle…I’m so sorry. What a loss. Yes, our lives are never the same after losing a pet we’ve had for such a long time. I too have a kitty from a first marriage. He’s 15.5 and pre-dates my husband and kids and I’m going to be lost without him, as I’m sure you feel about Georgie.

    I hope your heart heals quickly and you can remember the warm purring love he gave you for so long.

  66. Sally

    So, so sorry about your kitty but glad you have pictures and your memories of him to keep always. It’s so hard to lose such a big part of your family and your HOME. (That was the worst part for me when we had to put our beloved old dog down. He was ALWAYS waiting at the door everytime I came home . . .) My sympathies on Georgie’s loss.

  67. Katie

    Oh, Swistle. Even when you know it’s coming, it’s so hard to lose a pet. Sending you lots of hugs and chocolate chip cookies.

  68. Fay

    Swistle I am so, so sorry. I lost my 15-year-old, predated-EVERYTHING cat Einstein in May. On Mother’s Day. It sucks and I’m glad Georgie had such a good Mama. :)

  69. Joanne

    Oh, these heartbreaking pets of ours! I never had a pet since I had children, and it is dawning on me how much harder that would make it. You are in my thoughts, as is Charlie. Hang in there, sister.

  70. Christina

    I’m so sad to read this, Swistle! Thank you for sharing this look down memory lane of your life with Georgie! I love the picture of him calmly holding the recipe card, my cat would never stand for that!

  71. Becca

    Thats so sad. Seems like he lived a long and happy life though! Maybe get another cat? Just remember, the next one wont be like he was. :)

  72. melissa

    It’s always hard to lose a member of your “fur family”, especially since animals are so much easier to love than people sometimes. It seems you gave Georgie a good life though. I’m sorry for your loss.

  73. Tara

    I am WAY behind, so I’m just now reading this. Swistle, I am so sorry for your loss. I’ve lost a cat to kidney disease, too, and she was everything to me that it sounds like Georgie was to you. I know this is hard for you.

    LOVED the pictorial “wake.” Thanks for sharing Georgie with us. Sending you & the family hugs. . .


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