
This morning I woke from a dream in which I was tending to an old, fat owl named Charlie, and I must have worked REALLY HARD tending to Charlie because my eyes are crossing with exhaustion. I’m fantasizing about the number 1 combo at Dunkin’ Donuts (which doughnuts would I choose? would I get toasted almond coffee again or would I try another flavor?), but instead I made do with my coffee pot, some flavored creamer, and two muffins. Meh. I’m still cross-eyed.

Meanwhile the children are acting as if they have to keep talking at a certain speed or the bus will explode, and the laundry is smelling as if someone wiped up milk and didn’t rinse the washcloth, and I just spent $35 on THREE TEASPOONS of antibiotic for a cat who got bitten by another cat, and I think it’s the EXACT SAME ANTIBIOTIC the pharmacy sells for less than $10 for a whole bottle even without insurance. And I have a mosquito bite on the inside of my knee. Annnnnnnddddd….I think that’s all I can think of to complain about.

Feel free to add your own complaints and/or doughnut preferences.

49 thoughts on “Whining

  1. Whimsy

    Can I do both?

    -Sick husband, sick child, and now it looks like I’M sick too.
    -Gigantic bugs… one hidden away INSIDE MY SUITCASE
    -A family reunion talent show that lasted FAR TOO LONG last night.
    -Upstairs neighbors at the YMCA we’re staying at (we won’t even GO THERE in this list) that are far too loud.
    -Not being home. Yes, that’s my biggest complaint: not being home.

    Okay, I feel slightly better. What would make me feel even better than that is to eat a twist donut and follow that up with a chocolate glazed.

  2. Raven

    My fave DD flavor is Hazelnut. All this talk of Toasted Almond has me curious about it though, I think I might have to try that one!

  3. Robyn

    Double chocolate frosted with a medium dunkachino (shot of french vanilla added). Mmmmmmm….

    For a side of whine — I don’t feel like being at WORK today!!!!!

  4. -R-

    I have been daydreaming about apple fritters lately. It is quite pathetic.

    The only thing I want to complain about is that I am so tired. My almost-9-month old is still waking up three times a night. Last night, I think he woke up five times. When will he start sleeping?!

  5. Eleanor Q.

    Husband was talking about Things I Need To Do before I had breakfast so I got snappy and ruined both our mornings. It’s supposed to rain. I’m still tired. We are out of cereal.

    I think 2 regular glazed would be wonderful right now.

  6. desperate housewife

    My number one complaint would be a lack of DD in our town. Along with lack of Target or anything else cool. Meijer, you just cannot compete with Target imo.
    Also: I swear the more I work out the BIGGER my effing legs get. I think if I want to lose the chubby thigh disease I’ll actually have to… diet. And that is SO not going to happen. All I can think is, “And hopefully soon I’ll be pregnant and that will mean PREGNANT LEGS. The worst!”
    Mmmm. What else? Well, husband is annoying me a tidge. Kids are annoying me a smidge. Dog is annoying me a BUSHEL FULL. But that could be all the extra hormones talking.

  7. Ms. Flusterate

    Whine list:
    1- Oldest daughter has lost her summer college class textbook, has 2 cavities and needs her wisdom teeth pulled (hmm..maybe SHE should be whining but we all know who pays the real price here)
    2- Middle daughter has mysterious hole in front tooth (wth?), strange cough and is having a sleepover tomorrow night after the Greenday concert (UGH…once again, WHO pays the price for all of this?)
    3-youngest daughter needs 2 teeth extracted soon before the braces can go on and is an anxious ball of preteen angst. Period must be due at any moment.

    Donut order:
    Biggest any-flavored coffee with ANY kind of donut.

  8. Jay and Amie

    You need to try the coconut flavored coffee. It sounds weird, but its tasty and makes you feel like you are on vacation. Donut flavor: French Cruller. Ooooh or the ones with the Jelly AND the Cream in them. But they don’t make those very often.

  9. Kira

    Complaint: tired of the summer tread-mill, yet not ready AT ALL to gear up for the school year. It’s even spawned my own Fantasy. Seriously.
    I would order regular coffee and two cream-filled donuts. I love cream-filled. It’s like eating donuts AND frosting out of the can. It’s the least adult thing I ever do.

  10. Melissa

    Complaints-I am 10 weeks pregnant with my first baby. I’ve lost 5lbs this trimester , but none of my pants fit. (my brand new pants that I bought for a new job, but had hemmed so I cannot return them.). However, the maternity pants look ridiculous right now. Also, I am right between a regular 16 and 1x depending on the brand and our local maternity store snottily informed me they carry no larger than a large. They simply don’t make xl, she said. This not only hirt my feelings (see hormones) but also made me panic. Am I going to be going to my new job in baggy Men’s tshirts? Do bigger ladies not get pregnant?

    The idea of donuts or coffee makes me gag. All I can think about is fruit. I would bypass dd and get a large can of mandarin oranges insttead.

  11. Becky

    Can I complain that I don’t have any donuts right now? Because that’s a major complaint. DD is taunting me – it is literally Right. Across. The Street. But I’m too lazy to hop down the elevator and partake.

    Perhaps now I should complain that I am too lazy.

    And p.s. to Melissa, congrats on your pregnancy! Do you have a Motherhood Maternity near you? They have XLs as well as plus size. And Lane Bryant used to have maternity online – not sure if that’s still the case. Good luck!

  12. Kathy

    Never been to DD because the closest one is a three-hour drive from my house.


    1. Company coming at 1pm and so totally do not feel like tidying up before she gets here.

    2. Was hoping kids would sleep in. They did not.

    3. Giant pot (which does not fit in dishwasher) is dirty and needs washing.

    4. Cannot find Wii Fit CD this morning. And yoga was sounding good, too.

  13. Sam

    1. Baby asleep at midnight. Up at 8am. WTF?

    2. I have to buy special, super expensive donuts (gluten free) which really sucks.

    3. aforementioned baby is making cranky noises. BAH!

  14. Heather

    Complaint: there is no DD in Australia so I cant taste all the yummy flavours everyone has mentioned (but I couldnt anyway, I’m diabetic).

  15. Buster

    Whine: I have a pounding headache and my city decided that today is a good day to resurface my road, so it’s all clanking and banging and beep-beep-beep as the trucks back up and bulldozers and dump trucks crashing around right outside my house and SHUT UP OR MY HEAD WILL EXPLODE.

    Doughnut preference: cake doughnut, chocolate icing. Close second: cream cheese danish.

  16. Cookie

    I love DD Blueberry Cake donut.

    As for complaints:
    – Wish my 16-month-old would sleep through the night, although he’s getting better.
    – Wish my 4-year-old was more cooperative.
    – Think the cost of gas is ridiculous, especially to fill up a minivan.

  17. JK

    I don’t have time to complain, must finish something for work! (That counts as a complaint, right?)

    Here’s a money saving idea…. If your vet prescribes antibiotics, you might ask if they can call it in to the local pharmacy. I do that all the time. In my state, it’s a law that vets have to do that for you if you ask. (It’s not a law in all states.) I was getting charged $28 at the vet for something I could pay $1 for at the Costco Pharmacy.

  18. Di

    Oh, and as for DD – I like the plain iced coffee and a chocolate cake glazed, with a jelly donut.

    Always a jelly donut.

  19. Claire Bingham

    I think I can combine both. Was trying to be all goody goody and diet conscious this morning so I RUINED my DD Iced Coffee by requesting Splenda and Skim instead of cream and sugar. YUK! So ticked that I spent $2.59 on crummy coffee. Next time, I’m going fully leaded and adding a Bavarian creme donut with chocolate frosting too. Size 14 be damned!

  20. jen

    I can combine both into one! Someone brought a box of store-bought donuts to the office today and left them out to share – I made the mistake of taking one. There was something not right about them – like dry biscuit dough with glaze? I much prefer Tim Horton’s Maple.

  21. Lippy

    Summer is almost over and I have to go back to teaching I am not ready to leave the baby. This is the last baby and I am not ready to go back to work. And I have been getting wicked headaches everyday for the last months so I need to make a doctor apointment. I hate talking to people I don’t know on the phone so I have been putting off making the call. I have a weakness for the maple bar.

  22. bethsix

    Right this minute, I hate my job. And I would like a chocolate cake donut (all minutes). Thatwouldbegreatthanks.

    And WA has nothing on TX. It is regularly over 100F after 9pm here. Baaaaaarrffffff.

  23. Kristi

    Oooooo complaints! I’m good at those!

    It was 95 degrees here at 8am and supposed to be 106 by this afternoon. Uh, and it’s NOT a dry heat!

  24. CAQuincy

    Whine, whine, whine.

    My payroll person just informed me that I am NOT entitled to bereavement time for the death of my husband’s grandmother. This AFTER my boss–the HR MANAGER–told me I was, and I had already taken the time. She is very “kindly” allowing me to use vacation time instead–but I don’t have that much vacation time left! Just sent an “appeal” email. Why should I be penalized for my boss–the HR MANAGER–misreading the flipping rule book!! Compromise, please!

    As for DD. I like Vanilla Chai–I’ve never really tried the flavored coffees. But toasted almond sounds lovely! And…well…I’m not such a big fan of doughnuts to be able to say which kind is my favorite (I know! I’m sorry!). I usually go for the cake doughnut if offered….

  25. Rah

    Pushing the retractable handle of my rolling briefcase back down inside its little slot (and please don’t laugh–I have to get it up a very steep hill), I somehow jammed a piece of flesh covering the whole first joint of my pinky down into the slot. The skin did not tear but it was caught securely, and I had to pull the handle back OUT (ouch OUCH O-U-C-H) to get the flesh out. @#!AX#%!. It left a blood blister about an inch long and 1/2 inch wide. Sooooo, I figure a hazelnut coffee with real cream, one chocolate cream filled, and one vanilla cream filled, and one casket to go.

  26. HollyLynne

    Had to fix our oven (BECAUSE IT WAS SHOOTING FLAMES) and that cost $300. And now, 2 days later, my husband’s computer is in the shop. Looks like a hard drive failure, and the diagnostic ALONE is going to cost $139.

    It is my FREAKING BIRTHDAY too in 3 weeks (MY THIRTIETH!) and we’ve got a 3 day Disneyland vacation coming up (SQUEE!) but I’d really rather the experience NOT be ruined by feeling broke due to all the FREAKING EXPENSIVE THINGS IN OUR HOUSE BREAKING.


    That was helpful. Thanks for the venting opportunity!

  27. anne

    I’m in a good place today so the whining is minimal: 1.)the new paint color I put on my bathroom walls looks like band aids, and 2.)my kid has a summer cold.

    Now onto the doughnuts: I’d love a cinnamon sugar cake doughnut (or 5) fresh from the oven from my fave bakery.

  28. Beth (A Mom's Life)

    I love DD. However, I live in NC and they aren’t on every corner like they are in MA (where we just returned from vacation.) I get addicted to DD coffee and donuts every time we visit my husband’s relatives in MA. I would be totally fat if I lived so close to so many DDs.

    With that said, I prefer their regular coffee with cream and Splenda. And I love their Blueberry Cake donuts…actually any of their Cake donuts are good.

    And all this coming from a Southern girl who lives in Winston-Salem – the home of KRISPY KREME!!!!! (Shhhhh…don’t tell anyone. They might make me move.)

  29. Amanda

    DD order: Number 1, medium iced coffee, extra, extra, two glazed donuts (does anyone else remember growing up calling them honey dipped?)

    Whine: I have to watch a friend’s son tonight. He’s a BEAST when his parents aren’t around. They frequently watch my son though so I don’t MIND or I wouldn’t mind if he weren’t such a fresh little punk. That’s what friends are for right?

  30. beyond

    regular black coffee, one glazed donut. (i don’t drink coffee anymore, but i remember dd coffee was very decent.)
    headache all day, but then i got an accupuncture treatment and now i feel great. i guess that’s a complaint with a happy ending…

  31. MzEll

    I haven’t been to DD since right after I graduated from HS! So ANYTHING form there sounds so very heavenly.

    Whines: Wednesday busted his head open last night and we had to take him to the ER. Now I’m following him around like a hawk, trying to keep him from bonking it again.

    I bruised my baby tummy sometime while we were at the ER and ow.

    The 4 year old is trying so hard to be good and I feel bad that he’s being limited because of his brother.

    There is no more camp for the little one, which means my productivity level for the rest of the summer just dropped significantly.

    I have Big Cooking that needs to be done, but I feel like I can’t just let Wednesday play in the next room anymore..

    Fanks, Mama Swistle…

  32. Carla

    I returned to work after 8 week maternity leave and we had a fire drill in the 115 degree heat.

    All I can think of is ice.

  33. Miz S

    Knee hurts from swimming/vacation injury. Am limping about feeling sorry for myself. Picturing myself as an old woman, still limping. Would LOVE a maple frosted doughnut.

  34. The Gori Wife

    I’m halfway through the two-day suckfest extravaganza that is The Bar Exam. It is really really really, no really very terrible. Today I wrote for 6 hours about topics I have little or no knowledge about. Tomorrow I have to read through 100 pages of 200 multiple choice questions. It cost me almost 1k to apply and take this stupid exam, and more than 2k for a fancy-schmancy review class, and if I fail it (not UNlikely, is all I’m saying) I’ll have to do the whole thing all over again.

    I like the peanut doughnut, but it’s a difficult one to find. Oh, and the chocolate glazed – not the regular kind with the brown chocolate icing – the brown doughnut with the clear glaze. Mmm. Doughnuts. (NOT “donuts”. I appreciate your proper spelling!)

  35. Christy

    My only complaint is the heat. It was 97 degrees today, supposed to be 101 tomorrow, and we don’t have a/c because we live in Seattle where it’s not supposed to EVER get this hot.
    We don’t have a DD nearby, but I’d love an iced coffee and a pershing.

  36. Emblita

    Ooooh I looove the little doughnut holes from DD.

    I’m sick, I’ve been sick for more than 10 days… and I’m the only one at work. Also the daycare is closed for summer vaca until next week so even if I would stay home I still wouldn’t get any rest.

  37. Mom et al

    1. My 3 year old daughter’s morning/afternoon/evening tantrums are starting to make me twitch.

    2. There’s a mouse in my house, or if I want to admit it to myself, probably mice. My husband found mouse poop on the floor in the kitchen (ew) and we’ve actually seen the little bugger scurry across our living room, under the couch, to another as of yet discovered location.

    3. We’ve got a trap for the mouse, which is supposed to kill it ever so humanely by electrocution, and I feel totally guilty about it. I’d let the little dude be if he weren’t leaving tiny nuggets around for my eats-everything-he-can-get-his-hands-on toddler.

    4. So, if we actually catch said mouse (mice!!!), I asked my husband how we dispose of it. His answer was, “oh we just put it in the trash bag and toss it out on trash day”. Dead mouse carcass sitting in my kitchen trash can???? Hell no.

    5. We’re out of Splenda and my coffee tastes AWFUL with regular sugar in it. What has happened to me???

    This may be totally childish, but my favorite, favorite, favorite is the “Today’s Special” donuts with the chocolate frosting and chocolate jimmies on top. Although I don’t think they call them “Today’s Special” anymore, and they also now call them sprinkles. Actually, I think I want to register that in the complaint category.

  38. el-e-e

    I tried DD hazelnut this morning and was unimpressed. Sorry. I love their regular coffee. Shouldn’t have strayed!!

    Complaint: I have all this stupid food in my house, but nothing that goes together as an actual MEAL. Dinner tonight could be corn dogs with … um, Minute Rice and a salad…? Bah.

  39. Natalie

    We had DD on Monday too for my son’s first day of KG. I am a fan of their totally sinful kreme filled donuts (that’s how they spell it, I didn’t misspell it).

  40. Sara too

    Many years later:
    I’m a Tim Horton’s girl, and I don’t drink coffee (!), so a medium English Breakfast tea, with 1 cream, and 1 sour cream glazed, and 1 double chocolate cake doughnut plznthanx.
    Complaints… I’m fed up of the cold weather, and the snow-n-ice (writing in January) that make it difficult to go outside without falling. And I’ve had a sore throat for (counts…) 28 days now.


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