Mr. Pickles Visits Walmart

Mr. Pickles would like to point out that before there was a Rollback, there was a Rollforward: these were $2.50 for ages, then $3.18 for a couple of weeks, and now just LOOK how they’re ROLLING BACK PRICES! They just KEEP ROLLING THEM BACK!


Mr. Pickles does not consider this an acceptable “clearance” price. Target had these for $1.07. Now THAT’S a clearance price.


Nor is this an acceptable “clearance” price, particularly since Mr. Pickles just saw this same game on clearance at Target for $4.74.


Here is something that particularly aggravates Mr. Pickles: when an item is available and available and available, and then suddenly not available—not because of being discontinued, but because of, apparently, PURE WHIM. Walmart used to have the big cans of Contadina crushed tomatoes, but now they have only the puree. Mr. Pickles doesn’t know how he’s supposed to make chili without Contadina crushed tomatoes.


And THIS situation. One of the MAIN REASONS Mr. Pickles comes to Walmart is to buy these huge bottles of Tabasco sauce. They’ve been out of stock for weeks, with this empty shelf space just SITTING here. WTF. Mr. Pickles’s spouse uses Tabasco like a beverage, and after the current bottle, and the next bottle, there is only one bottle left.


Fine, Mr. Pickles caves. He will buy the smaller sizes. But how can he compare the unit price when one size is unit-priced in ounces and the other is unit-priced in quarts? Nice workaround to a pesky legal requirement, Walmart.


Rolling back from $2.50 to $3.00. Mr. Pickles thinks someone forgot that step one of the “Rollback” was supposed to be Our Little Secret.


Well. Okay. This is pretty hard to complain about. This stuff usually costs over $3.00. Mr. Pickles buys five.


Mr. Pickles checks his receipt carefully. It is like a game, finding Today’s Errors. Only one error this time: the balloons were marked $1.00 but rang up as $1.25. Mr. Pickles has seen worse.

[For more photos, join us, joiiiiinnnnnn ussssssss!]

44 thoughts on “Mr. Pickles Visits Walmart

  1. Mairzy

    Mr. Pickles has confirmed my resolve not to shop at WalMart. Also has confirmed my suspicions that it’s probably not such a wildly effective money and time saver as people seem to think it is. I am grateful to Mr. Pickles for this post.

    I’m pretty impressed with his shopping abilities, too. Maybe Mr. Pickles will come down and teach a class on Shopping Skills to our homeschool co-op.

  2. Beth

    i absolutely LOVE that Mr. P finds 3 giant bottles of Tabasco sauce to be a crisis- level “low” quantity! Mr. P sure is good at keeping reserves on hand :)

  3. Kim

    And why I call it the Deathstar. If Mr. Pickles ever visited mine, he’d be horrified at all of these problems, plus the extremely rude employees.

  4. Bethtastic

    Yea. Those things at Wal*Mart make me crazy, too Mr. Pickles.

    If it makes anyone feel any better, the management at our store (and the surrounding ones, but perhaps not your Wal*Mart, lest I be chastised) doesn’t have any control over the pricing, or what’s in stock or not.
    The corporate powers just send the pricing orders and the trucks, and the stores put out what they get…they can’t control whether they continue to carry crushed tomatoes or not… My best friend’s husband is a manager, and the same things that make Mr. Pickles crazy, make him crazy.

  5. Jen in MI

    Mr Pickles is very intelligent. I haven’t set foot in a Walmart for almost ten years and he has reminded me why…

  6. Jane

    I refuse to believe there is any Wal-Mart, anywhere, that is more expensive than Target, ESPECIALLY on food items. Don’t get me wrong, I hate Wal-Mart, but it is frigging cheap. Maybe prices are higher in Ohio. Or wherever. (POINTING OUT THAT YOU DON’T MENTION WHERE YOU LIVE IN THIS ENTRY).

  7. JackeeG4glamorous

    ha, ha, ha, I’m still laughing at Mr. Pickles who seemingly looks onto the empty shelf. Such a personality.

    ah hem, you seem to have too much time on your hands young lady, might I interest you in a “project”???

  8. Lippy

    Don’t forget to factor in the piece of your soul that dies when you go into w-mart. I do shop there occasionally, but I hate it. Don’t get me started on k-mart. I love Mr. Pickles.

  9. St

    I gave up the WalMart going on two years ago. Every now and then I wonder if I’m missing anything. NOPE.
    Used to drive me crazy they never had what I needed. And Target’s been running an AWESOME price on diapers lately. They also are the cheapest formula.
    And I happen to live in Ohio!

  10. Ami

    Has Mr. Pickles considered a career in television? Would take him over ABC’s John Stossel (Isn’t he the one who seems perpetually concerned with ‘fleecing of America’ type issues?) in a heartbeat.

  11. Thia

    From my own experiences and well as the tales Mr. Pickles has, I do believe that Target is superior when it comes to clearence items. I keep looking for fab deals at WM and am dissapointed every time. Shame Target is so far away.

  12. Dr. Maureen

    Man, I’ve really dropped the ball on the whole “Internet Phenomenon” thing. I can’t remember the last time took a Mr. Pickles photo. I guess it’s like what happens with the original Chicken game; the involvement just sort of… trickles away.

  13. Erin

    Hee! This is awesome. You know, those Walmart stores are terrible with their pseudo roll backs. Sams club does something similar where they re-package the store brand in a different box with 10% less product at the same price. Only you wouldn’t notice if you didn’t know exactly how many diapers or wipes where in there before.

  14. bluedaisy

    Mr. Pickles makes some excellent points (and looks cute doing it!). I detest Walmart and am always sorry when I shop there…one exception- recently got a decent deal of flowers to plant (and they are really nice!). Other than that…ugh!

  15. Julie

    I don’t shop at Walmart. Any bargains I get are overshadowed by the creepy feeling I get when I’m in there. And its never far from my mind that SOMEBODY has to be paying for those cheap prices.

  16. The Gori Wife

    Grrr. Hate Walmart! Also, I wonder if you made sure to position the receipt so any not-for-public-consumption purchases would not be pictured. We all have those purchases, right? I worry that my receipt would be so riddled with them I couldn’t get a Mr. Pickles picture in the first place unless I said “Excuse me – could you ring up all the tampons, facial hair cream, condoms and lubricant first or last, please? Thankssomuch.”

    Because I would never want to discuss these kinds of purchases on the internet.

    Oh. Wait. Crap.

  17. Stacia

    Our Target is very expensive, sadly. We got a lamp there last week for $25, but K-Mart had the same one for $10 just a few days later.

    We don’t have many choices in town so we do shop at Walmart 2-3 times a month. But their prices aren’t great, all their meat is injected with 30% broth so it’s not much of a value, etc. I wish I didn’t have to go there at all.

  18. Moxie Momma

    I think perhaps you are my lost twin even though I was reported as a single, live birth. Being Bargain Betty has afforded me (pun intended) many a deal, however I am a bit jealous that I don’t have the help of Mr. Pickles. I was wondering if Mr. Pickles might have a single brother looking for a good save in Georgia.

  19. mommalilone

    I love this post! Along with some of the others on here, I could use a lesson or two from Mr. Pickles. I haven’t shopped at Wal Mart in ages, but my husband says I live at Target.


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