More Reading Done Than Expected

Oh hello! I’ve been SICK! Like, “lying on the recliner all day, too tired to get the kids a snack” sick! Sore throat and coughing and fever and aches and exhaustion. Yeah.


I’m sure it’s nothing.

Besides, I felt a lot better today. And I got a lot of reading done. I finished The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky and I’m almost done with another book.

I liked The Perks of Being a Wallflower, though I was occasionally aware of being outside the target market: I generally don’t like young adult fiction, or books written in letter/diary format, or books written from a disorienting point of view (alcohol, drugs, mental imbalance). I liked the book anyway. It’s interesting and absorbing, and I thought it was a good story.

8 thoughts on “More Reading Done Than Expected

  1. Omaha Mama

    Have you read The Giver? It’s good. But in a strange way. And it was cool how it gave me something to discuss with my teenage nephews.

    Get well soon. Sorry that you’ve been ill.

  2. Anonymous

    I had the same symptoms. Even went to the doctor. Turns out it was strep through. Yay antibiotics! Hope you’re feeling better soon.

  3. Erin

    Being sick with littles at home is like TEN TIMES as bad as just plain old being sick. Sorry! Glad you got some library therapy to make you feel better.


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