Lift Up Your Hearts

Paul is always finding Cool! Internet! Stuff! and then showing ALLLLL of it to me, especially when I am concentrating really hard on finding a good baby name. When he first showed me the below video (which is in a group of similar videos, and I saw alllll of them), I said what I usually say, which is, “Uh huh. Very nice and/or funny.” But then he kept playing it in the background, which is another thing Paul does when he finds something he likes, and before I knew it I was not only humming it but also…well, TOUCHED by it. The visual is unimportant—it’s the speech I like. I have a little crush on Winston Churchill now, and there really isn’t anything Paul can complain about since he’s the one who so forcefully and repeatedly introduced us. And so I give it to you, but on its own rather than in a sea of other such things. “Best of Paul,” we can call these.

5 thoughts on “Lift Up Your Hearts

  1. Kim

    I’ve always had a little thing for Mr. Churchill and I’m not sure why.
    But yeah, Brian has even gotten me to like the Insane Clown Posse, just by virtue of neverending repitition. That was a long time ago though.


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