So Many Potential Posts About Deodorant

GUESS WHAT I AM GOING ON A TRIP SEE MY BABY NIECE!!! I have already started buying twee travel sizes: I have not flown in ten years and evidently Rules Have Changed. Plus, I don’t want to have to check luggage, so every inch of space is valuable. Or so I tell myself when I’m cooing over the cute travel sizes.

Awwwww! Baby Degree!

Travel sizes! Because I will be traveling!

I can hardly believe it, even though the evidence is all around me! Look, I bought a suitcase!

Because I am going on a trip! So I need a suitcase! And could they have made that TAG any BIGGER?? It’s so huge, it makes the large carry-on look like a cell phone case or something.

I’m really, really happy about this. I’d been thinking of it as if it were an impossibility—as if there was an actual barrier between me and my niece. But it turns out that if you give $300 to Southwest and $50 to Marshalls and $1 to Target, you can have a round-trip ticket and a pink suitcase and a travel-sized deodorant and time with a niece!

Awwww! Baby Niestle!

And please, will you imagine this: I am going BY MYSELF. I will READ on the plane or if there is a long delay. No one will be requiring my feeding assistance! No one will require me to carry their things or their person or their safety devices! No one will TALK TALK TALK at to me! (I am packing a gag in case my rowmate tries to start a conversation. That’ll go through security, right?)

So! That is the answer to the contest: I am showing you a travel-sized deodorant because I am going on a trip to see my niece.

A handful of you guessed the trip part, and if no one had guessed closer than that I would have chosen among those for the prize—but only ONE person guessed correctly that it was a trip to see my niece, and that was so right-on I made the little “We have a winner!” ding sound. It was Halloweenlover, of lots and lots of nonsense. Yay! I’m going to email you, HL, and we’ll talk food allergies and stuff. [Follow-up: you can see the care package if you’re interested.]

30 thoughts on “So Many Potential Posts About Deodorant

  1. Jess

    Yay! So excited! Because, you know, you get to go on a trip BY YOURSELF and YOU GET TO SEE YOUR NIECE. Double awesome!

    However, I still think my guess was more fun.

  2. Amanda

    I would go sit in the airport and not go anywhere if it meant I had time alone to read a book with no one pestering me. But what am I complaining about? I have two kids and you have FIVE! I hope you have a long delay somewhere. After you meet your niece I mean!!!

  3. Kate

    Yay for a niece visit!

    I have to ask: is the the first solo trip/alone time you’ve had since having kids? If so, my (already lengthy) list of Medals Swistle Deserves is going to get a lot longer.

    I hope you have the best trip ever!

  4. Jen in MI

    OOHHHH! That is so exciting! I know how much you wanted to get to see her. And by yourself! Read, drink coffee, put your feet up at the airport-lovely! And a baby niece to hug and squeeze at the end of the plane ride! Baby toes to nibble!

  5. pseudostoops

    Yay for niece visits, and solo plane flights! VERY exciting. (Might I recommend the adorable little travel tins of nivea hand cream? Cute circular tin, nice effective cream, $1.

  6. Swistle

    Bethtastic– Oooo, good idea! I’ll go add one to the post!

    Kate– Let’s see. Hm. Oh! No! I went kid-free to a couple of funerals (that sounds dismal, but I went with my mom and dad and brother and it was a super-fun retro road trip).

  7. halloweenlover

    Hurray! I’m so excited! Both to win the contest AND that you are going on a trip! I guess I have baby on the brain, because why else would you take a trip!

    I hope you get tons of snuggles and lots of inhaled baby scent. I personally like to nibble on the space between her chubby cheeks and her shoulder. Delicious!

  8. Sara

    Yay! I ‘m so excited for you. But I am also mad because I originally wrote that you were going to visit your niece and I DELETED it! I couldn’t remember how close you lived to your fam and didn’t want to say that you were visiting her if the situation was that you got to see her all the time! Aaargh!

  9. Fiona Picklebottom

    Thrilled for you! Also for Halloweenlover. Also when I read the little caption under your niece’s picture, I thought it said Baby Nestle, as in Nestle Crunch bar, and she does look that yummy, and now whenever you have a picture of her here, I will think of Nestle Crunch. SOOOOOO, while I, like everyone else, do want to see lots of pictures of her, please keep in mind that the pictures will increase my candy consumption, thus increasing my waistline, and really, I’m already at the limit my clothes can handle and I don’t want to have to buy more just because Swistle’s niece is so freaking adorable. Oh, nevermind, I have a 20% off thingy from Old Navy, I’ll just head over now so I’ll have some larger clothes to accommodate me when you post pictures from your trip. Have fun!

  10. SIL Anna

    We can’t wait to show her off to you! You are on the calendar in permanent blue marker, with exclamation points!

    ! ! ! ! !

  11. The Amazing Trips

    Then there’s little tiny toothpaste and little tiny dental floss and little tiny shampoo and conditioner and body lotion and well … you might need to go up a size there because a normal adult human being uses one bottle of travel sized shampoo, conditioner & lotion PER cleansing event.

    Have a fun & relaxing time. Best of wishes that you: 1) don’t try to sneak the niece with you when it’s time to leave; and 2) don’t return home TOTALLY baby crazed and pulling out all the stops for #6.

    (Because I’m sure *I* would really have a problem with both of those things.)

  12. Kim

    As if my ovaries haven’t already been in enough pain recently (now the pain is actually real resulting from a side effect of Progesterone!), that picture nearly did me in!
    As someone who was denied a Sister/Niece trip recently (for good reason), I understand how excited you must be. I’m so happy for you; I can’t wait to hear about it!

  13. Mrs. Biscuit

    Oooh! That’s so fun! And I am INSANELY jealous of your pink suitcase. I want to buy one. Except I already own 4 black ones. And I’m not going on any trips. Have fun!

  14. Lora

    sounds like a fair trade to me. squeeze that baby once for me, and if you would, please sit on the couch and put your feet up on the coffee table. then put her on your thighs so her head is on your knee (obviously, not the other way around) then fold your hands like you are praying (with your fingers folded down, not pointing up), and cup them over the top of her head. Then take your thumb and stroke her forehead, starting right between her eyebrows and ending up in her hairline. Preferably while singing “Dream a Little Dream”.

    That’s what I do every time I get a baby in my arms.

  15. Erin

    OH! I am SO EXCITED for you! About the traveling by yourself (it’s like a SPA vacation, no kidding), and the little travel sized STUFFS and the NIECESTLE!

    Seriously, I’m really really excited. As an aunt, I feel really close to my nephews and niece (and soon coming SECOND NIECE!) and can’t imagine how hard it would be to NOT be close by.

    Can you please get your brother and SIL’s permission to write ALL about it?

  16. Jenny

    Oohhhh, traveling by yourself? How sad is it that so many of us are like, squealing with jealously at that fact? Baby Niestle is adorable. She has a little birthmark right where my daughter has one, so it was especially heartwarming (heartwrenching) to see that picture.


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