Postcrossing Fantasy: CHECK!

Well, it happened. My Postcrossing fantasy happened: I GOT A POSTCARD FROM ONE OF YOU.

YES! It’s true! It was from Colleen A Madison Mom. You should have seen Colleen and me FLIPPING OUT about it. Sample dialogue:

Swistle: OMG SQUEEE!

And actually, it got me thinking: maybe I’ve gotten postcards from OTHERS of you, too, without knowing it (Colleen had put her blog url on her postcard—otherwise I wouldn’t have known). And maybe I’ve sent postcards to some of YOU without either of us knowing it! So what I was thinking is that we ought to do a little CODE of some sort: something that wouldn’t look weird to someone else, but something that would catch our eye if we got a postcard from each other. Maybe a little triangle across one corner, like this?

I’m doing that from now on! If you’re on Postcrossing and you get a postcard with a line-corner, it’s from ME! And tell me about it so I can FLIP THE FLIP OUT!

19 thoughts on “Postcrossing Fantasy: CHECK!

  1. Swistle

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh….I see what you mean. Like, it could be a corner-line postcard from Colleen to Anonymous, or from Anonymous to Colleen, and both of you would be like, “OMG a SWISTLE LINE!!” Hmmm. More thought may be required for this plan. I think my circuits got over-squeeed.

  2. Courtney in FL

    I love postcrossing! I have a hard time finding postcards to send…it seems no where sells postcards here unless it has a Mickey on it. Any suggestions?

    Fingers crossed that I will get a postcard with a Swistle line! :)

  3. Swistle

    I’ve bought some postcards from or Like, Norman Rockwell and Valentines and cowgirls.

    We have two local Hallmark stores, and one of them sells a ton of postcards and the other sells NONE.

    I also find a good supply at a local tourist shop that sells keychains, and tiny containers of foods the area is known for, and t-shirts, and the like.

  4. Jill

    why don’t you just put a little pink or some other color s in the corner then they know it would be from swistle, the others could put their initials on them. just a thought, i’m not even a blogger, just de-lurking.


  5. Colleen

    OMG SQUEEE!!!! Not only did I randomly get to mail a postcard unknowingly to Swistle… we’re talking about it!!! This is just as exciting as the back and forth e-mails right after you got my postcard!!! SO COOL!!!

    Oh… and I gave up on looking for post cards. I couldn’t find them anywhere easily. So… I started printing my own with I use my own photos and have my message printed on (I’m so very lazy.) I buy like… 25 at a time.

    OMG I have to post this now!

  6. Jess

    I think it’s fun that the line means it could be from ANY blog reader. Like, you get a postcard with a line on it and then you post about it being like, WHO SENT THIS? And if nobody answers then everyone who IS reading should cross-post so that all THEIR readers can look and see if it was them. Like a little mystery puzzle, right?

  7. Laura

    Every single time you write about Postcrossing, I decide to do it and then forget. This time, I signed up, got my first address, and spent my lunch picking up Akron-themed postcards…Looks like I’m finally going through with it! Love the idea about the mark in the corner, but I agree, you should put an S or something in the triangle so we know that it’s from YOU and not another Swistle reader.

  8. DomestiKook

    funny thing is… I signed up for postcrossing two days ago! I already have my address, in FINLAND! So Swist..unless you live in Finland…:) Guess we’ll just have to hold the squee.

  9. Amanda

    I just came back to ask where to buy postcards. I live in a flipping tourist town and I can’t find any and I refuse to drive down to the beach. I like the snapfish idea, I tried on shutterfly but they weren’t helpful.

    Where else?

  10. Linda

    So, can you explain to me why you do postcrossing? I don’t understand the appeal. It seems like a lot of work (find postcards, address postcards, haul everyone to the post office if it’s an out-of-country address) and then in return you get a neat postcard, but what do you do with it? Recycle it? Otherwise it’s just clutter in exchange for work. Am I missing something? Like a postcard-appreciating gene? I don’t mean to rain on your parade – I’m honestly curious.

  11. Swistle

    I have a postcard collection, and also I love to choose gifts from registries (tie-in: I love choosing just the right postcard/stamps for each recipient). Other people do it as a way to, like, homeschool their kids: we got a postcard from here, let’s see if we can find it on the map, let’s learn about this picture, etc.

  12. Linda

    Oooh, I like the idea of using it to teach geography. I could make MY KIDS pick out/address postcards and then we could learn about the different places we send to and receive from. That’s a great idea!


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