
I feel like putting together a care package! Let’s have a contest!

Guess the significance of this photo. Like, when I show you later this week the blog post that accompanies this picture, what will the post be about?

I’ll put all correct answers into a random-number-generating hat and choose one. The winner will get a Swistle care package of various shopping finds. Unless the winner has a mailing address that is not USA, APO, or FPO, in which case I will mail them a kiss in an envelope because HOLY SNEEZES the shipping. If you won an earlier contest, you are nevertheless welcome to enter this one. Contest runs through Friday, April 24th, at, say, noonish, U.S. Pacific time. (In other words, best to get vote in by Thursday, but if you make a guess on Friday before I’ve gotten around to choosing a winner, you’ll probably still make it.)

103 thoughts on “Contest!

  1. edbteach

    I think the post is going to be about how not even Degree keeps you cool when you think about how bad the customer service is at The Children’s Place! (Going off of one of your tweets and past comments of yours! :)

  2. Courtney in FL

    My guess: That you, like me, fall into the category of: if something is made oh so tiny it becomes “OMG SO CUTE AND TINY AND I MUST BUY 10 OF THEM BECAUSE OMG THEY ARE TINY!!!!!” Even though you have no use for them and they will sit there mocking you for falling for their tiny little packaging. But who cares because “OMG THEY ARE TINY AND CUTE AND OMG!!” (And Target has that whole isle of tiny,cute items…gets me every time!)

  3. Shal

    I bet the post will be about how the stuff is incorrectly labeled because your body does not feel refreshed by the product!

    but…. because it’s so cute that you bought 10 :)

  4. Thia

    Good guesses so far, but I have to be different.
    Degree just changed their whole product line. No warning, just despair when you went to restock.

  5. Sally

    I think you are going to post about the AWKWARDNESS of introducing your oldest child to the world of “you need to wear deodorant now, honey.”

  6. Shannon

    I’m going to go with “what is the point of such a teensy little deodorant????” Seriously. The full-sized ones aren’t exactly a huge burden to pack.

  7. Kim

    I hope it’s not to report the same experience I had with Degree, which was it quit working in the middle of a particularly hot stressful day. Other than that, I got nothin’.

  8. Beth

    Tiny deodorant is cute and twee, but not enough product to make it worth the cute packaging. Plus, the extra enviornmental impact of buying many tiny deodorants bothers you so, despite your affection for the darling package, you are going to buy the regular sized one next time?

  9. Faith

    You’ll be posting about how giving birth to children can change your PH levels, and now your former deodorant doesn’t work, and none of the scents of any deodorant in the world smell the same way/good on you anymore. Oh wait — that was going to be my post later this week. :)

  10. Bethtastic

    Maybe it’s about how drastic changes in temperature – say, when the deodorant sits in the glove box of your car for an entire winter…and then an entire summer…really makes the consistency of the deodorant itself do weird things. Weird.

    But, realistically, I want to be in the contest, so I’ll say it’s:

    Rob needs deodorant. Or…
    Tiny packaging is DARLING! Or…
    Degree just changed their line and it’s infuriating. Or…
    Degree has a strange way of being AWESOME for a LONG TIME, and then just quits working, one day, with no warning. Because that’s how it happened with me.

    Can I get away with guessing all sorts of ideas in one comment and hope that one of them gets me in the drawing? :D

  11. Melospiza

    My first thought: OMG does your oldest need deodorant now?

    And if he does, can MY oldest be far behind?

    But I came to my senses: even if your oldest DID, you would not write an expose about it here (you, who are sensitive even to the feelings of your fir trees).

    Thus, this must be a post about shopping, and cute sizes, and such.

  12. Melissa

    It’s hard to guess, but after reading everyone’s post and concluding that the item is for Women, and says Shower Clean .. maybe I can end up helping other people with their guess now.

    My guess will have to be a sample in your mail?

  13. Ashley

    My guess would be: after discovering this small deoderant perfectly childsized for them, your child procceded to cover them selves with the entire thing, or the new couch, or both! At least that what my child would do.

  14. Dr. Liz

    I’m guessing, given the current heat wave, what is the point of a one-use deodorant? (Or maybe that’s just what I’M thinking, given that it’s supposed to be 100+ degrees today…)

  15. Katie

    I think you are making fun of the size vs. cost. Like it doesn’t make sense to buy the small one….except why would Swistle buy it if it didn’t make sense. That can’t be right. Okay. Forget that guess.

    Based on the way you’re holding your fingers, I am guessing you are holding this deodorant with a great amount of disdain. You do not like this deodorant. I do not know why…

  16. samantha jo campen

    I love everyone else’s answers! I’m going to buck the system and say two things:

    1). either your oldest DOES need to start wearing deoderant


    2). You were contacted to do some freelance work by Degree (which was my first initial thought)

    Congrats! :-)

  17. Saly

    Perhaps you are marveling at the fact that you can buy 4 sample sizes and get much more deoderant for cheaper than buying a full sized container.

    Either that, or it gives you a horrible underarm rash, which Degree does to me.

  18. Brooke

    Even though I’m pretty sure you don’t live in California, I’m guessing that it’s 90 degrees at 6:42 AM and you are celebrating the existence of deodorant.

  19. Rolling Off The Edge... Together

    Those Little People, as in the Fisher Price brand, are cute but sure are hard working and do not know the rules of good hygiene. It is your mission, should you choose to accept it, to teach the FP Little People, the proper ways to have good hygiene!

    Umm, no no I do not take drugs. Just tired. See also 45 minute temper tantrum from a newly minted four year old both in Barnes & Noble and in the car on the way as well as in the house afterward just to prove that getting another year old does not mean he is a “grown up” boy at all! Weeee!

  20. Melissa Haworth

    I think the post will be about packaging and why can’t deodorant come in cute little packages like that since it clearly holds just as much deodorizing power.

    Or maybe about that packet of deodorant and how your kids/cats/husband smeared it on your new claret couch?

    or something.

  21. Libby

    My first thought was that you are going on a trip, but so many other people already guessed that, so I think it might be about you writing a story about being a GIANT! and all the products in the world appear twee in your GIANT HAND…

  22. Jiff

    Well I glanced over all the previous comments and everyone seems to have said vacation, sample in mail, or your oldest kid needs deodorant. I did not see anyone saying that someone in your family earned a degree. lol. That’s the only unique answer I can come up with. Lame, but that’s it.

  23. Kelsey

    Hmmm. . . I did not read the other guesses, just for the record.

    My guess is that your older son has to bring Deodorant in to school for before/after gym class. I think he’s in fourth grade. . .

    I had a teaching observation in 4th/5th grade one spring and let me tell you, those kids were RIPE after gym class! :-)

    (I was all set to make up this whole story about why you needed it and then I reread and saw that you were looking for correct guesses, not entertaining ones!)

  24. Courtney

    I’m betting it will be about how travel size toiletries are so much cuter than regular size ones. Or cost too much when you compare the price per ounce or whatever.

  25. DomestiKook

    Your oldest needs some anti-stink as he enters the anti-boy faze of his life but is still young enough to think that he can get away with using “Shower Fresh” deoderant as the same as “freshly showered” and now you must burst his almost-man bubble??

  26. Steph the WonderWorrier

    I didn’t read the other comments because I want to say my guess first…

    You’re going to talk about how obsessed you are with adorable, travel-sized things?

    Because I know I sure am obsessed with them. I love anything “miniature”. SO DAMN CUTE.

  27. Kate

    I’d love to come up with something clever and witty, but I’m drawing a blank- so I’ll just guess that you’re going on a trip?

  28. Amber

    I recently won a care package from someone else so I feel sort of greedy entering, but I have the feeling a Swistle package may include items from TARGET so here I sit anyway.

    Hmm…I, being a woman, have sweat glands like that of a man. I have tried every single antiprespirant under the sun, with no real success. Or almost every one. Maybe this is the SOLUTION to my manliness? Or you have the same problem and it’s the solution to yours? (Absolutely no offense intended)!

  29. Chraycee

    Spring has sprung and your favorite deoderant is no longer available,so you’re trying out a new one. The travel size appeals to you because if you don’t like the new deoderant you can toss it out without much guilt/ or you won’t have to suffer with crappy deoderant that you dislike for long.

  30. DomestiKook

    Ok, I took another look at the photo. I have another guess. On of your children saw that it said “Shower Fresh” on it and thought it was for use IN the shower. Hence the streaky mark running down the front.

  31. kim101bo

    If I were posting about deodorant — Degree or otherwise — it would be a tale of woe about yet *another* trip out of the house with white marks across the front of my shirt from the rush of getting up and dressed while corralling various children and never getting to check the mirror for potentially embarassing morning misfires.

    Or, in a nutshell, “Deodorant: Friend or Foe?”

  32. ProudMary

    Judging from the way you are holding the deodorant and the streaking down the front I’d say the post is about “Why Not to Store Deodorant in Your Glove Box” but it’s just an educated guess.

    I wouldn’t know firsthand or anything.

  33. MaggieO

    Oh man…I was pondering this while I was in the shower, and thought it was Secret brand deodorant. Secret…small…she’s got a LITTLE SECRET!!! She’s pregnant after all!!! Wowee!! Imagine my disappointment at returning to my computer and finding it was Degree. Boo.

  34. melanie

    i was thinking that you were excited to find something cute, like a cute little deodorant when you were looking for a travel-sized deodorant for the trip you are taking and then you thought, i will also get one for my oldest child for when it is time for the “you need deodorant, honey” talk. then you thought, “i might as well buy 10 of them since they are such a great price.” then you thought, “i bet i could make my own deodorant” and put it in this cute little package.

    did i cover all the bases? did i just write your blog for you? i could do that if you wanted me to!

    i also wanted to share that i keep one of these handy for when my preschoolers want to be “just like mommy” and put on deodorant too. i keep the plastic tab on the top so they can mimic me without the mess. was that what you were going to say?

  35. Mama (Stacy)

    Wow. There are too many guesses to read but I would venture that:

    a. Your son is old enough that he started ‘learning about your body’ at school and came home with the goodie bag that included a trial size deodorant (btw, the girls’ bag is way more embarrassing).

    b. You discovered that degree deodorant is surprisingly good at unsticking windows that have been closed all winter.

  36. Sam

    I think you will say something like “To what degree…” I don’t know. That’s my best guess! Or maybe it will be how you get sweaty in the summer and having a tiny deodorant on hand (in the car) is a lifesaver. Which, that is not a bad idea, as long as it didn’t melt all over the car.

  37. Alison

    I have a house full of little kids.

    They would find a travel size deodorant container the most fascinating of markers. You know… to decorate the walls, comforters, dressers, area rugs… new couches.

    For the record, we keep all deodorant (and most other tolietries) on the most high shelves in the bathrooms for the very reason!

  38. Jess

    I think it’s about how you’re just like Chandler from Friends and you love mini versions of things because then it lets you pretend you’re a giant.

  39. Lise

    I’m guessing that one of your kids stuffed it in a heating vent, along with 5 marbles, 3 barbie shoes, 14 pens, a contact lens case, and several handfuls of vegetables that he or she didn’t want to eat.

    Oh wait, that might have been at my house.

  40. Giselle

    I haven’t read the other comments, so sorry if this is totally redundant…

    I’m going to guess your eldest has started to…ahem…have an odor. That permeates the house. I taught 5th grade, and there were plenty of kids who needed deoderant, but whose parents hadn’t quite had the discussion with yet. Enter teacher. But I had to talk to the parents, not the kids :) “Uh, excuse me, Mrs. Smith? Your kid smells like a*&…could you do something about that before I put his desk permanantly out in the hallway?”

  41. AlienBea

    One of my children once used deodorant on the TV — I mean he REALLY rubbed that stuff in, too; I never did get it out of the speaker holes. That is such a nice look when you have company over.

    Or maybe it’s a post about how Paul has co-opted your women’s deodorant, claiming it both works and smells better than the manly version. :)

  42. Shoeaddict

    I commented before and now it’s not here!!

    I guess that your oldest child needs deoderant. You bought him this tiny one because it’s oh so cute. And it is!

  43. T with Honey

    I’m not reading through all the comments to find out if someone else guessed this but could it be that some child decided to use this Shower Clean product to clean your shower thus requiring you to really clean the shower.


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