New Couch!

When one cat is getting spoiled with tuna, EVERYCAT wins

OUR NEW COUCH IS HERE!!! Unfortunately, probably due to a problem with the warehouse it was stored in, it is INFESTED with children. We didn’t notice until we’d already signed the thingie saying we’d received it in good condition.

Also, remember how I said it was RED? Not quite so red as we’d thought, is it? I’ve said before that I am not AT ALL skillzed at visualizing from a swatch of paint or fabric or wallpaper, and this is total proof of it. To me, the swatch looked very bright red, with a variegated color pattern that included some orange and some deep red.

It arrived, and it is WINE-colored. Which on one hand, excellent! Because AFTER we ordered the red couch, WEEKS after we ordered it, we remembered that we have a wine-colored recliner, and it seemed like the red and the wine might be a…poor mix. But in fact they are the same color, really. Both wine. And really, I can’t claim I was misled by the swatch: the color name is “Claret.” WINE.

But on the other hand, I was looking forward to fiery red with little bits of orange in it. Last night, I kept trying to get Paul to engage in a conversation about whether we’d made the Wrong Fabric Choice—on a non-returnable couch, is what I was trying to discuss. He escaped into sleep.

22 thoughts on “New Couch!

  1. DomestiKook

    I am about to escape into a gin induced sleep, but IT is 5am here. I, for one, like the wine colored couch. Wish I had better luck with couches, I think I am on number 5 and about to get number 6. I have no kids but will watch for the infestation. MAN, would my mom be THRILLED. ( the infestation, not the couch!) Oh-em-gee. :)

  2. Leeann

    First of all, LOLZ on the infested couch comment. Clever!

    Secondly, I swear I need someone like you around to obsess with. Men just are no good in that area of second-guessing and worrying, are they?

  3. Mairzy

    I wouldn’t mind ordering from that warehouse: those are pretty cute kids.

    I’m laughing about the color. I’m not so great at color swatches either — I’m always arguing with people over whether something is pink or dark red — but Claret really IS a good clue. :)

    I didn’t comment on your Georgie post, but that’s not because I didn’t feel very bad for you. It doesn’t help that my two year old saw a picture of him and said, “That’s Puddles!” It looks like our cat, which made it all the more real. At least he’s enjoying the tuna.

  4. Omaha Mama

    Pretty couch = congrats.

    My husband says things like “why would you want to talk about something we have no control over?!” and then I feel silly. Men should have to take a class on fretting in college. Or maybe one on going along with it. Sheesh.

  5. Jenny

    My husband often escapes into sleep during my attempts at coercing, I mean, CONVERSING about things I would like to do, etc. Or something IMPORTANT comes up, like needing to check a part on his motorcycle, that he won’t ride anytime soon due to rain and/or cold weather. I can take a hint. I swear.

  6. fairydogmother

    Claret = RED WINE. So really, how were you supposed to know? It’s like trying to pick paint colors out from those little strips at the hardware store. Although at least those you can bring home and tape up on your wall. Fabric swatches rely solely on our memory. Gah!

    Anyhow, the couch looks great. Enjoy!

  7. Kim

    That reminds me of last night when I tried to engage Brian in a conversation about how I’m afraid the end of the world is coming soon and he calmly said, “There’s not much we can do about it if it is.” Well, duh, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to NOT DISCUSS IT!
    The couch is awesome.

  8. Melospiza

    Man, I hate it when my furniture comes infested with kids. Pretty soon they’re into EVERYTHING and the NOISE, it will drive you MAD.

    The color, though, is lovely. And the cushions look exquisitely bounceable if you could just get those kids off there so you could jump on it yourself.

  9. Astarte

    I really, really like it!!! AND, it’s reminding me how much I TOTALLY HATE our couch, which is pretty but has lost enough firmness that it’s uncomfortable. Damnation. I want YOUR couch (but you can keep the infestation – I have my own already, thx).

  10. Stimey

    I like that the middle cat has to squinch its ears back to fit in at the food bowl.

    And look! The orange striped shirt that my kid has too!

  11. Erin

    The “infested with children” part really made me laugh. Also, so did the part about trying to get Paul to engage in that conversation. I’m ALWAYS trying to get Brett to have going-nowhere conversations, especially after 9pm.

  12. Doing my best

    I love you, Swistle! You have such a way with words =)! “Infested”, tee, hee, hee. Come to think of it, my last new furniture was “infested” also…maybe we should write to the companies ;-). You are awesome!


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