Purple for March of Dimes

When I was in college, I did my internship with the March of Dimes, a non-profit organization that focuses on preventing/managing premature birth and birth defects. (And you know what? No one who worked there knew if it was “The March of Dimes” or “March of Dimes,” either. It was one way on some material and the other way on other material.)

They said I could have my own desk (it was a card table, but it was MINE), so I chose them over doing an internship with the human resources department of a health care facility, and that turned out to be a mistake because the March of Dimes internship had NOTHING to do with human resources (my major) and instead was a lot more like marketing (my anti-major: I could not sell a sedated duck to a hungry fox). But I got to wear cute suits, and also I didn’t end up doing anything with my major as it turned out, so no biggie that I may have chosen the wrong internship.

Plus, it’s because of my March of Dimes internship that I knew to take folic acid even before getting pregnant, and since I myself was a near-miss spina bifida baby (a deep but skin-covered indentation down to my spine), this was a super-good idea—a super-good idea my doctor didn’t talk about with me until I was 8 weeks along and it was super-too-late.

My friend Shannon of Cerebral Palsy Baby has had two preemies, and she just found out she’s expecting. She’s walking in the March for Babies, a March of Dimes fundraising event, and I’ve sponsored her, and I hope you’ll consider sponsoring her too. And I would like to say for the record that I am doing it out of the goodness of my heart, and not because I am hoping to win the prize she’s offering from her Etsy shop. Ahem.

(And if you’re reading me in an RSS reader, you should totally click over today to see how FREAKY this place looks in purple. One day only, and then it goes back to the usual aqua color.)

25 thoughts on “Purple for March of Dimes

  1. -R-

    I was a HR major too, and I also don’t do anything related to HR! However, we differ in that I did do my internship with the HR department or a health care facility. Weird.

    Anyway, yay for (the) March of Dimes!

  2. Shannon

    I think purple is neat. But I do read through my RSS thingamajig.

    Thanks for the mention, too! I need to ramp it up over at my “place”, too.

  3. Kim

    The purple surprised me but it’s for a great cause, so yes purple! I don’t know how I already knew about the folic acid thing, but it seems as though it’s more commonly known now and for that I’m very thankful.

  4. Hotch Potchery

    I haven’t, but will donate to the March of Dimes shortly. I had a preemie, and I don’t know why I never thought to pick that organization when considering donations.

  5. Kelsey

    I clicked over from Google reader so I could witness the purple glory.

    I’m begging for donations on my blog too, and I’m excited that so many bloggers are participating in raising money for March of Dimes.

    Thanks for bringing more attention to a great cause!

  6. Michelle

    I hate confusing marketing like The March of Dimes vs March of Dimes. Choose a way and stick with it :)

    And the purple? I think it rocks. I luuuuuuuuuuuurve it. But then again, my favorite color is … purple!

  7. Rah

    I’m older than most of you, but I remember when the original March of Dimes started, to eradicate polio. The little boy next door to me had polio, and his parents put him, in his iron lung, in the picture window so he could watch us play. I remember being wrenched, even as a third grader, at the sight. Thankfully, the MOD succeeded in that effort. I hope we will all see the day when their efforts for premature births are equally successful. I am heartbroken about Maddie Spohr and just ache for her family and others who have lost a child.

  8. Laura

    I like the purple, even though it’s not “Swistle-colored”.

    I used to do work for March of Dimes too, albeit indirectly. I worked as a telemarketer, but the only calls we made were to ask former volunteers if they would like to pass out letters asking their neighbors to donate to MOD. It made me feel slightly less icky about calling people at home in the pre-Do Not Call List days.


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