Ti, a Drink With Something Delicious

Well, FINE, so pretty much everyone except Paul and me knows the lyrics to Do-Re-Mi. I sure did appreciate all of you who assumed that I would have it right and Paul would have it wrong. We should get “Team Swistle” shirts printed up. And we should get those distributed before I tell you I was half wrong. Perhaps I should have mentioned earlier that it was only in the last decade that I realized it wasn’t “Fa, along the way to run.” And that it was only as I was composing the post that I realized it was “sol” not “so”.

Paul was singing, correctly, “Fa, a long long way to run.” I was singing, incorrectly but I still prefer it, “Fa, a longer way to run.”

Paul was singing, incorrectly, “Ti, I drink with jam and bread.” I was singing, correctly, “Ti, a drink with jam and bread.” Actually, I don’t think I’d like tea with jam and bread. I think I’d prefer it with an almond white-chocolate cherry scone, the kind with big-grained sugar all over the top. MMMMMmmmmmm.

21 thoughts on “Ti, a Drink With Something Delicious

  1. Gina

    I’m late to the party, but I have to admit that it was many, many years of singing that song before I found out that it wasn’t “Ti, I drink with LEMON BREAD.”

    Not that I had ever heard of lemon bread, but I liked lemons. And I never once ate jam.

  2. Kim

    Was this just a big coincidence or very timely? I noticed the movie was playing yesterday and I immediately thought of you. I watched a few minutes of it, as I cannot see it playing and not stop and watch, at least for a little while. That and Wizard of Oz are both Easter to me.

  3. Chraycee

    I’m with you -R-, the song lyric is definitely
    “So – a needle pulling thread”

    I’ve got no scones, but I’ll make do with leftover easter cookies :)

  4. Brooke

    It is “so”. “Sol” is NOT a needle pulling thread, and as much as I love Wikipedia, it is user-updated, and you never can tell who’s talking our of their asses on that site. Also, just because Wiki says what it says doesn’t mean the lyrics of the song are musically accurate, so maybe it SHOULD be “sol”. But it’s not. I will not be convinced otherwise.


    So there. :-)

  5. Anonymous

    it actually is “sol”.
    Do, re, mi, etc comes from a technique for teaching music called solfege (sp?). So REALLY it is “sol” although obviously for purposes of the play on words in the song, they had to use “so”. Maybe the writers were confused too!

  6. waitingforcider

    Yeah, the only time I tried out for a play as a kid was for the Sound of Music… BACK THEN even after rehearsing, I couldn’t remember the words for the audition- which, of course, was the Doe a Deer Song. Ugh…. obviously I’m consoled now, as it seems to not just be me…

  7. Kristi

    Ha ha – immediately after reading that post with the poll, I had to go out and buy the dvd so my kids could watch it. I couldn’t stop singing it!


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