Do Re Me Fa Sol La Ti Do

You know that song from The Sound of Music, the one that goes “Doe, a deer, a female deer”? Paul and I discovered we have different ways of singing it. WITHOUT LOOKING UP THE ACTUAL LYRICS, which of these do you say is correct?

a) Fa, a long long way to run
b) Fa, a longer way to run

a) Ti, a drink with jam and bread
b) Ti, I drink with jam and bread

158 thoughts on “Do Re Me Fa Sol La Ti Do

  1. ColorCodedC

    A and A! Oh my gosh, it’s not normal the love I have for this movie. It was one of those movies I watched ALL THE TIME when I was little and never managed to forget any of the lines. “Uncle Max, are you sure father would approve of us singing in public?”

  2. Marie Green

    Ha! And now I tried to google it and, depending on which site I go to, the answer is different. So, according to the internets, THEY ARE ALL RIGHT. Internets, I AM SO DISAPPOINTED IN YOU.

    There has to be a “right” answer. I stand by my previous answers.

  3. Sara

    The timing of this post is too funny! My hubby was just singing this song to our 4 year old Wednesday and forgot the lyrics. I had no clue, but found them through the magic of google. So I know, but won’t reply. BTW, the hubby and I sing lots of kids songs differently.

  4. Fiona Picklebottom

    I think a for the first. No, I KNOW a for the first, and I’m pretty sure, but not 100%, b for the second.

    (If I’m wrong on the first, I will feel stupid for stating my “knowledge” so emphatically.)

  5. Terri

    Would be A for both . And I still get the lyrics wrong for many songs,but this is my final answer. And if I should be wrong, I will continue to sing it this way.

  6. Laura

    A for Fa, but I think I would have said Ti, to be drunk with jam and bread, which I’m sure is not right, so I’ll go with A for that one too.

  7. Brooke

    BTW, the link to the people performing that song in the Belgian train station is so awesome. I love that kind of thing. I wish it happened more (ever) in my area.

  8. Jennifer Lee

    Did you need one more confirmation that A is the correct answer for both? Because it is. I love it when other people sing different lyrics to the same song–it’s interesting how we can make our ears hear what we think is being said.

  9. may

    Definitely A for both. Tell Paul he’s wrong. : )

    My word verification is “facken.” That’s the closest to a real word I’ve ever seen…sketchy…

  10. robyn

    a) and a)

    I am completely positive of this because my best friend’s daughter has been watching TSOM obsessively and I’ve heard it a *lot* lately.

    Paul is wrong.

  11. Lauren

    A for both, but perhaps you and your husband would appreciate the beer version?

    Doh! I need to buy some beer.
    Ray – the guy who sells me beer.
    Me – the guy who drinks the beer.
    Far I’ll drive to get some beer.
    So, I need another beer.
    La la la la la la la.
    Tea? No thanks – I’ll have a beer.
    That will bring us back to Doh! (Doh! Doh! Doh!)

    Sorry if I’ve offended anyone. :)

  12. qwanty

    I always sing A for both, but then again I also used to sing “A pocket full of sun”, which suggests that not only am I an unreliable source, but also that I have a tenuous grasp on the workings of both the sun and pockets.

  13. Mama


    I will say that I think the actual lyrics for the Ti are ‘a drink with jam and bread’ I prefer to sing ‘I drink with jam and bread’ because it makes more sense to me that way.

  14. ktjrdn

    I think everyone here is right on track with the A’s, but what’s the title of the song? Is your title of the post a typo, or is it really sol? I thought it was just so?

  15. Kelsey

    A for both!
    FYI I am reading your blog and leaving this comment on hubby’s iPhone while driving through indiana on the way to Wisconsin

  16. Claire

    Isn’t it funny that this post is what draws folks out of the woodwork to comment? :D
    I love this movie so much, I dragged my husband on the bus tour through Salzburg, Austria, to all the places the film was shot. It is a resounding “A” to both questions.
    I bet all the chorus geeks of the world remember “solfege” training from high School. Hence, the “sol” instead of “so”. Oh high school choir…how I miss you

  17. BRash

    A for both. And I hope you post a picture of the spreadsheet you make of the answers (presumably so you can illustrate to Paul just how wrong he is.)

  18. gorbash78

    Both A. It would have to be “farther” for “longer” to make sense in the first and since all the rest of the lines use “a” something it wouldn’t make sense for Ti to deviate with an “i” in the second. :-)

  19. Monique

    It’s A for both, but I learned something today … I totally thought it was a drink with GERMAN bread!!!! I’ve been singing it that way forever! I always wondered who decided that tea was the perfect drink to go with german bread.

  20. Kim

    No question, no equivocation: A for both.

    I have a slight variation on the beer version though which has never, ever failed to make me laugh:

    Dos, a beer, a Mexican beer
    Ray, the guy who buys me beer
    Me, the guy Ray buys beer for
    Far, a long, long way from beer
    So, I think I’ll have a beer
    Tea, no thanks I’ll have a beer
    La, la la la la la BEER
    And that brings us back to Dos (Dos Dos Dos)


  21. MzEll

    A for both, Mz. Swistle. I’ve sung all of that music on more than one occasion. A and A… I can teach you the hand signs as well if that would be helpful!! hehehe


    “A” for both. But, then again, I’ve never been really accurate about song lyrics. Take “Blinded by the Light,” for example. And I never know what the lyrics mean. Like “Mama’s got a squeeze box she wears on her chest.” My husband had to explain that to me. So, I’m a little naive in the lyric department.

  23. HHRose

    At 134 almost unanimous comments, I’m pretty sure you don’t need lil old me to tell you it’s A for both answers, but just in case there’s a prize….A for both answers. ;o)

  24. melanie

    i say “a” for both…but usually i’m the one who gets the lyrics wrong (i sang “she wore a red spyricle dress” for years until i learned it was “she wore a raspberry beret;” also there was “parabou twit” instead of “caribbean queen”).


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