18 thoughts on “Hiding Places, Good and Bad

  1. the new girl

    * The little compartment in the alarm clock where the batteries are supposed to go.

    * Inside an empty vase on a shelf with other assorted items.

    * Taped to the underside of a drawer or above the doorway into a closet.

  2. Lindsay

    For whenever my husband is looking for his passport on a day he has a plane to catch:

    In the filing cabinet in a folder marked “Passports”

    :) I wish I were making it up.

  3. may

    Thanks, that’ll be really helpful when I’m looting your house.

    What are you hiding from your mother-in-law, anyway? ;)

  4. Michelle

    You know, I’m getting to the age when I’ll need to start hiding things from the wee ones. I’m going to try to remember these. Sadly, I have nothing to add unless it’s INSIDE A POT or other cooking implement :)

  5. Psuedokim

    This is completely off subject, but last Thanksgiving I hid our turkey in my dryer. We didn’t want to go anywhere and just wanted to be alone for the holiday, so we told my inlaws we were going out of town. Then of course my MIL came over right before the weekend and I panicked about where to put the turkey. But it worked!
    Sorry, had to share that.

  6. Amy

    -Above suspended ceiling tiles
    -Behind blankets on top shelf of linen closet
    -For flat papery things: Inside pages of cookbooks, no one goes there!

  7. Suzi

    under the cardboard in the bottom of a tote bag.
    under several bags of vegetables in the freezer(thats where the Haagen Das is at my house, kids have never found it).
    In the box-spring, hole cut, carefully, behind where the label is sewn on, and turned to be against the headboard.

  8. Deb

    It depends on who you’re hiding things from. If it’s my husband, then the dishwasher, oven and cleaning supply cabinet are all safe bets, as is the entire laundry room. Kids? In my house, it’s any place a two-year-old can’t reach while standing on a chair. Hiding is pretty easy around these parts.

  9. Astarte

    Best place: right out in the open, like in the middle of the cluttered garage, maybe under a bright blue tarp. It’s like the proverbial elephant in the room no one will talk about.

    Worst place: Pantry. The kids can smell anything different in there from a freakin’ MILE away!!!


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