Pay it Forwards

I’m breaking my usual “pay it forwards on weekends” thing because Motherhood is Painless is doing a special one: the first three people to comment on this post automatically win a handmade gift. And I thought if I waited until the weekend, you’d miss out.

And while we’re here: Alice in Wonderland is starting a new contest.

Also: William threw up on the bus on the way home. Twice. ZOMG. Guess which bus driver is getting a really nice holiday gift this year?

8 thoughts on “Pay it Forwards

  1. Alice

    yay! come to my contest, folks!

    dude. that’s a lot of puke. i have VERY VIVID memories of the janitor at my 1st and 2nd grade cleaning up puke in the hallways using sawdust. i wonder if they do that on buses?

  2. Astarte

    Oh, NO! I hope he’s not going to be The Kid That Threw Up On The Bus for long!!!!

    Also, of course, I hope he feels better, and even MORE I hope that no one else gets whatever he’s got!

  3. Di

    Poor William! We’ve been sick around here. 4 times in as many hours and Miss Baby is so small…it seems to have settled into a regular virus, but wow, the ick.

    And thanks for the exception to the rule. (Although given my readership, which I am trying to boost, I might have been able to hold out..)

    Di (Motherhood Is Painless)

  4. Michelle

    Poor guy! We were minutes from there last Tuesday (2 minutes before Mister Man got on the bus). Here’s hoping he gets well soon! Mister Man actually went to school today, although the teachers were afraid he was going to fall asleep by the end of the day… but definitely on the mend!


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