Apple Bread Recipe

1 cup sugar
1/2 cup Crisco
2 eggs
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
2-3 teaspoonfuls cinnamon (optional; it’s good both ways)
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup chopped apples (I leave the peel on)
1/2 cup nuts (optional; I always leave them out)

Cream sugar and Crisco. Add eggs. Add dry ingredients. Add vanilla. Mix in apples and nuts by hand. Don’t taste the batter or you will end up eating ALL of it.

Pour into greased bread pan. Bake at 350 degrees F for 1 hour. Spill water on it and fling it into the yard in a weepy tantrum, or else slice it and eat it. I like to toast it and butter it and eat it with a hot cup of coffee or tea. MMMmmmm.

24 thoughts on “Apple Bread Recipe

  1. Michelle

    And eating all the batter would be bad why exactly? I used to make chocolate chip cookie dough and put it in the freezer and eat it. When I was growing up and knew nothing of calories of course.

    The recipe sounds lovely. I made an apple cake yesterday – it must truly be fall with all the apple cooking!

  2. Tina

    Thank you Swistle! I’m a bit unsure about the Crisco as we don’t have that exact product here in New Zealand, so I’ll have to figure out a substitute (I imagine butter would do).

    Made the mistake of looking it up on Wikipedia, good grief that stuff is versatile!

  3. Sundry

    I read your entry and felt bad for your crappy morning but was also very distracted by this “apple bread” of which you spoke and I googled up a recipe (similar to this but using oil and butter instead of Crisco) and made it and it was the best thing EVER, and I may have eaten like forty spoonfuls of the raw dough before I managed to get it in the oven. Yay apple bread!

  4. Jen

    thanks for the recipe and for copping to having a weepy tantrum…when i read your previous post, i wondered how you handled it because i definitely would have flung it somewhere. :)

  5. pseudostoops

    Yum yum yum yum yum. More things to do with the apple bounty from this week’s planned trip to the orchard. Yay!

    Also, I laughed out loud when Tina marveled over Crisco’s versatility based on the Wikipedia entry- I looked it up myself, and she is right, it is hilarious.

  6. mommy2twindaughters

    This sounds so good! I am so excited about fall..mainly because all the good foods are made during this season! I wrote down the recipe and I’ll be trying it this weekend. Sorry about your weekend. Hope this week is going to be better for you :)

  7. carrie

    This sounds amazing. I made pumpkin bread, muffins and mini-muffins yesterday and everyone scarfed down breakfast this morning…no complaints. Hmmm…may be on to something here. I think I shall try some apple bread next! Thanks for the recipe.

  8. Linda

    This is worth making since you don’t have to peel the apples. I don’t peel apples (or potatoes). Thanks! Can’t wait for apple picking season now.

  9. Bethtastic

    Tried this out this morning and it ROCKS!! Yum. Thanks Swistle.

    Here’s a question…have you ever tried to substitute butter for Crisco? I may try it for the simple fact that I ALWAYS have butter on hand, but not always Crisco…or at least the tub I keep to grease pans is a little one, and half a cup uses half the tub! Anyone tried butter instead in this specific recipe?

  10. fairydogmother

    Ooh, this sounds delicious. Although I don’t use Crisco, so I think I see a google search in my future to find the recipe Sundry used. Is it wrong of me to hope for overcast weather this weekend so I’ll have an “excuse” to bake?

  11. fairydogmother

    Damn, of course I had to go and finish reading the other comments and now I really, really want to make pumpkin bread too! I keep trying to decide which kind of bread I want to bake first, and the only answer I can come up with is both!

  12. Swistle

    Bethtastic- I’ve never tried it with butter, but Sundry commented above that she found another recipe online that uses oil and butter, so now I want to try THAT! All my good muffin recipes use BUTTER, so I associate that with BAKEDY GOODNESS.

  13. Jessica

    I came home from the apple orchard on Sunday and date at work immediately found your recipe. My husband consumed half the loaf himself yesterday and I don’t want to think about how much batter I ate!

  14. Bethtastic

    I made another loaf last evening. With butter! Same recipe, just substituted butter for Crisco, 1 to1. It was perfect. Added a hint of buttery goodness, and otherwise baked up just the same. YAY!! I love butter! :D

  15. g~

    Kept scrolling back to your recipe as I have about a bazillion apples from our apple tree sitting directly on my counter with nothing to do except rot. Now, I have apple pie in the oven and apple bread started for breakfast. I know I will thank you in the morning as I eat apple bread with my coffee.

  16. Bethtastic

    So, I’m a recipe dabbler…

    And while I’m pretty sure no one is even checking the comments on this post anymore, I’ll throw this in …

    I tried the apple bread recipe (with butter) and substituted peaches for apples. Just for kicks, and because I have a huge bag of the best peaches ever that I don’t want to see go bad.

    Verdict: Tasty. Peach bread. a little unexpected, but tasty. I’ll make it again.

    And I’ll probably dabble again. :)

  17. Swistle

    Bethtastic- I tried it with butter yesterday, and it was So Good. The batter was EVEN BETTER than before, and the resulting bread seemed tastier. If I’d had a better pear harvest, I would try it with pears. Unfortunately the full harvest was 5 pears and I’ve already eaten them all!


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