
This morning started out with a cat accident on the carpet.

Then I looked out the window and noticed that I got distracted and missed the pear harvest: 30 perfectly gorgeous pears were rotting on the ground. I’d been looking forward to those pears since last year, when they were so delicious I ate every single one and barely shared, and then was upset because there were no more. That kind of attention lapse can’t be taken back; I have to wait another year.

I made apple bread for my brother’s birthday. It was cooling on the counter, and I was so glad that chore was done because I hadn’t been sure when I was going to be able to do it. I got myself a drink of water. I spilled the water over both loaves of apple bread. We don’t have enough eggs or enough apples to make another batch.

My tooth is still hurting. The dentist said it might hurt for up to a week just as a result of messing with it. So maybe this is still okay. Or maybe it is a root canal. And then maybe the root canal won’t stop the pain, either, and then we’ll find that OOPS it’s actually an adjacent tooth that is the problem.

I have seasonal allergies, and even with allergy medicine I want to rip my face off.

Henry is “between naps”: he needs more than one nap a day or else he’s fussy, but if he gets two naps he doesn’t go to sleep well at night. So today he cried and fussed and cried and fussed, and finally I put him down for a morning nap when it was really too late to go down for a morning nap.

Pay-it-forward updates:

Spuddy Buddy is starting a contest for a good cause.

A Little Left of Lost is starting a new contest.

35 thoughts on “Saturday

  1. Leeann

    That is NOT A good day so far!

    Do what my son Chris used to do when he was three. Tell everyone that the day has not started. Go back to bed and stay there about ten minutes. Then get up, walk into the room and greet people like you haven’t seen them since the day before.

    Chris used to do this and it used to FREAK US THE HELL OUT. But, over time I saw that it was a really valuable thing to do. He would totally reset his mind and his day and darn if it didn’t work for him every time.

    Big hugs to you!!


  2. Astarte

    Oh, NO! Oh, I’m so sorry, that all just SUCKS. Is there any way you could maybe salvage some of the pears and cook with them, at least? Make a nice compote for pancakes? :(

    I hate to say this, but when the same thing happened with my tooth, I did indeed end up with a root canal. The good news is, it solved everything, and my allergies even bothered me less because there was less pressure on a bad nerve in my face. Alternatively, maybe your allergies are making the tooth pain worse, if it’s a top tooth, and if you take some Sudafed or something it will help both?

    On a related question, since meth is made of sudafed, are meth addicts the least allergic people on the planet?

  3. Nowheymama

    I’m so sorry, especially about the pears. Someone my husband worked with gave him tomatoes, and my husband GAVE A BUNCH OF THEM AWAY. Never give away free food! Ever!!

  4. Julie

    Well, it can only get better from here, right? I hope you are sitting down with your feet propped up enjoying a cup of coffee…or at least have the chance to today! :)

  5. Jenny

    Am trying to think of some way to salvage apple bread. Maybe you could dry it a bit in the oven and then try a bread pudding kind of thing? (My first brilliant idea was apple bread croutons. Yeah. Clearly I need another cuppa coffee.) Good luck and I hope things look up this afternoon!

  6. edbteach

    (((Swistle))) I hope your Saturday starts to go better.

    Thanks again for posting the PIF info. I did a post on my blog about Spuddy Buddy’s quest to share info. I mentioned you too :)

  7. Mommy Daisy

    Uh oh, this sounds like Swistle’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. Ugh!

    I hope that your tooth gets better. I had one hurt for a while after my last filling. And it was very sensitive for a long time. I complained to my dentist and he said to expect that. It finally got better. There is hope.

    The nap issues, I hope they resolve soon. I know we went through the same thing at about the same age, almost exactly this time last year. Yikes. But now it is all good. It does take a while to transition sometimes.

  8. Stacy

    Sorry about your awful morning, hope it gets better. We are “between naps” right now too. Is a royal P.I.A if he skips his nap, but while be up late if I don’t make sure he is up in time. Ugg.

  9. Melissa H

    i feel for you on the pears. We sold our old house in the height of peach season and I was planning to pick all the gorgeous peaches before signing over the house (on the last day of escrow so they would be ripe) but I got in a car accident and couldn’t go to the house (spend the evening in labor and delivery instead) and my hubby forgot the peaches. Three years later and I’m still occasionally disappointed. Isn’t that stupid??? But there is something about anticipating your harvest and missing it entirely.

    Any chance of cutting out the rot spots and making pear butter? worth a try I think.

  10. ccr in MA

    Days like that simply suck. Every aggravation becomes even worse when there are so many of them. So sorry, and hope things get better soon. Balance, universe! Balance!

  11. Erin

    Yikes, so sorry!

    I have one suggestion that might help with the allergies: Singulair. It’s preventative, you take one pill either in the morning or before bed, no side effects (at least, none for me), and it has changed my life. Seasonal allergies are pretty much a thing of the past. Might be worth trying…?

    Hope things are better soon!

  12. Missives From Suburbia

    THAT is a crapass Saturday. I think it would make you feel better if you posted that apple bread recipe. You know, sort of a charitable gesture to cleanse your karma or something like that. Yeah. That. (Well, that, and I’ve never had apple bread, but with our upcoming orchard visit planned, it sounds like something I should make!)

    I hope Sunday is perfect.

  13. anna

    man. that water-on-the-apple-bread business SUCKS. i can so imagine it.

    re: tossing bread in yard:
    last time i got out of work early, and bought a loaf of french bread on the walk home, and it was freezing out, and i arrived to find i had locked myself out for the THIRD TIME and no one would be around to let me in for 2 hours and I could SEE the housekey on the key hook mocking me–well. i might have used the bread loaf as a baseball bat on one or two things.

    (now i have an emergency key.)

    i hope things are brighter.

  14. the new girl

    Oh, Swistle.
    I hate, hate, HATE those kind of days.

    I find that any kind of chronic pain (tooth, allergy headaches, kink in my neck) make me both grouchy and bumbly.)

    Hope you feel better soon.

  15. HollyLynne

    I’m sorry your day has been crummy. I’m especially sympathetic about the allergies. When mine are especially bad I get this horrid face itching thing. Fortunately, the face itching isn’t accompanied by a big red rash (even though it totally feels like it should be), but because I have no rash my dr. more or less thinks I’m crazy.

    The medicine doesn’t work for me either. :(

  16. fairydogmother

    Sounds like we had similar Saturdays, right down to the seasonal allergies. I’ve started using this homeopathic treatment again, since Allegr@ and Sud@fed didn’t seem to be doing any good. I can finally breathe through my nose again, and the sinus pressure is just annoying now instead of downright painful.

    I’m tempted to stop taking other allergy medicine altogether since it doesn’t really seem to be doing any good, but I always end up with a sinus infection when I do that. Good times!

  17. Tina

    Apple bread sounds awesome, can I second the request that you post the recipe, please? Feel free to leave out the add-extra-water-and-hurl-from-house part =)

  18. Kelsey

    Can you tell I’m working backward through my google reader? I hope that the days since Saturday have been much improved – so sorry about the bread!


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