Personality Test #3

(I don’t know what the answers to any of these MEAN. They just seem like they mean SOMETHING.)

When you’re just moving the car to a new place in the driveway or if you’re just moving it out of the driveway to the yard (that is, you’re not driving it on the road), do you wear your seatbelt?

51 thoughts on “Personality Test #3

  1. Fiona Picklebottom

    Sometimes, but only because it is such a habit to put it on as soon as I get in the car. If I’m thinking about what I’m doing before the habit kicks in (moving the car without actually going on the road), I don’t.

  2. Meredith

    I do, out of habit. It is just something that has been burned into my brain – sit in car, buckle up. Kind of like putting my napkin in my lap whenever I eat (even if I’m alone).

    Here’s what I bet this one means: If you always put your seat belt on (like me), you are a person who enjoys routine, following the rules, and CONTROL. Otherwise, you are probably considered more laid-back. Probably has to do with your childhood and your relationship with your parents.

  3. Mary

    No. And when I’m driving I rarely put my seatbelt on until I’m out of the driveway and on the road, but if I’m a passenger I put it on immediately when I get in the car.

  4. Jess

    I don’t have a car, but when I did, I did wear my seatbelt, but only because the beep it made when I didn’t was really annoying.

  5. artemisia

    Out of sheer habit, yes. If I take a moment to think about it, then no. And then I feel like I am going to magically fly out of the car at any moment and am antsy the whole time. (Am such an adrenaline junkie, obviously!)

  6. Little-Bit

    No. I am always the last to get my seat belt on. I make sure that the kids are belted in, but because they are I am the one that has to get the dropped sippy cup/granola bar/blanket/stuffed animal. I put it on when I hit the highway. Usually.

  7. anatomist

    always. i feel naked without the seatbelt. i even have a hard time sitting in the car without it on, even if the car is off and i am going to be there for a while.
    if i am driving even just a few feet, it takes more of my brainpower to convince myself that it is ok not to wear a seatbelt than it would take to just put the belt on and forget about it.

  8. Marie Green

    I usually buckle it without thinking. The only way I don’t is if I tell myself “don’t buckle it”. But even then sometimes I find myself doing it out of habit. Also: I use my blinkers when I don’t need to.

  9. Melospiza

    No…aaaand I’ll let my three year old sit in the front seat without a seatbelt. Only for the street-to-the-driveway, obviously. But driving around the block? We’ll all get buckled in.

  10. Emily

    No, but it feels weird, like I’m breaking the rules (and I am not a rule breaker). When getting in the car to actually drive somewhere though I put it on first thing–before even starting the car I think.

  11. Bea

    Almost always. And when I don’t, I feel really freaked out and the phrase “most accidents happen close to home” immediately comes to mind.

  12. Astarte

    Nope. I also sometimes don’t use it when I’m moving from one place in a mall parking lot, say in front of Petsmart, to another, in front of AC Moore. I know, I’m a rebel!

  13. B, Esq.

    No. In fact, my office is 5 blocks from my house, and I generally don’t wear it then either. And I’m pregnant. 23 weeks.

    Wow, I failed that test. I suck.

  14. squandra

    The closest equivalent for me would be in the parking lot of my apartment complex, when I’m going to stop to get the mail. And, no.

    But in that case, I would have to buckle, unbuckle, then buckle again in rapid succession … I guess that seems sort of silly. I ALWAYS wear my seatbelt on the actual road, though.

  15. Michelle

    Usually. Mostly because it’s an unconscious reaction to put it on. But if I’m just moving my car up six inches because I parked too far back in the garage, sometimes I don’t even close the door.

  16. Steph the WonderWorrier

    I was going to answer that No, I don’t put on my seatbelt…but as I racked my brain, I started to question that…

    I don’t think I do, really, but honestly I can’t get a clear picture in my head of what I do! Maybe out of habit I snap it in place right away, so I do wear it when I am moving the car off of the driveway… hmm.

    I know that when I’m driving somewhere (not just moving the car to the road), I always buckle up even before I turn the key to start the car. (Which is why I do think I wear it even for pulling the car to the road…it’s just so natural to snap it in!).

    I’m going to have to pay more attention next time I do this to see what I do!

  17. Fine For Now

    I have a weird feeling in the car that if I don’t seatbelt immediately I will be ejected through the windshield. However, I would have to be moving the car more than 20 feet, so the answer to this one is no :)

  18. Jill

    Yes. But I also yell at other adults who don’t wear a seatbelt in my car, even in the backseat. However, I will climb into a cab and not put a belt on without a second thought. Riddle me *that*


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