Dreamy Dream House

I dreamed Sundry and I bought a Blogging House, a big Victorian, and all the blog world peeps could come and hang out. We had big handmedown-type couches and chairs EVERYWHERE, and computers EVERYWHERE, and big throw rugs on the wide-board hardwood floors. People were flopping around and chatting and eating, and wandering from room to room, and complaining about how their writing was going, and saying “I am soooooo hungry for a brownie right now,” and we had a crafts services table or whatever those huge long tables of snacks and foods and drinks are called on movie sets.

I was in the kitchen working on some experimental chicken recipe for a post; I had a laptop on the counter and I was typing in my notes as I encountered problems, and there were several people sitting at the kitchen table and calling out suggestions. And Sundry was measuring JB for an article she was doing on the subject, and he will be either pleased or totally squicked to hear that he was measuring Impressively. Jess Loolu was looking online at purple shoes, with all of us walking past the screen and saying “OOOOO, cute!” or “No, too casual,” and most of us had fancy coffees in hand, and people were always coming in or going out and yelling, “Hey, do I use ‘its’ or ‘it’s’ here?”

And then I woke up. Paul had accidentally failed to completely latch the outside door when he left for work, and that door is faulty so it was hanging wide open, and several flies had gotten in, and also it was just creepy to find that the door had been open while I was asleep. Then I discovered that a cat had thrown up on my upholstered computer chair.

In case you have been wondering, “I wonder what is the opposite of having a cool Blogging House with bloggy friends hanging out and eating and chatting?” it’s “Cat threw up on computer chair, and there are flies.”

42 thoughts on “Dreamy Dream House

  1. Marie Green

    Oooooo, I want to come. Crafts Services! Big old house! Wood floors! Lots of people, happy to be together! NO KIDS!

    Ha, JB measuring Impressively… heeee.

  2. Caitlin

    Your dream is awesome. I am coming over to your cool Victorian blogging house (which sounds like it is decorated specifically for me and did I mention I love big hardwood floors?), and I will bring Double Vanilla cupcakes.

  3. Jaci

    Cat puke and flies…yummy. Go back to sleep, quick! Maybe you can get your dream back! :)

    Save me a seat on the big comfy couch!

  4. Erin

    Oh my GOD. That is the best dream EVER. Which totally says something about my life because I really mean that is the best dream EVER.

    So so sorry you had to wake up like that.

  5. Laura

    You crack me up — there is something about your story telling that gets me every time. Thank you for brightening my morning, you clever funny thing.

  6. d e v a n

    That sounds awesome. Wish I could live in that dream. I notice that there was no mention of children running about and interrupting blogging time and poking on the keyboard and pulling on legs.

  7. Shanna

    Ugh, cat puke and flies and a creepy open door… I think I would have pulled the covers over my head mumbling “this is not my life” over and over! At least you didn’t sit in the cat puke, or did you?!

  8. fairydogmother

    Flies and cat puke are no way to start the day. Yuck!

    Brownies, fancy coffee and a cool blogging house on the other hand…where do we sign up?!

    Also, I’ve been browsing for shoes online for the last couple of days. I totally blame Jess. There are some cute purple shoes out there! Also, online shoe places sometimes have an interesting interpretation of purple.

  9. el-e-e

    By far the best blog-dream ever! I haven’t had one with that much detail or that many participants. Next time we’ll also take a side-trip (field trip!) to Target together. *pant, pant*

  10. Pickles & Dimes

    Awesome dream! I dream about Dooce once in awhile, which is weird.

    Sorry about the cat puke. I’ll send over my cat – she’s a superior fly hunter. For real. We were outside yesterday and heard her thump into our patio window. When I investigated, she was happily munching on a giant fly.

  11. Pickles & Dimes

    Awesome dream! I dream about Dooce once in awhile, which is weird.

    Sorry about the cat puke. I’ll send over my cat – she’s a superior fly hunter. For real. We were outside yesterday and heard her thump into our patio window. When I investigated, she was happily munching on a giant fly.

  12. Pickles & Dimes

    Awesome dream! I dream about Dooce once in awhile, which is weird.

    Sorry about the cat puke. I’ll send over my cat – she’s a superior fly hunter. For real. We were outside yesterday and heard her thump into our patio window. When I investigated, she was happily munching on a giant fly.

  13. Swistle

    Re desirability of house: I KNOW, RIGHT? I’ve actually gotten TEARS IN MY EYES several times today, thinking about how there IS NO SUCH HOUSE.


  14. Banana

    Ha!! I’ve had blog dreams too. I once dreamed that I was a babysitter for you while you and Paul had a date night. (is that creepy of me? I can’t decide if this is creepy and I should avoid hitting publish..)

  15. HollyLynne

    that dream sounds AWESOME! I wanna come hang out at the blog house!!! I’ve been having exclusively creepy wedding dreams lately . . . I could use a dream involving a big Victorian house and a craft services table!

  16. desperate housewife

    This is the kind of dream where you really wish not to have been woken, and the injustice of it stays with you ALL DAY LONG. This has happened to me several times- I’ll have had a glorious dream (sometimes really, um, GLORIOUS, if you get my meaning) and will have been woken up right before it got REALLY… Glorious. And I will feel pangs of disappointment the rest of the day.

  17. Tina

    Well, Swistle, you know I adore you, but I can think of better nicer bloggers to share a house with. OK. Done being mean for today.

  18. Mairzy

    Sounds great. Brownies, blogging, couches, coffees… I so need that this week. And next. And next. Maybe it was a sign of something you should Pursue. I think so.

  19. Amy

    Glad I’m not the only one who dreams about my blog friends!

    And I woke up to the same scenario, except the cat puke was on the windowsill. Just as gross, but easier to clean up.

  20. Mommy Daisy

    I find it hilarious when I dream about other bloggers. I feel like I know them so well, they sneak into my dreams. But it’s neat “meeting” them…sort of…maybe creepy for them…anyway…

    I wish this place existed.


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