Pay it Forward Contest

It seems almost too SOON for a contest, doesn’t it? We JUST HAD contests. We are still a little WRUNG OUT from contests. Nevertheless, we are having another contest! Because I won Jess Loolu’s pay-it-forward contest, and now it is my turn to send a package!

First, let’s take a look at the awesome package Jess Loolu sent me:

That is a polka-dotted terry sundress for Elizabeth and a set of extremely cool gift-tags (I’ll use one on the package!). Both items from, as Jess puts it in the pretty card, “your boyfriend Target.”

It will not be easy to measure up to the glory that was that package; I love BOTH items SO MUCH. But I will try! And as I mentioned in the post about my date with Paul, I have one item, an item PAUL-APPROVED for cuteness. It is this tube-shaped pencil tin:

I think you can see it larger if you click on it. Inside the tin are a dozen colored pencils with those same little pictures on the sides—and the pencils are rounded-triangular, so they don’t roll away. ALSO, the cap has a lion’s face on it! Oh, it is so cute! Do you see in the photo how my hand is sort of CLUTCHING the tube, like I am unwilling to let it go? THAT IS NO ILLUSION.

And that is just the START of the package I am assembling! Who knows what else I will put in there? WHO KNOWS?

So now let’s talk about the rules, and how this thing goes. If you want to win the contest, you will leave a comment in this post’s comment section before Tuesday, May 20th, noon, United States Pacific Time. You don’t have to say anything in particular. You can say “hi!” You can say, “I like squirrels.” You can say, “Roses are red / Violets are blue / I want to win this contest / So let me.” It does not matter what you say—and there is no sense either kissing up or working the pity angle, because I’ll use a random number generator to pick someone, and the random number generator’s mathematical heart is unswayed by kissing-up and pity. UNSWAYED!

And! If you win! You must pay it forward! In this context, that means you must assemble a package and mail it to someone else.

Now go comment if you want to be entered. If you need help deciding what to say, why don’t you tell me if your face is dry, oily, or combination?

139 thoughts on “Pay it Forward Contest

  1. ccr in MA

    I’m glad I don’t have to say that I like squirrels, because lying would be a bad way to enter a contest!

    Combination skin, for sure.

    And to the random number generator, I say, 42!

  2. CassJustCurious

    I feel like my skin is changing with each trimester and I simply can’t keep up with the product required to make it look a step up from death. It’s Monday – I’m not exactly glass half full on Monday’s.

  3. Elizabeth

    I was trying to pay attention to this post, but I was woefully distracted by what seemed like BEAUTIFUL flowers outside the window behind the prize. Do you garden, TOO? Is there no end to Swistle’s powers?

  4. Swistle

    Elizabeth- Ha ha! No. We have a flowering shrub in our yard. I do nothing but neglect it and occasionally prune the living heck out of it.

  5. JMC

    Oh, SO glad I sneaked away from my mother for a moment and saw this post.

    Combination skin.

    Oh, and random number generator? You NEVER randomly generate MY number. Let’s see if we can change that, huh?

  6. Karly

    Combination. Only not your normal combination. My nose alone is combination. The sides of my nose are dry and flaky. The tip of my nose is so greasy you could fry a french fry on there. WTH nose? What is your problem??

  7. Paige

    I do not like squirrels, but I do love chipmunks. What makes a chipmunk so much cuter than a squirrel? Maybe their high pitch voices.

  8. Tessie

    So sad that I had to consider the possible humiliation of failing to appropriately pay it forward before I entered.

    Dry skin. LIZARD dry.

  9. donna

    Totally combination skin but thanks to my lovely Morgan who does my facials and waxing, I have finally gotten the right products for me (that are cheap!) and now my skin is as close to normal as it will ever be.

    I love the idea of this pay-it-forward contest, by the way!

  10. Mrs. M

    not trying to play the pity card or anything, but I AM having lunch with my inlaws today….SANS HUSBAND!

    I know, I’m a saint. For this I will receive many crowns. And one of them I’ll pay forward.

  11. Angie

    I think random contests are my favorite, since no skill is needed. I wasn’t even CLOSE on your name.

    And, combination skin. Hate.

  12. Saly

    ….maybe there is a way to bribe the generator….

    Due to pregnancy hormones, my skin can be any of the 3 on any given day.

    And Alice’s comment is GREAT!

  13. Pixie

    I love those pencils unfortunately though I think the random number generator hates me so oh well.
    Also my skin it’s a mess, combination and acne prone, yuck. Share with me your secrets oh wise Swistle.

  14. Erin

    I’ve always had a soft place in my heart for possums. They’re our continent’s only native marsupial. And their only real downside is that they’re ugly. Which seems a bit harsh to me; we should not punish possums for being ugly.

    Also, you know what makes a great not-so-fatty diet food? Saltines with jelly.

  15. alienbea

    My three year old anointed himself and, consequently, everything within a five foot radius, with my favorite shade of mineral makeup blush this morning. He was head-to-toe sparkly pink and gold. Little stinker did his best to first hide the evidence and then to wash off before Mommy found out!

    Skin: combination, with an especially shiny, oily nose.

  16. Misty

    This is fun. Hope I win. Because I like stuff. :) And you have excellent taste.

    Yes, yes, I hear. UNSWAYED. It is just true, eh.

  17. Marie Green

    According to the good people at the Clinique counter, I’m combination. How do they know that???

    Hey, how about a diet update post? I’m on a diet too, and I’d love to hear how you’re doing. (I’m doing WW).

  18. the new girl

    Dry. Dry as a desert.

    Also? I totally LIED about that rimshot thing b/c no sooner had I made that comment did The Man enter the computer area and we did it back and forth for TOO LONG.


  19. amber

    I never win contests: I am the unluckiest person I know. Not that it stops me from trying.

    There, see now? If I win, it’ll be nicely ironic.

  20. Mommy Daisy

    Good taste, Swistle, that pencil tin is adorable!

    My skin is generally oily. Unless it’s in the dead of winter, then it’s dry and I must moisturize.

    Who likes squirrels? I can’t even remember if you spell it with 2 R’s or 2 L’s. Grr. In random story-ness: my dad once had a squirrel fall from a tree into his truck bed at work. Some of his coworkers saw it happen. The squirrel fell into the side of the bed and got stuck. It seriously ripped up his truck and caused thousands of dollars of damage. He didn’t believe the coworkers when they told him what happened until he saw the damage. Then he called my mom (who is an insurance agent) and asked her what they cover for squirrel damage. HA! He will ALWAYS hate squirrels.

  21. McWriter

    My skin is pretty normal, with a fancy chin-zit once a month. Joy.

    If anyone’s asking, and I know Swistle almost always is – my skin now expressly sports the Fresh makeup line. From concealer to foundation to powder to bronzer to eye shadow and more, for me, it’s all Fresh, all the time.

    Perhaps my pay it forward package (pick me, pick me, pick me) might be filled with items of the Fresh persuasion.

  22. Colleen

    Me, me, me! Count me in. What a really fun idea.

    Let’s see… I suppose squirrels are alright. My skin? Right now it’s rather high school like thanks to the whole pregnant thing.

  23. G

    Combination, but more oily.

    if you like cheesecake, go get Ben and Jerry’s cheesecake brownie ice cream. Now.

  24. Swistle

    May- Yes! It’s like casting bread upon the waters, and I think hoping someone ELSE’S bread will then come floating by for you, while YOUR bread goes on to someone else casting their OWN bread.

  25. lisa

    Oooh….I want to play. And if I win, since I live overseas, I get to pay it forward with stuff from Japan!!

  26. Melessa

    Thanks for visiting my blog! I’m not a big fan of the invisible cylon-talking man either, but my crush on Lee Adama sustains me through the show.

  27. Constance the 32nd

    Love the idea and want in too! And, I have to tell you that I made your Andes Mint Brownies the other night for a party and everyone loved them! Everyone was impressed because I don’t bake if it doesn’t come from a box. So thanks for all the effort to put that recipe together and make it so easy to make for dough-heads like me. ;)

  28. Suzannah

    I don’t have a blog, so if I win, you’ll have to pick a SECOND winner so I’ll have someone to send a package to. Otherwise, I’d have to send it to my sister, and while I owe her a care package anyway, she would open it, and then do nothing forward or backwards or any which way. So pick me and someone else for me!

  29. Anne

    Word verification can be fun. I always think its some shorthand thing I’d know if I were cooler –like lol. Reading Henry is THE best.

  30. Anne

    Word verification can be fun. I always think its some shorthand thing I’d know if I were cooler –like lol. Reading Henry is THE best.

  31. Alicia

    Slowly shifting from nasty-oily to more dry… Maybe I have lived in the desert for far too long?

    I want SURPRISES! Please?

    And Target…? He totally asked for my number the other day. We’ve been getting together on the sly ever since. Sorry. I hear he still loves you, though.

  32. Missy

    That dress is so cute. And I swear I had a pencil thing really similar to that one when I was a kid.

    Random Number Generator: You hair looks so good today. (Can’t hurt, right?)

  33. Kristine

    I guess combination. Although right now, dry, because I got sun burned and am not quite peeling yet.

    Also…I love pencils, I can’t wait to see what else you have assembled in your package!

  34. Kristi

    I have the kind of skin that currently requires me to have a very large third eye. Winning a contest would make me feel ever so better…

  35. Anonymous

    I want to win contest even though the movie Pay it Foward made me cry myself into a migraine.


  36. Swistle

    Dianne- YES! Consider yourself entered. What I’ll do is, if someone without a blog wins, I can choose a second person from the contest to be the recipient. If the SECOND person has a blog, then they can get it back on the blog chain that way.

  37. Pann

    Groovy contest.

    I kind of hope I don’t win, but I want to participate anyway because the LION LID IS SO CUTE.

    Plus my daughter could really use some pencils for all this pesky homework!


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