24 thoughts on “Options

  1. Emily

    I’d cancel US Weekly. I used to read it all the time, but I was really turned off by the way they handled the Heath Ledger thing. . .

  2. Jess

    I know, RIGHT? This is like TMZ. They go on and on about how Paris Hilton is so totally over. But NOT REALLY because YOU’RE STILL TALKING ABOUT HER.

    That’s how I feel about The Hills. Please stop the insane coverage. Please, I want my tabloids to cover celebrities I’m actually interested in. That means A List through potentially C List, and thus does not include the cast of The Hills. Kthxbai.

  3. AndreAnna

    I didn’t even know what The Hills was until a few weeks ago, and come to find out, it’s in it’s 4th season. Oh well. No great loss I imagine.

    I just can’t do reality TV anymore. I blame Puck from the Real World San Diego for that.

  4. Bird

    YOU HAVE A SUBSCRIPTION TO US WEEKLY? I’m just one of those people who picks them up in the grocery store–never occured to me to have them sent straight to the house. My mom gets People and they seem to get all the good baby photos.

    One day my husband was staring at one the trash rags (that’s what we call them), and he said, “I must be hopelessly out of touch–I dont’ know who any of these people are. Heidi and Spencer?” I turned to him and said, “Don’t worry–they’re not really famous–they just think they are and they fill up the pages of these things when there’s nothing going on”

    All that stuff that Jess said, ditto!

  5. Nowheymama

    One of my friends goes to the recycling center on Mondays, when the bins are full, and pulls (clean) magazines out of the recycling bin to read. I think this is a great idea; at least you’re not paying to read about people you don’t know. :)

  6. caleyadams

    Cancel your subscription- you can read all that online for free on their site!

    And The Hills- I watch it whenever I happen to flip through the channels and see that it’s on. And I can’t explain why. Its awful.

    As for American Idol- every year I say I’m going to stop watching it and I never do. IT SUCKS ME IN. Both shows are a waste of time, really.

    I’ve been no help whatsoever, I’m sorry!

  7. Jennifer

    I watch AI for the first couple of rounds so I can see all the wingnuts and have something to talk about with my younger co-workers.

    The Hills? I just can’t bring myself to watch. I don’t get it – is it real? Is it fake? Why should I care about these people? Feh.

    With regard to US Weekly I say CANCEL and do what I do. Jezebel.com condenses all of the weeklies into a nice, neat bundle for you so you can save your money, your precious time and above all else, your dignity.

    An example from this week:


  8. Jess

    Wow, I seriously am in the minority here…maybe I shouldn’t even admit it. But, honestly, I freaking love The Hills. Seriously, I have no idea why, if you watch it, you’ll find it’s completely CRAZY the life these 20-somethings live, but for some reason I find it midlessly entertaining.
    Please don’t hate me because my t.v. viewing habits are shallow…

  9. Omaha Mama

    Confession: I watch both. Do you hate me now?
    I enjoy mindless drivel (sp?) in the face of such sadness in the “real” world news. It’s a guilty pleasure.

    I am an US Weekly subscriber and feel guilty about that too. And pleased, I guess.

  10. Julie

    Never watch American Idol, but I LOVE the Hills AND I have a subscription to US Weekly. Basically, I am no help at all!

  11. Swistle

    Jennifer- Okay, that Jezebel site is SERIOUSLY COOL.

    Jess- Ha ha! Like I’d be one to talk, considering I’m the one with a SUBSCRIPTION to US Weekly!

    Omaha Mama- No, in fact now I think of you as cutting edge!

  12. Mairzy

    Oh, dear, I usually keep myself clean and spotless from celebrity tabloids because I don’t have a subscription or T.V. And I feel so GOOD AND SUPERIOR. And then Jennifer goes and throws out that website. Darn. Now it’s accessible, which makes it harder to be pure as driven snow.

  13. Amber

    I also subscribe the The Weekly. And I don’t watch the Hills and never will. It’s ok if we’re out of touch when it comes to a group of total douchebags!

  14. Astarte

    Stop watching everything and just watch The Soup instead. It’s funny, you know just enough to keep up on the sadness that our ‘culture’ has become, and you don’t waste any time. It’s very compact, and I don’t feel dirty afterwards, like I do when I read rag mags. I literally can’t make myself watch network TV, ever. I feel too gross.

    I take that back – I watch Family Guy. A Lot.

  15. Kelsey

    We do watch AI, but I’ve never seen
    The Hills. I don’t read US Weekly, but I have friend who subscribes to People. She reads them the day the arrive in the mail and then passes them on to me. . . all of the fun/none of the guilty wallet. I also feel like I can skip the parts I don’t care about since I didn’t PAY for it. Although this past year I did give my friend some money toward her subscription because, dang!, People is expensive.

    I’d say cancel (think of how you could use that money at Target!).


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