44 thoughts on “Why Stop With Dusty When You Can Add Sticky?

  1. Erica

    My goodness! The look on their faces is precious. They look so ashamed and petulant.

    I’m stunned by how much they look like you did at the same age.

  2. caleyadams

    OH NO! That is too funny! As well as awful. Did you laugh or cry when you came upon this mess?

    Also- the resemblance between little Swistle and Elizabeth is UNCANNY.

  3. Swistle

    Caley- I neither laughed nor cried: I grabbed the camera. Then I ran a bath for them. Then I felt like crying: powdered sugar was all up the fronts of the cabinets, and Edward had been whipping around a sugarful washcloth so the air was cloudy. And Henry was crying. Groannnnnnnn.

  4. Jess

    Wow, do you ever look like your kids. And apparently the resemblance isn’t just skin deep. Too bad for you! But also: yay for you!

  5. Omaha Mama

    I thought that picture of you was one of your kids! Until I realized maybe it looked like an older photo! Family resemblence, yes.

    That’s cute! Though perhaps not in the moment.

  6. Jennifer

    I’m afraid that anything in powder form is similar to glitter – you’re going to be finding traces of it for YEARS. Just think about how you will look back on this one day and laugh. Or not.

  7. Kelsey

    Ha! It’s probably a good thing our kids don’t live close enough to play together. Can you imagine powdered sugar and vaseline??? :-)

    I love that you have the photo for comparison.

  8. Katie

    HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! I love it!! That is so great!

    I took baby powder and completely covered my friend’s dollhouse in “snow” when I was in about 5th grade. I never did understand why her parents were so pissed at me.

  9. Erin

    You successfully cloned yourself.

    I hate to think of cleaning up that sugar! You are good to find humor in it. I’m not sure I would until it was too late to take a photo.

  10. Tessie

    Is there anything WORSE to clean up than powdered sugar? Except maybe cocoa powder? Or the innards of a beanbag chair? Okay, that was two things right off the top of my head.

    Still, do not let it diminish the head pat I intended to give here.

  11. Heather

    How bad is it to vacuum up powdered sugar? I once had a cocoa powder mess and I found it went right through the filter on the dustbuster and just spewed out the back of the thing!

  12. JMC

    Oh. My. Gosh. That must have been a NIGHTMARE to clean up. Great pictures, though. And the history repeating things are always fun.

  13. Swistle

    Heather- It’s about as bad. The dustbuster wouldn’t pick up much of it, and what it DID pick up got clogged in the filter. I got most of it with a wet washcloth. Which of course made it sticky. RRRRRRRG.

  14. Amber

    I also would have guessed that that was Elizabeth – cute and also cringeworthy as I think about the mess. I totally would have cried.

  15. fairydogmother

    HA! My mom has a similar photo of my sister and I at that age as well. We had gotten into the maple syrup from the pantry. And, um, there may be a few other photos in that genre in her collection as well.

    Great two-year-old minds think alike! ;)

    Your mini Swistles sure look like they were having fun, even while being totally busted. =)

  16. Lizzie

    Hilarious – that you found that photo of you to compare too! My mother always threw the curse at me: you’ll have children that are just like you! You got it, girl. Good thing they’re so cute!

  17. amber

    I’m about to state the obvious again, but I think you and Elizabeth look remarkably alike. COOL. She’s your mini-me! (Please, please forgive the Austin Powers reference).

  18. anna

    I just want to say that you & your mother are both GENIUS to think of taking a picture at a moment like that! They are awesome.

  19. Kelley

    Boo did the same thing today. But with a pot plant. On the tiles. AND on my bright! shiny! new! Wii Fit. And I had a wee fit I tell you…

    But his face was adorable, he was all innocent and ‘come and play’ so he was saved from being duct taped to the inside of his closet.


  20. Pixielyn

    THAT was hilarious!! Were you so mad but laughing? One time my son made an amazing road tunnel and city with cars and wooden blocks right in the middle of my flower bed! He took all “those ugly green thingys out” to make room for his buildings and roads. I had a pile of flowers on the sidewalk all dead in the sun but my son was beaming with pride. I was furious but laughing all at the same time!
    Thank you for posting that!!! That was wonderful!

  21. Jen

    “Edward had been whipping around a sugarful washcloth”

    pardon me while i say a prayer:
    oh please oh please never let my child think that this would be fun.

    although, now i would be more prepared for it so maybe it would be okay. :)


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