42 thoughts on “Contests Over!

  1. JMC

    Okay, yeah, these little posts that keep popping up WITHOUT the reveal are just MEAN!! ;)

    Thank goodness I have to go run kids around now, or I might carpel tunnel syndrome myself clicking the refresh button.

  2. Mairzy

    Well, I told myself I wasn’t going to check in every fifteen minutes because everybody will find out eventually and I’m not getting a prize anyway, and it’s not that big a deal… I’ve told myself that every, oh, fifteen minutes as I log on again.

    — Mairzy.

  3. Jeff

    are the contests combined? is there a winner for the name and a winner for the photo or only one winner?

    i ask because i realized i posted with two different usernames. (too many login choices!)

    i posted as jeff on the names contest and atoms on the photo contest. i know, i know – way to make things difficult.

  4. BRash

    Oh thank god. I can finally get back to my own life. And I’m so glad you’re one of the ones I’d pictured you as! I just could NOT have pictured you as an E, F, G, I, K or L. It just didn’t “fit”, y’know? But H? H fits.

    And I can confess now that after you mentioned that you wouldn’t discuss WHERE you would be writing because of the possibility of them “getting you started early,” I tried to cheat. I figured you’d be writing at one the places Sundry already writes at (always Sundry’s accompaniment) I tried searching for Swistle on ParentDish and WorkItMom. How cheaty of you to be ‘sharing’! I never could have found it!

  5. Steph the WonderWorrier

    Fantastic reveal!

    As I said over there, I was proud that I got your picture right, but I wasn’t even close on the name (because of my determination that your name would start with an “S”).

    Can you do a post explaining how/why you chose your alias? (Unless you have in the past… forgive me then, I’m a fairly new reader, hahah).

  6. Amber

    Oh my god! I totally had a dream last night that you were sorting through answers to the contest and I was looking at you and I said “You’re H! You’re H!”

    And looky looky what do I find this morning….?

  7. the new girl

    You’re going to need a little bit more than a lie-down to prepare yourself for the task ahead.

    You’re going to need a team of ELVES or something to help you.

    I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED this whole thing, Swistle.

    Thanks for all the fun.

  8. BRash

    Now can we see the anonymous wedding photo non-anony-mized? So many of us used that to try and deduce what you looked like from the chip up, and it’d be cool to see what you looked like 10 years ago!

  9. Swistle

    Jeff- Okay, I’ve made a note that you are one and the same! Contests will be prized separately–unless one person happened to win both, in which case I’d have to re-evaluate.

  10. Swistle

    BRash- Oh, you’re naughty! And good idea about the wedding picture!

    Steph the WW- Sure! I’ll try to remember to incorporate that into the name contest winners post.

  11. Steph the WonderWorrier

    Thanks, Swistle! I look forward to reading about it!

    Even though we know you’re Kristen, I’m certain we’re all still going to call you “Swistle” haha.

    I do the same thing for “Dooce”. Even though we know she’s Heather, my friends and I call her “Dooce” even when discussing her blog outloud. lol. So you’re forever “Swistle” to us.

  12. skiplovey

    H! Oh my gosh you look both waaaay to young to be in your thirties and also have 5 kids. Geez. I really considered H but then I thought, “Nah way to young.”
    What’s your beauty secret (don’t even say it’s having five kids)?

    Super fun contest, even though I so supremely lost.

  13. squandra

    OMG you were making a Sundry face in your picture … And your new gig is ANOTHER WRITING PROJECT WITH SUNDRY. And when you started at SundryBuzz I didn’t realize it was you, at first. And, and, and … Separated at birth!

  14. Mary Kate

    Oh no! I didn’t get anything right! Of course, now that I know the answers I can’t believe I didn’t choose them. No cool prizes for me :(

  15. Swistle

    Squandra- No, not ParentDish. ParentDish is SO SCARY! The commenters are SOME nice and normal, and SOME scary mad dogs.

    Skiplovey- My beauty secret is digital photography, which lets me take a hundred pictures and choose the one in which I look youngest and skinniest!

  16. bananafana

    I got the picture right! my comment wouldn’t post so I guess I’ll just have to go buy all the cool prizes offered :). I never would have gotten the name. And holy moses you look so young! love the haircut

  17. Gina

    I didn’t even enter because I knew I would be totally worng and guess what? I was. Your name wouldn’t have even occurred to me and your photo was the first one I eliminated (in my defense I didn’t notice Drew Barrymore right away). Seriously – I looked right at it and thought – too young, too skinny (not that I thought you were fat, but you talk about dieting), definitely not her.

  18. Tina G

    I’m consoling myself about my wrong guesses with the idea that perhaps choice “A” photo girl’s name is “Alison”. Henry looks A LOT like her….You are adorable and I like your jawline, hehehe.

  19. CARRIE

    Totally not how I expected you to look. You look way less SAH-Momish than I expected (given the 5 kids and resulting sleep deprivation, etc.) Of course, I am stereotyping based on how crappy I look most days.

  20. jonniker



    (Also, may totally post photo of the fist pump I did when I got your e-mail, because DUDE, YES DUH OF COURSE THAT WAS YOU.)

  21. Jessica

    I thought you had put in a secret clue about your name by saying it’s in the first 150 names. I took that to mean it was between 100 and 150, but it was really 58!

  22. Swistle

    Jessica- I know! I would have thought the same thing—but didn’t think of it when I set up the contest. I was trying to choose a large enough number of names to make the contest the right degree of difficulty for a 5-name guess.

  23. rccalyn

    Ha, wow. Now that I look at all the pictures, I wonder why I thought any of them could be you since it’s SO obvious that you are, well, you! And one of my name guesses was pretty darn close – I wonder if that counts? Fun contest, and I’ll enjoy reading over there too!

  24. Kelsey

    This was one of the most fun/most suspenseful internet weeks ever! It’s nice to meet the “real” you, though you’ll still remain Swistle to me.

  25. desperate housewife

    Oh, I am SO excited that one of my name guesses was right! It was even the one I was HOPING was right, the more I thought about it throughout the week. It seemed to fit.
    And that picture does fit my mental image of you really well. Except you’re so THIN, silly! That was what really threw me off about the whole thing- none of those women looked like they needed to be worrying about weight AT ALL. ESPECIALLY Miss H.

  26. mn

    yo, this ain’t fair. i don’t read the blogs for four days bc i had to fly out of town and you are doing contests. ah. i so wanted that tote and those hair buttons….

  27. Omaha Mama

    Wow – that photo. The one of the real YOU. was one that I was considering when you did your contest. The suspense was too much. For sure.

    I think I was wrong on all accounts. But it sure was fun. I don’t think I’ll be able to call you anything but Swistle.

  28. the new girl

    How are you feeling? Are you hung over?

    Did you do the early-morning internet walk of shame??

    Did you have a dream last night that you told the WHOLE INTERNET who you are, complete with a VERY CUTE PICTURE??

  29. Swistle

    Jen4- I’m sure! And in fact, there was only one blood relative in the line-up, and she got not one single vote!

    TNG- That IS kind of how it feels! Except happier.


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