Contest the Second: Photo!

(Also see Name Contest!)

Time for the photo contest! Look at the photos below. Guess which one is me. If you already know what I look like, you’re ineligible to participate; there will be a Pity Contest later on for you.

I have light brown hair that sometimes photographs blonder if the light catches it right, and sometimes photographs browner if it swallows all the light in the room. I’ve been known to tint it red. I can make it straight or wavy, depending on how I style it. I’ve recently had a haircut, but won’t say whether it was before or after I took the photo.

Cheaty entries (example: “either A or C”) will be discarded as too hard to score.

There is no advantage to guessing earlier/later: as long as the guess is made before the contest ends, all guesses are equal.

Thanks to everyone who donated a photo for this! (Also: K is NOT Meryl Streep.)

Edit: Thanks to Bethany, who made a WAY BETTER photo system: all the photos in one big block. Holy heck, Bethany, it is SO MUCH BETTER than what I had. THANK YOU for doing all that work!

Details: Contest deadline is Friday morning (May 2nd). I’m not sure yet what TIME Friday morning, so it would be safer to consider the deadline Thursday night.

A winner will be chosen by random drawing from correct answers. Right now I’m considering a prize of a Swistle Care Package: a copy of The Baby Name Wizard book; batch of fudge; things I find in the junk drawer.

Plus, of course there will be glory and honor among blog-readers, as we all hail your mighty guessing powers. There will be no Incredibly Awesome Prizes, unless someone is reading this who works at a huge company that would like to donate an Incredible Awesome Prize? Like a car? Or a mansion? Or a giant case of candy bars? That would be AWESOME! Just, um, send the prize to ME first, and I’ll make SURE it gets delivered to the winner!

Good luck, and you may start guessing!

254 thoughts on “Contest the Second: Photo!

  1. Suzannah

    Too many choices! Do you want me to say M? Because I will if you want me to. J is what I’d pictured, but upon closer inspection, she looks way too put together for a mom of 5. I don’t look that put together, ever, and I’m a mom of only 2. Hats off to J.

    All the ladies are lovely, but in the end, I completely guess and choose…H.

  2. moo

    This is HARD! Harder than the NAMES!

    I was going to go with H but now I like C … and M looks right, too …


    C is my final answer. ::holds breath::

  3. JMC

    Well, I’m pretty certain you’re not Meryl Streep or Drew Barrymore. I want to say A because of the games in the background, and because around the eyes resembles the pictures of your kids around the eyes. But I also think it could be C, except that she looks like she’s in a cubical because of the Dilbert cartoon, though it could be in front of a refrigerator. Some of these pictures look like ones I’ve seen before… Um, L is not a fair one – reflective sunglasses completely hide the eyes, both color and shape. Um… I narrow it down to A, C or E, but I’m going to go with… dum dum dum… A.

  4. Luna

    I think A has the same eyes as Henry but it also looks EXACTLY like a teacher in a classroom, so I’ll say no.

    H jumped out at me – she looks like Elizabeth and Edward, although at least from the neck up doesn’t look like someone who needs to worry about diets.

    Final answer? H

  5. BRash

    Well, I can rule out K & M b/c I’m pretty sure you’re not famous – and if you are THAT will be prize enough for me. I can also rule out B & L b/c I assume you’re posting your ‘bio’ picture and those couldn’t be ‘bio’ pictures – too excited and too sunglassed. So that leaves me 9 choices. When I first went through I though H! Exactly! But then I read your comments and A totally does look like your daughter, so I’m torn. I think I’ll go 1st guess A, 2nd guess H.
    The thing that I think is most fascinating is that there are choices that I think you are definitely NOT, and I’m not sure how I’ll feel if they really are you. Dismayed? Disappointed? Outraged? (Well, probably not outraged! I’m normal I swear!)
    Of course I can’t tell you which one those are because what if they turn out to be you? Won’t I feel like a jerk!

  6. jonniker

    I know your name, but I don’t know what you look like, and ergo, I am QUALIFIED for this contest (but I totally want in on the Pity Contest later, as I was ineligible for one).


    It’s H. Your kids look like whoever H is, so even if I’m wrong, you might want to consider whether this woman is related to your children. She looks like Rob. Or William. Or, dammit, whichever And H is PRECISELY how I pictured you, and whoever she is (SHE IS TOTALLY YOU) is adorable. All the other women are also adorable on the off chance I am wrong (I AM SO NOT WRONG HERE. I KNOW THIS IN MY VERY SOUL.)

    H H H H H H H H H H H H H

  7. Clarabella

    A-after careful comparison of pictures of your kids from other posts and the A photo. (Seriously, I lined them up in my iphoto and flipped back and forth.)
    Unless you ARE Meryl Streep or Drew Barrymore. And I guess you totally could be, although then you would probably have a nanny for each kid and you’d be vacationing in the south of France instead of writing delightful posts on your blog, so I’m assuming you’re not, and I’m glad.
    I thought of you today when I saw a woman in Wal-hell (ahem) with her 5 kids, all under 10. She had 3 boys and two girls, and her middle boy’s name was Atticus (he kept wandering, she kept calling)! Isn’t that name FABULOUS? She probably thought I was weird because I was watching her lovely family thinking how together she seemed and how well-behaved they were (with the slight exception of Atticus) and thinking how brave she was to venture into WallyWorld with ALL 5 OF THEM! But I’m sure you do that all the time since you’re Wonder-Swistle! (Sorry for the novel, too much caffeine today.)

  8. Saly

    Ok, for one, you totally got me to logon to my computer at home….you know I don’t do this. And also, I am SO TORN!! I’m trying to pictue that wedding photo you posted, where we could see your chin….and I think that “H” has that chin. But “H” also looks very similar to someone else out there in the blogosphere… if you are “H” you and she must be sisters. That all being said, I’m going to pick A. Everyone else is picking H….You could be any of these people–who knows!

    A is my answer.

    It is 10:01—-good night SWISTLE

  9. rccalyn

    Ahhh, I can’t decide between A and J…A looks like you are as fun as you sound. J seems a bit more realistic, but then G and J look very similar…hmmm I think my final answer is…ahhhh…J!

  10. jonniker

    Oh Christ, I meant to say that “whichever was in the sibling helping photo which I now cannot find.”

    I wasn’t intentionally being dismissive of Rob or William as individuals or meaning that they’re interchangeable (you know, whichever!”). I mean, really. I swear. I just forgot to finish that sentence.

  11. Natalie

    M. Yeah M. Do I get brownie points for that?

    No seriously, I’m throwing in the towel on this one. I have no freaking idea, although many of them *seem* like they could be you.

  12. BRash

    So I kept thinking about this and I thought it would be nice to line the pictures all up and then take a look all together-like. So I did it in my iPhoto and then I emailed it to you in case you wanted to see it too. Is that a little weird? Maybe that is a little weird.

  13. jen

    I think A, because I immediately saw elizabeth.

    also I think I probably knew your real name at some point so I won’t vote on that haha

  14. Elizabeth

    I am just TORN between A, G, and J. I think I have to toss G because how on earth could you find time to straighten and blowbrush your hair like that? And no breastfeeding mom could have such shiny hair, right? I think I have to toss J, also, because I can’t see you owning such a sparkly WHITE chair. So I’ll go with A.

  15. k

    WOW, this has me stressing. This is VERY hard, I thought I had you “pictured” in my head and now I see all these photos and I have no clue, but here’s my guess “D”!

  16. Jess

    I was going to say J, but actually, I think that A looks kind of like Elizabeth, so I’m going with that.

    This is NOT a wishy-washy guess. My guess is A.

  17. Anna

    This is SO FUN and SUCH a great idea! I’m enjoying it even though I’m not allowed to vote. In the meantime, I can neener-neener: I KNOW SOMETHING YOU DON’T KNOW!

  18. desperate housewife

    I am very very torn between A and C. I went back to look at pictures of your kids, and thought that both of these choices resembled them. But the games in the background tipped the scales for… A. A is my final answer.

  19. Swistle

    Natalie- Come on, Natalie! You can do it! Look into my eyes, Natalie!

    Jonniker- Oh, I TOTALLY didn’t read it that way! Totally not! Really! In fact, somehow my eye skipped over that part when I read it the first time, and I had to go back after the second comment to see what you meant! And if I HAD noticed it, it would have been clear that it was an unfinished sentence.

  20. Melissa H

    C–but it’s hard! (and since I know your name I am quite certain you aren’t drew barrymore ;) And, after reading the comments, I’m not sure c looks like your kids but, still, c….

  21. Woman with a Hatchet

    I guess H.

    Looks young, like she just had a haircut and as if she stays inside a lot because she has several young children to chase around during the winter. She also strikes me as somewhat shy.

  22. honeybecke

    Dee DEEEE!


    Yes, I choose D.

    All these women look alike, seriously! But there can only be ONE Swistle, so yep let’s go with D.

  23. andrea

    PS. When you announce the correct answer, do we get to find out who the others are too?

    I’m thinking more A now. But I’ll stick with my original answer, J.

  24. susan

    H. Too easy. She looks like your kids!!

    (why do i get the feeling i’ll be wiping this smarmy smirk off my face when the answer is revealed?)

  25. Emblita

    I instinctively choose H…
    I’m trying to think why… and that photo looks like you sound (does that make any sense?) Plus some of the others look so corporate. This may be a totally wrong assumption but there it is.

  26. Kathi A

    It helps that we’ve seen pictures of your kids–we have some idea of what you look like based on that. I would guess E, G, H or J, but my final answer is going to be H.

  27. Kristin H

    I want to guess A because of the games in the background (and if that wasn’t planned and it’s not you: clever ruse!). But I really think H looks more like your kids, so that’s my guess. H!

  28. Sysha

    A A A A! I think A looks like Elizabeth. If you aren’t A, I’m sure you still look like your daughter, but it’s A in particular that jumps out at me as being a possible U! (Oooh, i’m so funny).

  29. Jill

    No wait! I typed the wrong thing and somehow I can’t delete my answer. A not F. Sorry.
    Gah, stupid not checking my post before posting.

  30. susan

    me again. not changing my answer (still think it’s H). seriously, it is 100%, i-would-put-money-on-it H. I only had to look at the pix once to pick you out a mile off. the hair, the glasses, the lipstick to show you’ve made an effort (great colour, totally matches your top!) for your pic, the way you’ve stuck it in the middle, to add to the anonymity (seems like the kinda thing you’d do). and you totally look like the kids.

    Without a doubt, YOU ARE H!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i KNOW it! hahahaha! okay, is this now sounding maniacal?

    PS you look lovely :)

  31. Tessie

    I’ve looked at it so long that I now feel that I recognize ALL of them, which is weird and also…WRONG.

    I do recongize SOME of them though, which YAY 100+ BLOG FEEDS!

    It gives me the Nervous Tummy though, because what if I pick a(nother) blogger whose BLOG I READ and therefore I really should KNOW? Oh god oh god!

    Okay, stalling, stalling. My top 3 are A, H, and J, but I’m going with:


  32. d e v a n

    Totally spent way too much time looking in detail at the details in each picture. I think it’s either H or J but I’m having a hard time deciding. J looks so familiar and I don’t think I know you…
    STill, going with J. No. H. No. J.

    OK – J. Final answer.

  33. Linda

    SO JEALOUS. I wish I was anonymous so that I could do this, too. What fun.

    This was really hard and I have spent way more time than I should staring at the pictures, reading comments, scrolling back up to see who each commenter was talking about . . . my kids are dirty and hungry.


    (If you are H than you seriously look 16 years old.)

  34. jonniker

    I feel like Susan and I should get special prizes for our UTTER CONVICTION and deductive reasoning and the fact that we can’t stop commenting to let you know that YOU CANNOT HIDE. WE SEE YOU, H.

    Because something in the way the photo was taken, the quality of it, the whole thing … there’s more to it than just your face, but your glasses, your hair, the lips, the whole thing make me KNOW in my HEART that IT IS H.

    In fact, I’m not even allowing for the fact that it might not be. No caveats here. IT IS H.

  35. Mrs. M

    Geesh!!! I’m seriously torn between A, G, and J. A and J are giving me the most trouble but I’m going to


    I think that person looks like a Katrina (which I’ve named you) and also seems to be sporting a cute target necklace and well, I know you are a target kind of woman, as am i!

    Next I’d choose A because that is a Katrina-ish face and also seems to have some earrings that are darling and I’m betting Target has!

  36. Slice of Paradise

    Um… my serious guess would be J

    I would vote for M, but I’m not sure when Drew Barrymore as Swistle would have time to make homemade baby food! LOL Maybe M is in line to play the lead in “Switzle’s Story” on Lifetime?! ;)

  37. drowninginlaundry

    H – looks like their hair has your annoying double cowlick – and you do not normally have bangs……

    Although if that is right you so do not need to diet, go eat some brownies dammitt.

  38. Kate

    My first instinct was C. Then I got to looking (and reading others’ comments) and had to look at A. But maybe you’re D? And then there’s H. I have the distinct disadvantage of being fairly new here – do I get credit for that??

    Ok, I’m guessing A.

  39. skiplovey

    This was tough. Your kids look very similar and yet, aside from the blonde hair, totally different. There’s at least three options that could be related to any one of your kids. And then there’s the question of how much do they actually look like you and how much do they look like Paul. You should post a picture of Paul.

    Not really stalling here, just analyzing.

    Ok I’m going with J. J has the look that could very well handle 5 kids.

  40. Cari

    You re so H. I have the same utter conviction as Jonniker, without her humor. It was the porcelain skin of a goddess that gave you away…


  41. sarcy

    I tried to piece together clues from older posts–I thought you once said you were done with bangs, and I studied your chin in your anonymous wedding photo!

    So, my guess is H.

  42. Cherish

    My final answer is H but I could really see E as well. From the glimpses though in other pictures and the resemblance to your kids though it just has to be H!

  43. Saly

    Now I’m all like, DARN IT! K was my 1st instinct–she looks just like Henry and Edward, but also Merly Streep, so it must be a decoy and I’m second guessing myself all over the place here.

    You should probably just email me the answer before I go in to preterm labor over here. No, really, I mean it.

    I’m not changing my original answer because that wouldn’t be fair, which was A….but somehow, I’m thinking now that you are most definitely K.

    I can’t deal with the stress any longer…


    (tee hee–looking forward to Friday)

  44. Catharina

    This is HARD! But after a lot of consideration, I vote for A, because…

    1. The hair looks like it could be styled straight or curly.
    2. You’ve mentioned liking dangly earrings several times.
    3. I feel like there is a resemblance with your daughter (although I will feel stupid if this turns out not to be you…)

  45. Marie Green

    Damnit, NOW I think it’s H. TOTALLY H. I should have thought about it more, b/c the second time I looked at the ladies, I immediately thought, yep, it’s H.

    Oh, well. I know this doesn’t count or anything.

    I’m stuck with K. =)

  46. Saly

    Swistle– are you telling me that I’m right? That I should change my answer? You are killing me.

    Let’s do it….nobody else says “K”. So K it is, Meryl!

  47. Swistle

    Mary Kate- I’ll leave it up to the photo donors to decide if they want to say who they are.

    Marie Green- Not too late! I’ll switch your vote!

  48. Dawn

    All right, I’m supposed to be studying for a final exam and instead I’m sitting here comparing these pictures to your kids on your Christmas card photos…and I still have no idea.

    So I guess C.

  49. Amber

    I’m guessing F. Because not one person has. And because I’m a dismal failure at the name game – I got all overwhelmed and thought there was no way I could possibly guess correctly…then my head exploded and I gave up.

    Anyway. I don’t really think it’s F. Apparently there’s no doubt about it – you’re H.

  50. Swistle

    Ashley- Sure! Tell me the date/time of your original comment (that’s how I’ve got them sorted in the spreadsheet) and I’ll change it.

  51. Fine For Now

    OMG, this is so hard! Okay, based on the pictures of your children I think that you could be (in no particular order) A, C, E, F, H, J & K.

    Same chin as kids: A, C, E, F, H
    Same eye shape as kids: A, C, E, F, J, K
    Same coloring as kids: E, F, H, K
    Similar teeth as kids: A, E, K
    Similar nose as kids: A, C, E, F, H

    Based on this, similarities appear in picture:

    A = 4x’s
    C = 3x’s
    E = 5x’s
    F = 4x’s
    H = 3x’s
    J = 1x
    K = 4x’s

    Through gut feeling alone I think you are probably E, H, or K and based on your descriptions alone I would go with C, H, or J.

    Most people are voting for A, and H, with J the third most.

    I am going to go with E, because of the skin color, chin, nose, eyes and teeth.


  52. Chez Bacon

    This is SO HARD. And reading everyone else’s comments makes it even harder.

    I narrowed it down in my head to A, G, H, J…
    I vote out G because it looks a little corporate, like a picture taken for a company website. A and H look the most like your children, and J looks the most like how I pictured you.

    And so: A, based on the earrings. I would NOT be surprised at all if you were H or A and the other one is your sister, or something, they both look so much like your kids.

  53. Steph the WonderWorrier

    Now I’ve read the comments, and I’m sticking with H. But my other two options were A and J, so interesting to know I was on track with most people!

    A lot of great photos though, I wouldn’t be “disappointed” if you were any of them! Don’t know what you worried about!

  54. G

    A 0r K…Hmm, I cannot believe how much time I have spent considering this!!

    Ok..I have to leave work soon…going with K.

  55. minnie

    This is outrageously hard. I’m really nervous. i have to eliminate those with obviously too brown hair and the ones wearing sunglasses, even tho I love B.

    I’m leaning towards, A, C or J.
    But C’s hair is awfully curly and it seems like straightening it would be a huge pain. A’s hair maybe could be curly or straight depending on how one combed it, like my hair is. J looks so amusing and capable but the hair seems so straight…

    OMG! I can’t decide!okay,


  56. Keira

    Ok, for me it’s between E and A.
    I don’t think you’d look as put together as A (lol) but I’m feeling the vibe for it much more than E.
    So… final answer, A.

  57. Reagen

    Positively H, because I can see such a resemblance between H and your children. Also, something about H reminds me of Uma Thurman.

  58. reagen

    Let me explain…not that YOU remind me of Uma Thurman – just an observation based solely on the photo!

  59. Stacie

    My guess is H. And, just as an observation, I think H looks like Zooey Deschanel. I think that’s how you spell it. The girl in ELF, one of my family’s favorites.

  60. Susan Elizabeth


    You are totally the cutie in H!

    Also, can I please tell you how much fun these contests are???!!!

  61. Farrell

    I kind of want to change my answer from H to A because H’s hair is too fine, too straight – and too blond…but A looks familar to me somehow and I’m pretty darn sure I’ve never seen a picture of you. Also, it’s the first one, so it’s too obvious. Unless you did that on purpose to throw us off, but actually, she just looks too young and if you look that good well PROPS.
    Just ignore this whole thing and how sad? is it that I’m re-visiting just to say I’m agonizing. But then again you already know I’m OCD.

  62. the new girl

    Oh hells bells, this is way harder than I thought it would be. There are a few I would NOT want you to be and a couple that I would LOVE if you were…isn’t that funny?

    But I think that I have to go with H.


  63. Anonymous

    Okay, I want to say A, b/c of the resemblance to your kids…but my gut is saying G.

    G Final Answer!!!

    Ashley P.

  64. Anonymous

    Just went back and reviewed pictures of your kids. William, in the first Christmas card option, looks just like H. I am sticking with H. – I have spent entirely too much time today analyzing the pictures and reading the comments. Must go to sleep now.

  65. Sam

    First off, this has got to be the most comments that you’ve ever gotten on any of your post. You rule!
    My guess is A!
    Definetely A, I have no doubt in my mind!

    (fingers crossed!)

  66. Nellyru

    K, I guess K…but only because H isn’t wearing any earrings…WHERE ARE THE EARRINGS? THE FABULOUS TARGET EARRINGS?

    And I still am too chicken to do the name game. Yikes. (Although this contest is, frankly, equally nerve-wracking…because it CANNOT possibly be normal to stare slack jawed at all these random pictures for so long…click, scroll, click, scroll, click, scroooollll…)

  67. Jen4 @ Amazing Trips

    If you’re not A … H is my second guess. Which was actually my first guess, until I saw A and thought, WOW that looks just like ELIZABETH. And Henry. And William.

    Yours, not mine. Of course.

  68. Laura

    Hello Swistle “A”!!

    Swistle “A” totally looks like your kids.

    Swistle “A” has great skin.

    Swistle “A” appears to be wearing her new Target earings.

    Swsitle “A” looks like she needs a brownie!

    My guess is AAAAAAAA!
    Get baking Momma!

  69. Jennifer

    Man, this is SO hard. H was the one that first caught my eye, so I’m going to go with that. A would be my second guess primarily b/c the lady pictured is wearing earrings and I remember reading you wear ’em regularly. All of these people have such cool eyewear!

  70. RainyPM

    If it’s not too late to guess, and although I really have no idea, I’m going with “I”.

    That prize bag is too cute not at least guess!!

  71. Jen

    Or maybe A! Damn.

    Grrr, this is killing me.

    Okay, I am changing my original answer to A. That’s it. I’m done. Turning off computer to cease further voting. Gah.

  72. Laura

    I choose H because somehow it seems to remind me of your daughter. Not that she looks exactly like that picture but there’s a certain something…

  73. RainyPM

    Can I please change my guess? I originally thought that today was Friday and so I just hurried and picked a letter without even looking at the pictures because I wanted a chance to win that cute bag! Then I realized tonight that it’s only Thursday and there’s still time.

    So I would officially like to change my answer to H. No D. Ack! This is so tough!! Okay, final answer: D – Fun and maybe a little mischievous.

    It better not be I (my first guess)!!

  74. minnie

    shoot. now, I look again and H is staring at me with her cute little glasses and big eyes. she looks young but so do i and I’m only a year younger than you. HMMMM.

    Can I change my answer?!

    Final Final answer::H

  75. squandra

    Okay, “A” really does look like Elizabeth, and she does have The Skin. And “H” I can see, but she’s sort of making a Sundry face, even though she doesn’t really HAVE a Sundry face, which makes me skeptical somehow.

    I say “J” … Based on brilliant, brilliant instinct alone. (I win!)

  76. Libby

    I think I recognize A from somewhere, and somehow C too. I was thinking maybe G, but I picture you too smiley and good-natured, so I’m going with J. No, K. I’m sticking with K. She looks like more fun.

  77. Bunny

    OMG This is so hard! I originally based my choice on who looked old enough to have 5 kids. Most of these women do not look old enough to have five children. A looks very much like Elizabeth, but I think that might be a red herring, spot A and all. And everybody seems to think H and I’m going to say not H since I know you have been trying to diet and eat less baked goods and H is quite skinny and so can eat all the brownies she wants. I’m also thinking that your pictue would have been taken by yourself inside so that eliminates a few.

    Even though I’ve only seen one other comment with this vote…I’m going with my gut:


  78. Anonymous

    Great blog — just got here from Stimey. Based on nothing but a quick look at the kids photos I pick and the cool earrings I pick A (although and not for scoring I pick D who looks like a cool mom)



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