23 thoughts on “Things Removed From Henry’s Mouth (Not All at the Same Time)

  1. Omaha Mama

    Oh yeah. I’ve so been there. And posted about it too, I believe.

    Do you not have pets? I didn’t see pet food on there. Although, I think both of my kids were just over a year old when they tasted their first sweet nibble of dog food. Yummm.

  2. Clarabella

    Good to know my son is not the only one who has a taste for mulch and bugs! We are currently infested with mayflies (known to some as mosquito hawks), and so they sneak in from outside and die all over the house. I have managed to pull three out of his mouth, and I don’t want to think about the ones he may have swallowed before I caught them.
    Also, my son’s hair does the same thing. It’s impossible to control.

  3. andrea

    Just yesterday I removed a plastic bead (cue first-time mother anxiety: Oh my god she could have choked to death on that ) AND a small stone from E’s mouth. She and L regularly require mouth finger sweeps for carpet fibres from our rug and the cat scratching pole. But the worst was a piece of BROKEN GLASS (from a jar I broke and thought I’d tracked down every last piece) L was about to put in her mouth.

    Wouldn’t you think that from an evolutionary perspective, babies’ habit of putting any small object they find into their mouths would NOT advance the survival of the species? I don’t get why they do it.

  4. Swistle

    Amy- Henry too! I took the picture fast, and the bowl was on the floor less than a minute later. (The bowl was from his big brother: I asked William to get Henry some cereal, and William thought I meant in a bowl.)


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