Undershirt-Inspired Affection, and More TCP Clothes

I was telling my mom about what I’d learned from all the comments on the little girl undershirt question, and I got this WAVE of love for all of you. Here we all are, in our own homes scattered literally ACROSS THE WORLD, and we can pool our knowledge about little girl undershirts so that one morning I am adrift on a sea of camibafflement and the next morning I know the whole scoop! Isn’t that NEAT?

Okay, fine, I know it’s only undershirts. But it’s what is UNDERNEATH the undershirts. …No, not little girls! SHARING and LOVE.

The subject of undershirts came up because I, um. Placed another order at The Children’s Place. I know, I know! But now it’s take an additional FIFTY percent off! (Plus the coupon code S1A48 for ANOTHER 15% off.) And that’s when I go back and buy more stuff! And I bought Elizabeth some underwear in case she ever deigns to potty-train. And that’s when I noticed the matching undershirts and got nervous.

Anyway, I bought that tiered chiffon skirt I liked so much last time. I was agitating and agitating about it not being available in Elizabeth’s size, and about how I was Never Going To Be Able To Buy It, and sad sad sad, and This Really Matters and so forth, and then I was like, “Why not buy it anyway?” So I did. They only had it in size 6-9 months, so I bought it in size 6-9 months along with a size 6-9 months matching eyelet-trimmed bodysuit and size 6-12 months matching maryjane tights, the whole outfit for less than $10.

pink onesie shirt

(image from childrensplace.com)

tiered skirt in pink, green, and yellow

(image from childrensplace.com)

white tights with a pretend pink mary jane shoe printed on them

(image from childrensplace.com)

Great gift, yes? Especially if SOMEBODY gives me a NIECE. Or if SOMEBODY ELSE says yes to a sixth baby and it’s a girl! Or if I ever find anyone else I love enough to give the outfit to. And if not, I will keep it in a box and take it out and look at it lovingly and play games where I choose my favorite stripe in the skirt, and my second favorite, and so on.

And I bought another outfit for Elizabeth. The outfit is not as wonderful as the tiered skirt outfit, but it has the advantage of being for a child who currently exists. I got her the green polo dress for $4.24 and the coordinating tights for $1.27.

green and white striped polo shirt dress

(image from childrensplace.com)

green and white floral tights that perfectly match the polo dress

(image from childrensplace.com)

And then I bought some dreadfully dull boy clothes: jeans and brown-striped shirts and some socks and YAAWWWWWNNNNN.

38 thoughts on “Undershirt-Inspired Affection, and More TCP Clothes

  1. Allstarme79

    I always find it funny how most moms I know absolutely hate boys clothes! I love them and am particularly bored by girls’ clothes; everyone’s different I suppose.

    Do you have any outfits for your boys that you like?

  2. Swistle

    Allstarme79- I really like their TCP jeans paired with Old Navy or Target pullover shirts. But I find their clothes only satisfying to stock up on—not particularly fun.

  3. LoriD

    I love both outfits. Good call on buying the first one. You’ll get a chance to gift it or use it at some point and then be all smug about your clever shopping skills back in April ’08.

    I like little boy sports clothes, like hockey jerseys and baseball shirts. Bart now really likes to have a number on his shirt – sometimes I just show him the size tag (he’s easy that way)!

  4. Ms. Flusterate

    I have to say that I really enjoy reading all the comments on children’s clothes–my girls are all teenagers (and none are fashionistas–just jeans and T’s so shopping is NOT fun).
    I wax poetic for the days when I could lovingly buy their sweet outfits and they just wear them and look cute.
    Sigh. ENJOY IT!!

  5. drowninginlaundry

    I adore shopping for boys clothes, mostly because it will not put me in the poor house like a girl would. Seriously though, little boys stuff can be fun. AS far as TCP goes though, it is always SO BIG on my little guy, by the time the waist is reasonable the legs are too short. That totally blows.

  6. el-e-e

    Oh, my! I really love the polo dress and flowery tights! CUTE!! You’re a good citizen, sharing these things with us so we know when it’s time to SHOP! *clicks over to TCP*

  7. Erica

    Maddie has that polo dress. I love it.

    I bought her 2 dresses, 2 pair of shorts, a pair of yoga capris, 4 shirts, and 2 pairs of flip flops. And that doesn’t count the size 18 months clothes I got for her last year when they went on clearance.

    I think I may be addicted to TCP.

  8. Amber

    Little girl clothes are truly THE BOMB. I just got my box o’adorableness from TCP yesterday and Riley looked so cute on her way to school today that I wanted to eat her.

  9. Alice

    i totally feel the love of the interwebs! i feel like my recent icky break up would have been SO MUCH HARDER if i didn’t have happy internet love pouring in to help me :-)

  10. JMC

    Their site is currently e-x-t-r-e-m-e-l-y s-l-o-w, but I’m going to try again later. With those prices, I can almost totally dress my younger three for the summer. Some of those baby dresses are SO adorable, I wish we had a wedding or something to go to this summer so I would have a reason to buy them. That white eyelet one for $7.49 – OMG, but she’d never have occasion to wear it. Though for that price, she could wear it playing in the sandbox, I suppose.

  11. Jill

    Hey, Swistle! Any idea where you can get such deals on adult woman clothes? Because seriously, $4 for a dress? I would be all over that. Sigh.
    Also, can’t Henry wear the skirt? That picture would be an excellent Mother’s day gift for Paul’s mom…

  12. Tessie

    Those TIGHTS! Oh my GOD so cute. Unfortunately the chances that my budding fussypants would allow those anywhere in her field of vision, much less put them on, are ZERO.

  13. Kim/2 Kids

    Little girls, oh for the days when I could dress my own. Now I just have to say “don’t you look great!” every morning whether I mean it or not. They live in sweatshirts, jeans and tees. There isn’t a dress, tight or ruffle in sight.

  14. kirida

    I want those stockings for myself. However, I need to get a kind of indie-artsy-thora-birch-in-Ghost-World kind of attitude to pull it off. Otherwise, it’d just look weird on a grown woman.

  15. skiplovey

    Oh you simply must stop posting pics of adorable girls clothes. You going to stir up a whole bunch a baby talk over here and the hubby is not going to like it.

  16. Melissa H

    oh my gosh, that green stripe dress is the cutest thing ever! I may have to break down and actually buy my child clothes (I never, ever do. her grandmas keep her well supplied.)

  17. Nowheymama

    My mom bought a onesie/skirt/tights outfit just because and it ended up being for our baby #3. You never know.

    Also, I made Swistle’s Soup with Italian turkey sausage instead of ground turkey today. Mmmmm….

  18. Swistle

    Jess Loolu- Ha ha! Better be REALLY NICE to me between now and the time you have a girl-child! Or, maybe go online and buy it yourself? You know: FOR A GIFT.


  19. Maggie

    OMG I love those maryjane tights!! TOO cute! I was so thrilled when our niece was born, and I finally had an excuse to buy frilly little girl things. I love my nephew, but really, cargo pants and t-shirts just don’t do it for me, shopping-wise.

  20. Saly

    I had that exact green dress in my cart for CA and then it sold out in her size. GRRR! The site is moving exceptionally slow.

    I agree, there is nothing overly fun about boys clothes, but TCP jeans and the striped pullover shirts from ON are about as ood as it gets.

  21. Erin

    See, now I want a baby girl all over again. That dress and tights are TO DIE FOR. Yummmm.

    Also, totally hear you on the Bloggie Love note. It’s a great thing. Really and truly. And cheesy as it sounds, Thanks Swistle for your part in building this little virtual world. Seriously. Thanks.

  22. Kelsey

    Bloggie support for all manner of issues, is a truly wonderful thing. I can’t imagine what the last few months would have been like for me without this community.

    Also — I’m enjoying the little boy baby clothes, but the cute factor seems to plummet with each year added to a boy’s age.

  23. Anonymous

    You should try ebay. Seriously, I can ALWAYS find those things I love but don’t have online in the right size. I bet someone somewhere is selling the skirt in the right size!

  24. Miss Grace

    Those green tights fill me with happy.

    I bought all of Gabe’s clothes from the Children’s Place this year. Actually, to be perfectly correct his DAD (shock! awe!) bought them last weekend, when he actually pulled it together enough to (1) visit his child, (2) give me $$, (3) buy Gabe clothes (that I like!!!), and (4) not say ANYTHING mean to me.

    It was swell.

  25. Clarabella

    Thanks Swistle. One of my best friends had a baby girl two days ago. Since they didn’t know the sex of the baby before they had her, I was assuming they hadn’t bought a bunch of frilly, girly clothes. So guess what I did? That’s right: stocked up at TCP on pink frill newborn stuff. Thanks to your code, I spent only $20! (I have to agree about the boys’ clothes being more boring than girls’. After buying the dresses and such for the new baby, I couldn’t even pick out anything for my son because I missed the ruffles:()

  26. Kristin....

    It’s funny, but me, with 3 girls and 1 boy, have fun getting clothes for the boy sometimes. He likes sporty shirts, and then I get him a polo type shirt and call it his “stud shirt”. He loves looking like a stud. What a wacko. But, when he asks for his “stud shirt” I know exactly what he’s talking about.
    I also love buying clothes, especially for the twins. Girly stuff is so cute. But, with a 7 year old in size 14 (she is 4 foot 4 inches) it’s getting harder to find appropriate clothes.

  27. EMama

    Those are so cute that even if this fetus in me is a boy I’m naming him Kelly and dressing him up in those clothes, and I’ll switch over once he starts to get a sense of self, but when is that really, like 18 months?


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