Chop. Stir. Mix. CRAB PUFFS.

I have a little task for you this weekend, if it’s something you feel like doing. I mean, it’s not like it’s HOMEWORK. You can be all, “Nah” if you want. But our AndreAnna and our Cass are starting a new cooking/recipes site called Chop. Stir. Mix., and they’re collecting recipes for it. EASY recipes, okay? Nobody wants to sit around clarifying and reducing all day. Or if they do, they are looking for information on some other site.

Elizabeth has been such a total CRAB PUFF recently. She’s always had an imperious streak, and that’s been amusing, but recently we are talking more about THIS action:

little girl with very pouty stuck-out lower lip

It starts with something relatively small. Perhaps she falls, or perhaps I criticize her tone of voice, or perhaps we’re out of applesauce. For whatever reason, she goes into a NUCLEAR CRAB. Nothing can stop it! Nothing! You can’t jolly her out of it. You can’t have her cry herself out of it. She wants to do one of two things:

1) Sit on your lap and be cuddled while she continues to sulk (and also drool, because when she’s in a Crab Fit she won’t swallow—WHY??).

2) Follow you from room to room, standing near you with her lip out so you know she’s still pissed off.

And do either of these things fix it? NO! All they do is reduce the volume of the attack.

She’s also giving us new sleep issues, getting out of her bed and banging on her door. What the heck? None of our other kids have done that. Rob, William, and Edward all acted as if the bed was a crib they couldn’t get out of without help. Elizabeth, though, has seen through the ruse. SHE is not physically bound by our words! Every night she falls asleep on the floor just inside her door.

Meanwhile, Edward is in a particular cute and pleasant stage, so Elizabeth suffers even more by comparison.

little boy looking cute and happy

He came out of his room with a giraffe puppet on his hand, almost collapsing from laughter as he made the giraffe roar. Then he turned solicitous and said, worriedly, “That keer you, Mommy?” He’s been scared by loud sounds recently, so he is concerned I might have been overly startled by the roaring giraffe. And he’s saying “why” instead of “what,” so if I call him and he doesn’t hear me, he’ll say, “Why? Why, Mommy? You talk for me, Mommy?”

And on the other side of me: The Lip.

little girl with very crabby expression and stuck-out bottom lip

31 thoughts on “Chop. Stir. Mix. CRAB PUFFS.

  1. AndreAnna

    Thanks a lot for the link. I appreciate it! We’re got a few good ones up and are working on getting more. Easy stuff. Yummy stuff. Stuff you can get your toddler to eat (though you might not want them to eat my drunken cookies. LOL)

    We’re going to do feature articles on vegetarian recipes, health food tips, recipes that you can “hide” stuff in without it tasting like total ass.

    We’re also collecting ethnic recipes for a weekly feature.

    Thanks again and I look forward to everyone’s input and recipes! My pregnant ass needs more food to eat! :)

  2. Cass

    Thanks for the link! I’m SO excited about this site and having people submit recipes because I’m always on the hunt for the next must make item.

  3. Alice

    BAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA omg that lip. that lip is AWESOME. i mean, it’s probably way more awesome when i don’t have to deal with the Consequences Of The Lip, but hee. heeheeheheehee. AWESOME LIP.

  4. Betsy

    Man, I wish I could use The Lip trick when I’m pissed off at work. Although, somewhere between ages 3 and 33, it ceases to be socially acceptable!

  5. Anonymous

    I am tres disappointed there is not “Crab Puff” recipe in this post. Hmph.

    So disappointed I’m doing The Lip. Can you see it? Can you?

  6. JMC

    I can always use easy recipes, so thanks for the heads-up! Also, I have chronically irritated screaming toddler here. Wanna trade?

  7. Melissa H

    Now this is going to reveal my level of housekeeping (none) but the other day–mid crab puff by Biscuit–I randomly asked her (mid scream) if she wanted to see a spider. She instantly stopped crying (I think it threw her off her whining game) and went to see the daddy long legs who’s taken up residence in the corner of the living room along with the dessicated fly in the web. Now whenever she’s throwing a fit I ask about the spider and she snaps out of it. Weird but true. My point? Non sequiters (can’t spell that) work with 2 year olds. I still have a spider in my living room

    PS love the cooking site link!

  8. Mairzy

    It must be maddening to live with, but the Crab Puff is pretty funny on this side of the Internet. And I’ve been smiling all afternoon over Edward’s concern that his growling giraffe “keered” you.

  9. BRash

    Oh, the suffering by comparison thing! Oh man, we went on a looong family vacation thing, and my sister in law was there with her 18 mo. old daughter and she was whiny/sick/crabby/willful, and our 15 mo. old son was just on this great wave – so cute/cuddly/laughey, and she just suffered so much. It got to the point that family members were ponting it out and telling the girl to look at our son, see how calm and quiet, etc. etc. At least I didn’t have to work out the preference between my own two kids!

    (But I was happy to be on the nicer side.)

  10. jonniker

    HAAAA. The Lip. I mean, I’m sure it’s not funny to you, but it’s damn funny to me. Especially when you’ve got a camera in her face, and she’s still lippin’ it up, like yo, Mom, I’m PISSED.

    But who can be bothered by The Lip, when there is a WHOLE WEEKEND full of stolen moments with Suzanne Finnamore?

  11. Woman with a Hatchet

    Personally, I hated it when my daughter pulled out The Lip. That drove me bonkers. Drooling as well, though? Argh!

    I’m sorry she’s being crabby.

    Your son is awful cute, though. Perhaps they’ve got a plan?

  12. Amber

    I know that the Crab (especially NUCLEAR CRAB! HA!)is not particularly cute or funny, but she does look adorable. I know that the cute and funny wears thin quickly because I have an angry pterodactyl living at my house that is neither cute NOR funny.

    Edward is adorable and I love little kid speak. SO SWEET!

  13. Chez Bacon

    Ugh! Yes! I am there with you: my almost 3y.o. daughter has been a terror lately, with the screaming at bedtime/getting out of bed all the time, and the early mornings (5:30 am! when she does not stop resisting bedtime until NINE), and the DEFIANCE with which she reacts to everything we say and the endless BOSSINESS.
    And then there is my 3 month old little boy, who sleeps through the night and takes lots of long naps and when he is awake, is content to nurse and then sit around and grin at me, and giggles whenever I kiss him. Today, I am tempted to sell the girl child to the gypsies and be free to lie around and snuggle with The Quiet One.

  14. Astarte

    I love how they can follow us around to make sure we know they’re still mad about whatever. Honestly, if I didn’t care in the living room, I’m going to care less in the kitchen !

  15. el-e-e

    Ahhhh! I can’t TAKE that much cuteness and sulkiness! SO CUTE. I love the drama of being the only girl. Heeee. Although, my son is pulling some of the same stuff with his head-down, “This is what I do when I’m sad at you, Mama.”

    Gotcha, kiddo.

    If you get any answers about the floor sleeping, let me know. We’ve had that, too. Wonder what that’s all about?

    WHERE do you come up with a brilliant phrase like CRAB PUFF? Brilliant.

  16. Black Sheeped

    Swistle! THAT DOG SHIRT IS AWESOME. I laughed out loud when I saw it, because she is wearing a shirt with a PUPPY on it. How could you be crabby with a PUPPY on your SHIRT?

  17. Anonymous

    Oh! I might have a solution for you! My oldest, now 15, went through a phase after she saw 101 Dalmatians when she was 3 years old- she was barking, literally, at every thing! I was out of my wits on how to stop her. My ped suggested that I tell her that she’s allowed to bark, but only in her bedroom. It worked like a charm. I now use it for when my youngest, who is 4, is throwing a fit, or being crabby, that it is alright for him to be that way – but he must do it only in his bedroom. There are some days that his behavior completely stops and he doesn’t leave the room. But, there are some days that he goes to his room for 5 minutes and get’s it out of his system. Hope this helps!
    Jen – Mom of 4


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