Cry Aunt

Is anyone else developing a little crush on Eric Case, whose picture is currently on the Blogger home page? Whooooo. Cute stuff. Hm, maybe people without Blogger don’t see it? I’d better steal his picture and put it here:

(image from

Speaking of adorable, your comments on yesterday’s Engaged to be Parentsed post have been SO GOOD! Elizabeth‘s “Oh! If I had known it was going to be YOU, I wouldn’t have worried” made me have to dab away tears on three separate occasions. Keep the comments coming: Erik and Anna haven’t cried uncle yet. Or rather AUNT! You get it? AUNT?

Also, I took down the post on what to do about the treat I signed up to bring to Rob’s class. I realized that using the name of my mother-in-law’s signature recipe on my secret blog was perhaps not my best idea ever. But I’m so, so glad I did, because you guys reminded me that there are no nuts allowed at school anyway! So I’m out of it! And now I just need to find those windmill cookies. And make Paul return the expensive ingredient to the store.

26 thoughts on “Cry Aunt

  1. Jeninacide

    Yeah that Eric guy is pretty DARN CUTE! Too bad I’m married. DANGIT. Why does it always come down to that? Because I could SOOO have him if I wasn’t, right?


  2. sarahmargret

    hahaha i cracked up when i saw your post. everytime i opened blogger for the past few days i was like oo interesting then finally scrolled DOWN to see who the mystery hottie was. i couldn’t agree with you more.

  3. CP

    Me too! I’m so glad I’m not the only one crushing on him. I wonder how many people have emailed Blogger wanting his contact info?

  4. marilyn c. cole

    Here’s a crazy video that reminds me of the Google Earth video you talked about making you feel so impressed with how cool and creative PEOPLE are… this so does that! Also now you can give Paul a cool link. Maybe. Unless he’s already seen it by now.

  5. Swistle

    Marilyn- Ahhhhhhh! Made me get the weepers!

    Meegan- Aw, dang, I am so SCREWED. How about I just make some rillllly thin gingersnaps and call them Netherland Crisps?

  6. Amber

    I just wanted to say (late, of course) that the “no nuts” policy at school is a lifesaver. Although I do feel sorry for the class who has the kid who is allergic to “hydrolized proteins”, because you know what that means? NO BROWNIES!

    Ahem. More on topic, I am also on the Blog Guy bandwagon. He’s a doll.

  7. pseudostoops

    I also loved yesterday’s comments, and am sort of embarrassed to admit that Elizabeth’s comment was pretty much enough to get me out of my own hand-wringing tulip-related anxiety and into the “engaged to be parentsed” mood myself. The internet possibly has too much sway over me. Possibly.


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