Want to Be My, Um…Friend?

This is a LITTLE WEIRD. But…I have a Facebook profile now. And so if you want to be friends with “Swistle Thistle,” you can be. What is the POINT of that, you may be asking yourself. AS AM I. But…it seemed like it might be fun. So I did it on a whim. And now we will see if it IS fun, or if it is just weird.

20 thoughts on “Want to Be My, Um…Friend?

  1. Jess

    Okay now I am paranoid, probably for no reason. I don’t mind you knowing my last name. But I am afraid that if I friend you then people will see me on your friends list and then my last name will be revealed to all of my readers who are also your readers, otherwise known as most of them. What do I do about that?

  2. AndreAnna

    I created a facebook account a while back and it scares me! It’s just so busy. I can’t keep up with all the people poking me, sending me flowers, or eggs or some stuff.

    It makes me twitch.

  3. Swistle

    Jess- I know! Well, it did let me create an account as Swistle Thistle. You could create one as Jess Loolu, and use it just for blogging.

    AndreAnna- I don’t get it, either. It’s fun but bewildering. I think maybe I’m a little older than Facebook is FOR. I think I would have LOVED it back in school.

  4. Jennifer

    Aw! I want to be a Swistle Thistle! However, after that bit of news came out that you can (at least to computer-challenged people like me) NEVER completely delete your Facebook profile (what if I want to run for Congress one day?!) I’ll just have to settle for your wit and wisdom and the ol’ site here!

  5. Mairzy

    I’m glad to know that Facebook leaves others feeling confused, too. It’s so busy all the time. I have about seven friend requests in my inbox that I’ve ignored so far. I think you’re right, Swistle: we’re too old for it.

    Well, I say that. My father-in-law loves it.

  6. annenahm

    updates on how it goes, plz!

    I tried myspace and it made me feel old and hung over, plus I still get about 10 spams a day from Russian brides and/or advertisers convinced I have penis size shame. Will be interesting to hear if Facebook is better.

  7. Laura

    I have a (cobwebby) MySpace that I started up to keep tabs on my daughter when we let her get one. She has a facebook but I begged off when she invited me to get one. My “wall” would be so totally blank…

  8. Kristin....

    I have Facebook too! Allows me to keep up with my high school/college age nieces and nephew. My sister-in-law helped me set up the account! I’ll be your friend. :)

  9. Swistle

    Misty- I AM STILL NOT SURE. I think it’s mostly for schoolkids to play around with and flirt with each other. For grown-ups, it’s a way to keep in mild touch with each other and mess around with time-wasting activities like feeding virtual pets, dressing virtual babies, and sending each other quizzes and messages. It’s fun, I’m finding, to collect friends—like living trading cards!

  10. LoriD

    No Facebook for me, even though everyone I know is on (including my PARENTS). I work at a university and it would be devastating for me to have one of them find my profile and find out that I have a *gasp* personal life.

  11. drowninginlaundry

    Facebook rocks! I have had lunches with girls from high school that I had totally lost touch with, and for that I am eternally grateful! I totally added myself, (my real self – name occupation and all) to your list.


  12. Sam

    I totally want to friend you, I do. But I use my real name on Facebook, and so, I just can’t. Like another one of your commenters said, it’s not that I mind YOU knowing – it’s the people I don’t know that bother me. And just today I had my best friend from junior high find me on Facebook! Junior High! I am so very happy that she found me, of course, but still, sad, that I can’t have you, Swistle Thistle. Of course I could open up one just for blogging, but that is far too much trouble for my little brain.


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