

Are you all pacing a trough in your hallways like I am? Every time I see a new All & Sundry post or a new So the Fish Said post or a new Hello, Self post, I just about throw up from excitement. Here is my brain: “Baby?? Baby?? Baby?? Baby?? Baby?? Baby??”

So. *drums fingers*


(From the rest of you, I’m hoping for pregnancy announcements.)

38 thoughts on “Pacing

  1. Jana

    I love the suspense of a birth! I look forward to my “So the Fish Said” update everyday! Of course, in my case, having a scheduled c-section kinda ruins the suspense (the baby WILL be born on this day at this time, etc). That’s why we’re keeping both the gender and name secrets this time around. Our families think we’re totally cruel for doing so.

  2. Mommy Daisy

    Oh oh, me too! I’ve been stalking Linda and Beth too.

    And I’m in the same boat as Mary…waiting on the husband (and a month or so to be clear of his 2 week hiatus in the fall).

  3. Marie Green

    I’m not sure if I’m more excited about the BABIES or the BABY NAMES. Either way it’s so exciting!

    OHHH, I’m most excited about seeing the little squashed tomato-faced newborn pictures. Yes. That’s what I’m looking forward to.

    I’m jumpy about updates too…

    (P.S. I’m not pregnant.)

  4. Bunny

    You are so funny! Yes, I am sucked into blog-prgenancies. DO you also read Zoot ? She;s not as far along, but she’s expecting. Oh and Lost a Sock just had a 6 week along sonogram, I read about this morning.

    (you’re welcome)

  5. Alice

    i’m lucky, one of my close personal friends just had her baby YESTERDAY, and another is scheduled to pop in 2 weeks. so i have my fix here, at least. also OMG SMOOSHY BABY BORN YESTERDAY HEEEEE.

  6. Beenami

    So I’m such an obsessive blog-checker that even when Google Reader says “No new messages” I check anyway, and I’m not sure if you’ve noticed this too, but sometimes you’ll post something, but it doesn’t show up in Google Reader for a little while. I’m not sure how long it takes, I just know there is some time lapse. So now I’m constantly logging into Google Reader, but then RE-CHECKING each. individual. site.

    And “INSUFFCIENT – is it a BABY fish?” made me snort out loud in class. I had to cover my mouth. My professor is still glaring at me.

  7. Swistle

    NoWheyMama- No, you’re off the hook—FOR NOW!

    Beenami- I HAVE noticed that. I use Bloglines, but it’s the same way. It is annoying! Sometimes it takes HOURS. Sometimes I go to a “brand-new post” to find there are already 50 comments on it because it’s been there for ages. GRRRRR.

  8. Jess

    I am the same way! Also, if all goes according to plan you will not be hearing a pregnancy announcement from me for quite some time. But I am paranoid and therefore my attitude is YOU NEVER KNOW.

  9. Pocklock

    My pregnancy announcement was 2 weeks ago ( I was 11 weeks yesterday and now I’m just dealing with the hormonal rage part. VERY fun for the husband and co-workers! (Not so much)

    I think Beth Fish will go this weekend sometime. Aren’t they all having boys too? A boy boom!

  10. donna

    I’m dying to hear about Beth too. Obsessively checking. But I took the 4th in the pool so I think it’ll not be this weekend.

    And I wish I could oblige you in the pregnancy announcement area. Damn slack ass ovaries of mine.

  11. Brooke

    I am eager for Sundry’s baby too, but isn’t it a scheduled c-section? Can’t you stop pacing on her behalf until Monday? :-)

    I have a baby on the way, but no pithy blog. I mean, I have a blog but it’s newsy, not pithy. Anyway, my baby’s not due until April, so you can put off any pacing you might want to do on my behalf.

  12. She Likes Purple

    Yes, I am the same!

    I hope for a pregnancy announcement next month. We’re using a fancy schmancy monitor-thing now (official name) so we’re hoping this is just what we need.

    (Staying positive. Yes we are.)

  13. Laura

    Alas…no pregnancy announcements shall come from me. :( But, two of my best bloggy friends gave birth within like two weeks of each other, with one just days ago, so I am in reading about new baby heaven.

  14. Eleanor Q.

    Eight weeks to go, too early for announcement, late enough to wish it would just hurry up alrady. I’m obsessively checking Sundry and Fish with the misguided thought that the more people ahead of me who have their babies the faster mine will come. Sigh.

  15. Misguided Mommy

    uggg i cant wait for sundry. also it’s just not the same over here with out cookies and brownies. however, as someone also on a diet, i won’t be mean and try and guilt you into posting lucious pictures of delicious chocolaty goodness I’ll just say good job.

  16. Alicia

    I’m pregnant… :-P Not that it’s much of an announcement. *grin* I’m contracting as we speak (have been all week) and thinking this baby just might come early. Hooray for babies. Yay.

  17. Anonymous

    Long time reader, first time de-lurker,,,,love your blog and love your readers that also post, SOOOOOO since we’re on the baby topic…I was wondering if you’d take an informal survey and throw your opinions out there about “how old is too old…” I had my first child at 34, second child at 36…Is 38 too old for #3? We currently have 2 boys, and they are incredible….but what if deep down I’m tryng #3 in hopes of a girl???? Is 38 too OLD?
    Help! Opionios greatly appreciated.

  18. Tracy

    No announcements here (and none to come), but my sister just had one and I have three friends in early pregnancy, so I am kind of in your boat. I get to pace now and see those squishy faces and tired mommas soon. Also, I loved reading about Linda. I can’t wait for the name!

  19. Swistle

    Steph- I know that at around age 35 there’s an increase risks and complications and birth defects, and a decrease in fertility–but if I wanted a baby at 38, I probably wouldn’t let that stop me from trying. I’ll be 35 on my next birthday, but I’d still like to have one more baby.

  20. Liss

    Well, since you insist…I got the news YESTERDAY that our IVF was successful, so I am in fact pregnant!

    Just a teeny-tiny bit pregnant so far so I am not posting it to my own site just yet – instead I just walk around like the cat that swallowed the canary, so happy I could just about pop.


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