
Do you want to cross Swistle’s mind again and again throughout the day? Do you want her to think about you and wonder about you as she is baking brownies, bathing children, running errands? Then leave a comment like THIS in her comment section:

Anonymous said…
Hi, Swistle! I’m a loyal reader and I just found out today that I am pregnant again! I haven’t even told my husband yet. I’m just here to torture you and tease you….because soon we will need to discuss baby names for me. Soon. Like in a month when I tell everyone. Mwuu haa ha haaaaa

54 thoughts on “Anonymous

  1. AndreAnna

    Someone knows you well!

    Know what’s going to kill you even too? Mike and I decide on the baby name and we don’t tell anyone, not even our parents, until the day the baby is born.

    It’s mostly to save myself the urge to punch my MIL in the face when she makes a comment, but I’ve found it’s a nice surprise when everyone already knows the gender.

    Plus, I have no negative connotations to the name going into it, and once the kid is here, people think twice before making a comment. Unlike prior to birth, when they fell it is their god given right to say “Ooooh, I don’t like that.”

  2. Anonymous

    Ha… I am another loyal reader and I was thinking about leaving a similar comment. Funny how this came up today. I am about 4 1/2 weeks pregnant but I just can’t get my hopes up this time because things are weird and I am too paranoid that it will be another blighted ovum pregnancy. I haven’t told a soul yet. Now, just a bunch of bloggers. :D

  3. Tessie

    I think what would torture me about that comment would be wondering if I “knew” the person, or if it was a blogger that I regularly read, or WHAT. GAH!

  4. Marie Green

    Ok, does it help you narrow your options a bit by saying IT WASN’T ME!!!

    Thank the heavens and supertargets everywhere.

    Now I am wondering too- and you have ANOTHER pregnant commenter- they are EVIL. =)

  5. Swistle

    Ha ha–Now I have TWO pregnant anonymous commenters?? This is too wonderful and funny and MEAN!!!

    Yes, the suspense is driving me nuts! I have several brick-and-mortar friends (term credit: Marie Green) among my readers, so I am wondering if it is one of them, of course. And there are several readers I know are trying, and I’m wondering if it is THEM. And there are many, many blogs I read, so I’m wondering if it’s THEM.

    AndreAnna- I totally agree about baby names. It DOES kill me to wait–but I also love it, because it makes it much more exciting!

  6. Katie

    Someone did that to me on my blog and it was killing me. But, I actually figured it out because she kept commenting and I started to recognize her “voice!”

    I thought it was fun!

  7. Mommy Daisy

    Ha ha, that’s great. Actually after I thought about it, it would be great to tell on someone else’s blog like that. Then you feel like people know, but you still have a secret. Keeping a secret for a while is fun. I’ll be waiting to see who is torturing you. It’s not me. :)

  8. Anonymous

    Hi. Me again. The pregnant one. I am sorry if that was mean! I was trying to have a little fun with it!

    I’ll give you a hint. You don’t know me in person–just through the blog world….and you didn’t know I was “trying to conceive!”

    Does that help?

  9. Colleen

    Ohhhh….. torture. And now I see you have even more anonymous comments!

    If it makes you feel any better… I’m pregnant and not anonymous! heehee

  10. Laura

    We could all pop in with “wasn’t me’s” and you could cross check that against your commenter list…if you had the time. For the record “wasn’t me”.

  11. jen

    how do we know it’s not someone who is posting anon and then posting under her real name as if it was someone else! ;)

    Oh how delicious. And no it’s not me.

    But I’d love to hear a list of who you thought it might be!

  12. desperate housewife

    Well, if you read my posts from the last week you already know this, but it most definitely isn’t me! What a brilliant idea though- they know you well! I bet you’re laying awake at night wondering…

  13. Maddie

    Ok Swistle – I’ll help get some frustration out here!
    I am pregnant – 32 weeks with a twin girls! Baby A is Audrey Charlotte – but we can’t decide on first name for baby B. Either Addison or Adelaide, middle name to be Lucille.
    If it makes any difference, they’re joining older sister Mia Christine.
    Readers, opinions please!

  14. Swistle

    Maddie- Ahhhh, that hits the spot! I have a STRONG PREFERENCE for Adelaide. Not only do I like the name better ANYWAY, but I think it goes way better in style, popularity/trendiness, EVERYTHING with Audrey, which I also love.

  15. Anonymous

    Maddie, I love Adelaide – the ‘L’ with “Lucille” has a wonderful ring to it! Adelaide Lucille is beautiful!

  16. May

    I’m new here, and not pregnant (says last week’s test – bummer), but my two cents on the name is that you should go for Adelaide. It’s beautiful! I would’ve considered it for my first except I know a bratty one who totally killed it for me. Besides, Addison can sound like Allison with a head cold. But hey, do what you want. I probably only think that because I’m related to an Allison.

  17. Beth A.

    Maddie, I definitely like Adelaide best. Addison is getting awfully trendy, and has the “name of a popular tv character” against it (not that there’s anything wrong with naming your child after a tv character, but it’s not how my taste runs).

    Audrey is such a classic, elegant name. I’m glad it’s making a comeback.

  18. Anonymous

    My daughter’s name is Adelaide, and we all enjoy it very much. She has to contend with being called Abigail and Abby, of course, but she defends herself pluckily. Definitely a good choice with Audrey (but I don’t like Addison so I’m biased).

    — Sara

  19. Anonymous

    Well, let’s make it 3 anonymous readers who are pregnant! Maybe because you have 5 kids, there is a fertility attraction to your blog! :o)
    I am 8 weeks along with my 2nd–found out the day before Christmas.
    I am a loyal reader, but you don’t know me in “real” life or from a blog.
    Tessie mentioned the BORING days of January on her blog. I totally agree, because I feel like this baby will never be here. It seems like EONS until September! Or maybe that’s b/c I worked while preggie with my first, whereas now I am in mired in daily life with a 3 year old!

  20. Heather

    Let’s break it down. Someone who is female. Someone who is married. Someone who has at least one child. Someone who would trust your opinion in baby names. Someone who knows how to post a comment anonymously. Someone who laughs like Dr. Evil. I know. It’s Frau Farbissina.

  21. Swistle

    Anonymous the Third- SQUEE! This is too much. I am going to have to go lie down. Pretty soon we are going to need a little sidebar thingie that lists all expectant readers and when they’re due.

  22. Maddie

    Thanks everybody!
    We were sort of leaning towards Adelaide, but we were worried it would be a little bit too out-there.
    So it’s unanimous!
    Adelaide she shall be!
    (I’ll be sure to post a birth announcement, swistle!)

  23. Cherry

    Loved this post when I first read it…how delicious!

    I only recently started posting here so you dont know me but I am also expecting! Its my fourth baby/fifth pregnancy and I have no idea what to do about names. For a girl I want Rebekah but I cant think of any middle names and I am stuck with another boy name. My three boys now are Micah Rayden, Noah Christopher, and James Michael.

  24. Swistle

    Cherry- Oooo, more names! I like to use the middle name slot to honor somebody I love: a favorite friend, a sister, a mother or grandmother. I used a middle name I didn’t even LIKE for one of my sons, but I’ve come to like it very much because of the person he’s named after, and it gives me a lot of satisfaction to think of it.

    But I’ve gone the “another name I like” route for middle names, too. I like Jane with Rebekah, but Jane is one of my favorite girl names so I tend to think of it first.

    Of your boy names, my favorite is James (that’s been on my boy name list with every pregnancy!), and I like it with all three of the boy middle names you listed. I think James Rayden has a nice sound.

  25. Cherry

    You know I have always used a third name to honor someone in the family, but that is a tradition that has been going on since before me so Im just following. The boy names that I listed are actually the three boys that I already have now so it was really interesting to see the connections of my first’s middle with my third’s first! My mother’s name is Carolyn but I also have Margaret, Marie and Elizabeth to choose from for the honorable mention. I will be using three names but I havent decided if I will place the named-after-name in the second or third position. I think I am just waiting for an idea of which names to use first….so hard!


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