Results: Christmas Card Photo Vote

I’m having my second cup of coffee (heavily sweetened/lightened with chocolate creamer—MMMMmmmmmm) and going through all the comments on yesterday’s Christmas card photo vote. It is so, so fun to get all this input. I am getting hooked, and soon I will need you all to accompany me on Target trips, where I will put to the vote such issues as “Do you think I would ever use these cute canape plates? They’re 75% off!” and “Do you think Edward has enough brown-based shirts, or should I get him one more? It’s 75% off!” And you, if you have learned your lines, will say, “75% off? That’s basically FREE! How can you go wrong?”

You have CHANGED MY MIND on the photos. When I put them up for the vote, I had already mostly decided to use Option Five. I had some reservations, but basically that was the decision. Now I am going with Option One. Here are the things that swayed me most:

  • the negative reactions to the bed–even though lots of people also said pshaw to that concern
  • the comments about how Elizabeth looked sad, and especially the ones about how she looked excluded from all the loving cuddling–even though people also said she looked funny and cute and only-girl-ish
  • the comments about how everyone seemed so HAPPY in Option One (happy is one of my primary choosing factors)
  • the thing about everyone in Option Five being in socks except for Edward, which I hadn’t noticed

I was briefly intrigued by the suggestions that I could (1) photoshop out the bed, (2) see if black-and-white lessened the obviousness of the bed, or (3) do a collage of good pictures of each child individually, but I got (4) overwhelmed by the idea of doing anything except sending away for prints–and maybe buying a decent couch before next year’s photo (our current couch is a burgundy/camel/blue plaid with a big rip in it).

So not only are you influencing my Christmas cards this year, you’re also influencing my furniture decisions. (Also, I DID get the canape plates. AND the shirt. Okay, two shirts.)

If you HAVEN’T voted yet, it’s not too late: I may still be swayable.

24 thoughts on “Results: Christmas Card Photo Vote

  1. Natalie

    I do like option 1, even though I voted for 5. Your kids are cute no matter what. If you do have second thoughts about number 5, I’d be happy to photoshop for you (though I see no problem with the bed). I love me some photoshop.

  2. Pregnantly Plump

    I thought they were all cute, but I liked option 1 the best too. It reminded me of the yearbook pictures of the soccer team at my high school. The players always looked to the right and never at the camera (I think it was supposed to be cool.) So that picture takes me back. That and they look happy (which is lots more important than them looking like high school soccer players.)

  3. amyunicorn

    I LOVE the first one because, as was pointed out, they’re all OVERLY HAPPY and none of it looks forced. I also love the second because of the originality of the angle, it looks interesting and they don’t look forced.

  4. Penny

    I didn’t vote since I would have been poster #88, but if you’re still actually looking at the posts then I’ll say I initially liked #5 the best.

    And then when I saw the recap on the comments about how Elizabeth looked unhappy I rethought that idea and my new vote is #1. For the record, I didn’t think E looked sad; I thought it was kind of funny that she looked squished in between all of her brothers.

    But, I remember looking at #1 and thinking it was a good pic, and not until you pointed out some minor flaws that I considered the others. #1 is good. But so is #5, if you do indeed go with that.

  5. Black Sheeped

    I didn’t vote yet!

    Oh no!

    I like number one AND number five. I’d also be willing to do a little photoshopping, if you want to get rid of the bed or add a unicorn. Or both.

  6. Jess

    I would feel so persuasive after this post, except that I voted for Option 5 and specifically against Option 1. But really, it doesn’t matter because your kids are incredibly adorable and all five pictures show that. So I don’t really think you can go wrong.

  7. MrsGrumpy

    I still like number 3 the best, but I like number 1 too because the kids are all mish mashied together. Okay, I like them all for different reasons, but Edward, in number 3, just cracks me up still with his Tab Hunter pose. I woke up all giddy to see what option you went with. And…75% off is 75% off, I’ll buy it even if I don’t like it…like the basked that I just bought at Michael’s that I have no idea what to do with but…it was 75% OFF! You have to buy those things.

  8. Alice

    after reviewing all the photos again, i have come to the conclusion that i want to come hang out at your house and play with your kids for an afternoon.

  9. Sheila Ann

    I actually really like option three. Not to confuse the whole process but it was a visceral reaction. Maybe it’s because Rob looks so serene and sets a loving tone for the whole picture. He has his arm around Elizabeth kind of protecting her. – Maybe from falling off the chair! :) I do really like one though. So happy!

    That’s so much for stopping by my Mommy MD site. I never know if people really even read it since I don’t have access to google analytics for the site- good thing too ’cause then I’d get to waste even more time on something that doesn’t help me fulfill my dreams in life

  10. PixelPi

    I’m voting for number 1. I just like the happy faces, and I don’t care that they’re not all looking at the camera or whether their clothes match. They are so cute with their missing teeth smiles and they look happy. Perfect for a Christmas card.

  11. Swistle

    I know, it SEEMS like I’m saying that only the Positive One and Negative Five voters affected the decision, but really ALL of you swayed me. I was like a branch in the wind. And I was glad so many of you liked Five, because I love that one.

  12. jen

    I’m way late to the party but just wanted to mention my Christmas photo was taken on my bed.. it was intentional too! But then again it was posed, but then again it’s also obvious that it’s on my bed. I think that most other people really don’t notice the little things we slave over. They just see the kids and not the background or the clothing or who has something the others don’t, etc.


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