Some Bad Press for Old Navy, Because They are Pissing Me Off

I have been having trouble with Old Navy recently. The last time I ordered with them (edit: several months ago), they sent me the wrong color onesies, then sent me a replacement that was identical to the first incorrect order, then sent me a second replacement that was ALSO identical to the first incorrect order (SERIOUSLY???), then “accidentally” credited my card and “unfortunately” “couldn’t” send another replacement. They suggested I might like to re-order the onesies at the current price, which was higher than the price I’d paid the first time, plus of course paying the shipping I’d gotten for free the first time.

Then this time (edit: several weeks ago) they sent me my order missing two shirts, then implied that I must have given them the wrong address (but the other shirts–in the same package the missing ones were supposed to be in–made it, so…?), then said they’d re-send the shirts but that they would have me sign for them “to ensure proper delivery” (whuh?), then told me to re-send them my shipping address, then said that “unfortunately” the shirts were out of stock and they’d credited my card. But I went to the site and the shirts were NOT out of stock. I re-ordered them because I really wanted them, but I’m super mad that I had to do so. So in short, I am getting pissed. The methodical form-letter apology at the beginning of each email (apologizing for “any inconvenience” I “may have experienced”) is not mollifying me.

I LOVE Old Navy clothes for boys, and consider them one of my two sources for boy clothes (the other source is Target, but you knew that). I shop there every two or three months, getting big heaps of cute boy jeans and cute boy shirts. I don’t WANT to stop shopping there. I have FOUR boys, and I think Old Navy has the cutest boy clothes, and mail order is very very convenient, and I like the clothes a lot and am always happy with the look and feel and quality of them. But these hassles–and the crappy, crappy customer service–is making me feel desperate. It is getting to be like trying to make a relationship work with a bad boyfriend.

30 thoughts on “Some Bad Press for Old Navy, Because They are Pissing Me Off

  1. jen

    Wow, I haven’t had that much bad luck with them but they annoy me, too. I remember a day when you could have your order within a few days, and if you spent a lot of money you got some free trinket in the box.

    I’ve had trouble with stuff where I get a “sorry! it’s out of stock” message when it appears to be in-stock on the page.. way to manage a database, people. I could go on, but it would just annoy me and the only reason I’m up at 2am is because I have heartburn, so who wants to aggravate that? hehe.

  2. Emblita

    Wow Swistle, that really sucks. I hate it when that sort of thing happens. And Old Navy does have the coolest boy clothing.

    I’ve been having trouble with Amazon myself. I ordered some stuff in November and they usually ship here within a week and suddenly they put 9-36 days!!! on shipping. Unfortunately amazon prime won’t help with the international shipping. I’ll just keep my fingers crossed that the christmas presents will get here on time.

    Oh, and you should totally send a complaint letter to Old Navy- preferably to their corporate headquarters. Kick some butt!

  3. Omaha Mama

    You know – I’ve just had my first bad experience with Old Navy online. Never had problems before. This time, just a couple of weeks ago, three things were missing from my order. Then when I called about it, they had to “call back” after they checked on it. We did the rest by email. It ended up that the shoes that I had ordered for my boy were now out of stock so I just said forget it all and got a refund on my credit card for the rest of the items. Two of which were of course the two things I had ordered for myself. So it will probably be a while before I have the guts to order online again, but I know I will eventually. $5 shipping is hard to beat, or free. Free is good too.

  4. caley

    I totally agree. There’s the shirt I exchanged via mail, only to receive a defective one. From the same original order, there was a package of onesies I wanted to exchange, but couldn’t via mail because I no longer had the receipt- I’d sent it back with the shirt before realizing that my not-even-born-yet kid had more than enough onesies in size 0-3 months. So I thought I’d exchange it at the store. Turns out they don’t carry them in actual stores. The salesperson told me my only option was to return them there at the store and be refunded the current price, which of course is less than what I paid. And then try to buy them again online. NO THANK YOU.

    Also recently I made this middle of the night, spur of the moment huge purchase of boys clothes, only to be e-mailed mere HOURS later and informed that it was Stuff n Save time again! So I e-mailed customer service to ask if it was too late to apply the discount to my still hot order, and they said NO. Tough luck.

    I’ve been an Old Navy fan for years, but this is getting OLD. What do we do??? We don’t deserve this abuse! I’m at a loss.

  5. Stacie

    That sucks. And is really very stupid on their part. If it were an isolated incident I could understand it but based on the comments you are already getting it sounds like current policy is more along the line of “screw the customer” than “customer service.”

  6. Erin

    Yes, that would more than piss me off. Hmm. I have the same two sources of clothes for boys, but I’ve never used the mail order thingy for Old Navy. I’d hate to think of giving up on them too.

    Hey! I have a thought! Maybe it’s the Christmas season? And they have a bunch of lazy, hung-over college students working in their warehouse? And things will be better once they are back to normal? Let’s go with that theory for now. Give them a little space. The relationship will work out once they have more time and energy to focus on it.

  7. Tessie

    I’m with Erin…maybe holiday-related shenanigans and things will go back to normal?

    Old Navy is in my top 3 too, both for kids clothes and for MY clothes (also sometimes kids clothes but I digress) so I will be really, really bummed if they have taken a permanent turn towards SUCK.

  8. Joanne

    Try I just ordered some stuff from there for a friend of mine who just had a baby and it shipped within two days. Old Navy is ridiculous, the last order I made (which was for maternity clothes which I always need *immediately* didn’t even leave their place for like four days or something! The Gap is just as bad.

  9. Welcome to our World

    I have no faith in large companies… well except Target of course ;)

    Sorry to hear about the issues. That is also a main source of clothings of our little dude as well – I hope it is just the holiday crunch and things will get better beyond that.

  10. Welcome to our World

    I have no faith in large companies… well except Target of course ;)

    Sorry to hear about the issues. That is also a main source of clothings of our little dude as well – I hope it is just the holiday crunch and things will get better beyond that.

  11. Welcome to our World

    I have no faith in large companies… well except Target of course ;)

    Sorry to hear about the issues. That is also a main source of clothings of our little dude as well – I hope it is just the holiday crunch and things will get better beyond that.

  12. d e v a n

    ugh! I haven’t had trouble with them but I proably don’t buy as many clothes as you. ;)
    I do hate when I add something I LOVE to my cart only to have it say *SORRY OUT OF STOCK*
    Dammit! Why didn’t you say so?!

  13. Jess

    That’s crazy! I have been ordering from Old Navy for years and they have never gotten one of my orders wrong. I can’t believe they are so crappy and rude about it. It’s almost as bad as those cable companies who over-bill you every month and take nine thousand years to correct the mistake, knowing full well that most people won’t bother spending hours on the phone trying to correct small mistakes. They must make a killing off that sort of thing.

  14. Chelle

    Damn. I love Old Navy for the Cub’s clothes and often order online. Luckily, I’ve never had a problem but now I’m going to be a bit paranoid every time I hit “send” on the order form.

    I hope they do right by you.

    On a different subject, about my awesome “creativity” in coming up with Christmas card ideas? Yeah, I totally stole the JOY thing from Martha Stewart. Me and Martha, we’re like THIS.

  15. Emily

    My latest trouble with them has been credit related. I tried to setup my account online and they say I am using the wrong social security number. I know they have the right one because it’s on my credit report, so WHY OH WHY can’t their computer recognize it?

    I was planning on just calling them to figure it out, but after hearing your stories I’m worried about that too!

  16. MrsGrumpy

    I do most of my Old Navy shopping in the store (it’s right down the street) but do some online at Christmas time because I know there is one close by my brother in LA (for ease in returning). Another store that I LOVE for boys clothes (and would have never thought of) is Sears. Their kids club is pretty decent for savings, clearances are amazing, and the knees in the jeans don’t rip out as quickly as Old Navy’s seem to. Plus they do BOGO on boys/girls jeans quite often.

  17. Eva

    That sounds super frustrating. My advice is to find “lots” of boy clothes that include Old Navy on ebay. We’ve had great luck with good condition boy clothes from ebay, and they usually ship super fast once I win the bid.

  18. Penny

    Complain to them. Write them a letter, send it to corporate headquarters. Mention that you have a blog and how you have XXX hits per week and that you’re so sad to have to give them bad press.

    They’ve probably just shipped their customer service to some prison in Guatamala or something, hence the crappy service. They should know how crappy their new service is.

  19. bananafana

    I don’t think the shenanigans are holiday related – i’ve had trouble with them on any order for the last 3 months or so. The one that most surprised me was the one that took them over a week just to put the stuff in the box. I can handle the wait but it just seemed wierd. I also hate the thing were you put something in your cart and 5 minutes later it is out of stock. That is my new biggest pet peeve. I’ll keep ordering though – i love their maternity stuff and the yoga pants. and, of course, the kids clothes

  20. Alice

    aahhh i HATE it when companies i like force me to make decisions like this. a) stick to my principles and stop shopping there, all I’LL SHOW YOU MISTER, or b) but waaaaaaah i liiiiiike shopping there sniffle why would you do this to me? why?

    i’ve got nothing useful, sorry :-( i’ll keep my fingers crossed for the bratty holiday help causing the problems.

  21. SaLy

    MAN! Last time I ordered it took them almost 2 weeks to ship. They completely lost my mother’s order last christmas too. They’re annoying, but I love their clothes—-a vicious circle!!

  22. Doing my best

    Have you tried Land’s End online? Their customer service is EXCELLENT, and all of their items are UNCONDITIONALLY guaranteed (nice when you have boys that test how sturdy things are). They have an overstock section on their site that has some really good prices. If you sign up for their emails, they occassionally send free shipping coupons. And, if you need to return something, you can take it to your nearest Sears to do it. I really don’t work for them =), but I did just get off the phone with their VERY NICE, FRIENDLY customer service person (who answered on the first ring with NO PHONE TREE), and she was just SO NICE! Pretty sad that it’s such a shock to run into a nice, pleasant customer service person.

  23. Swistle

    It is weird, because I’ve been ordering from them regularly for YEARS and have never had a SINGLE problem. So when the onesie thing happened a few months ago, I was like, “Well, anyone can have one of those big screw-ups where one thing after another goes wrong–it SEEMS like it’s awful, but really it’s just a pile-up of coincidences.” But then my next order, a few weeks ago–JUST AS BAD. It’s as if the company changed hands or something. Even now I can’t throw them over. I’m more like, “Oh, baby, why you got to treat me so bad when I love you so good?” Or whatevs.

    Caley- I once placed an order, then literally 5 minutes later thought of a few more things I forgot to order. I emailed them instantly, asking if they could cancel the order so I could re-order with the additional things (I wanted to still get free shipping, not place a second order). They emailed back an hour later saying no, sorry, the order was already being filled and it was too late. And then it didn’t ship for more than a week. So I SERIOUSLY DOUBT IT.

    Doing My Best- I like Lands’ End, too. More expensive, but good stuff. And I like LL Bean for backpacks.

  24. Shelly

    A friend of mine really recommends Macy’s for afordable boy’s clothes. I haven’t shopped there personally and I don’t know what their online offerins are like, but that might be an option to explore.

  25. Pixie

    I agree with Joanne, try they are associated with Gymboree (sort of like GAP and Old Navy) and I have placed two orders with them and they are awesome. They have great sales AND if something has a better price with in 7 days of your order they will do a price adjustment. Also I had to exchange a few things from my two orders and I just went to the store near my work and they girl was so very helpful and even though some of the things I wanted to exchange were sold out she helped me find even better stuff. One more also I forgot the 20% off coupon I had when I went to the store and the girl gave me the 20% discount anyway. You have to try Crazy 8.

  26. Christi-Anne


    Something is definitely up with Old Navy. I placed very large order months ago. When I received it, over half the items were missing. I called them and got them to agree to ship the missing items for no charge. When I received the second package, the right number of “missing” items were included, but half were the right items and half were completely random other items. I talked to 3 or 4 different people and I have still not succeeded in either getting the remaining items shipped to me or in getting a refund. Each time I talk with someone, they assure me they will clear it up, and then I never receive a package or a refund. I seriously have spent so much time on the phone over this, and I am so pissed. I cannot believe it. I had NEVER had problems with them before, but now with all of us it is sounding like a trend…

    –reader CA


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