More Christmas Card Photo Attempts

We are still working on getting a Christmas card photo.

From left to right:

  • Edward leaning in, obscuring Henry
  • Rob talking, and blending in to chair
  • Elizabeth squashed, and singing
  • William listening to Rob, and blending in to chair


From left to right:

  • Edward, Henry, Rob, and Elizabeth tuned out
  • William picking nose


From left to right:

  • Elizabeth with weird expression
  • Rob mid-yawn but still trying to smile
  • William looking cute
  • Henry blocking his face with his hand
  • Edward sticking his fingers down his throat

24 thoughts on “More Christmas Card Photo Attempts

  1. Omaha Mama

    That’s why I used the two picture card last year – one pic of each child looking towards the camera! Notice I didn’t say smiling. You’ve got quite a challenge on your hands. FIVE! (And cue you…Duh!)

  2. Shannon

    Ok, here is the solution (hahahah), take one photo of each child on the same blank background (ie.. white wall). Then photoshp them together for one odd disjointed of five smiling, looking straight forward children.

    Or, just put mullet wigs on them all and then it doesn’t matter which direction they are looking.

  3. amber

    Ahh, you have such cute kids. I don’t envy you your project of getting them all to behave for one photo, though.

  4. desperate housewife

    What IS it with kids not looking at the camera? For Jim’s big, extended family photo (which his grandma insists on each year) we were literally WAVING CANDY in front of the children’s faces to try to get them all simultaneously turned in the same direction.
    It eventually worked, though. Maybe you could try it with cookies?

  5. All Things BD

    I finally gave up on the perfect Christmas photo, and I’ve only got two girls! With the magic of turning all photos black and white, I’ve been using whatever great picture I’ve been miraculously gotten during the year. Nothing says Christmas more than a summer day on the lakeshore. :)

  6. Chraycee

    What is it with kids sticking their fingers down their throats? My nephew was gagging himself in a restaurant (he’s a year old) on purpose, and even Jillian at almost 6 months sticks her fingers down there. :::::shrugs:::::

  7. Rachel

    Oh, I like that last one. I know it’s not perfect, but I like what they’re wearing, and I like their expressions, and I like that even though Edward is sucking on his fingers, he and Henry are looking at each other. It’s a sweet picture, and with five kids, I’m sure perfect is never the goal, right?

  8. Mrs. M

    Bless your heart–may the force be with you!

    Hey–maybe try a pajama shot while the oldest is still young enough. Put them all in cute pajamas and line them up on the bed. You can even put the bottom half under covers and have the headboard or big pillows for the background. Also–looks cute in black and white which also will hide a multitude of camera sins!

  9. Alice

    these pictures, especially with your handy descriptions, have me literally laughing out loud here. chortling! at my desk! before i’ve even had coffee!

  10. Zaya

    My sister-in-law has 6 and does a collage of their best pics from the past year. Trying to get them all looking cute at the same time would be a virtual impossibility.

  11. Kristie

    I vote for Option 2.

    But ya know, I think each picture is cute in it’s own way. I wouldn’t stress about it too much. Otherwise the fun and meaning of the picture might be taken away.


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