Help Wanted, Your Royal Awesomeness

I am going to start with the assumption that you are already reading Maybe Painted Pink. And if you’re not, I don’t need to know about it—just start reading it now and we’ll forget all about this little talk.

Anyway, Kara Marie is just about dying under the weight of all the awesomeness of that blog (have you seen the things you can do with old Christmas cards?), and she needs some HELP. And I happen to know an awesome person (YOU, silly!) who would be perfect for this.

Here’s what Kara says:

If anyone would like to help with the recipes category, or the craft category, or has lots of ideas, or gets some sort of enjoyment out of editing/proofreading posts, or has tons of fun decoration knowledge, or knows how to find good deals on stuff, or is a Googling master, ANYTHING, let me know if you’d like to be a part of Maybe Painted Pink. I want this blog to be as fun and helpful as possible, and the reader emails/posts are AWESOME. I’d love to have some regular helpers. karamarie at gmail dot com.

She is not KIDDING AROUND. If you would like to help but feel a little shy, or think someone else would do a better job so you shouldn’t even email, DON’T BE SILLY. Email her and tell her what you’ve got.

4 thoughts on “Help Wanted, Your Royal Awesomeness

  1. Jane

    Seriously, now. That gal doesn’t need or want anything from me. And frankly, uh. Okay, never mind.

    My idea of a perfect Xmas would be to become an Orthodox Jew for the day.

    What? You wanted me to comment!

  2. Trena

    Okay, I’m de-lurking once again (does that count if one used to comment semi-frequently but then stopped but never stopped reading?) to say that I totally offered my services. I am all about the crafty. In fact, I often say that knitting/crocheting/crafting quells the voices and keeps the homicidal urges down ;).


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