One Scary and One Gross

Would you like to have the crap scared out of you in a cerebral and totally non-gory way? Dr. Who (2007), season 3 disc 4, the episode called “Blink.” (Netflix has it.) I don’t like scary movies because they are too scary (Harry Potter? TOO SCARY), but Paul made me watch this and I lovvvvvvved it. He said, “You are going to think this will be TOO SCARY, and it IS scary, but it is the kind of scary you like.”

I won’t think less of you if you opt out of this next paragraph. It contains nothing you need to know. It is a gross anecdote, that’s all. I was putting a fresh filter in the coffee pot this morning, and I noticed the filter compartment could stand a little rinse. And one of the things that needed to be rinsed out was a spider. A dead spider. A . . . boiled spider. I’ll pause while you barf. I managed not to, but only because my brain is slower than it used to be and I had time to go to my Happy Place before the pieces clicked into place.

26 thoughts on “One Scary and One Gross

  1. Omaha Mama

    You can’t gross me out. I can justify anything. This? No big deal. You see, the hot water totally killed any spider germs and was as spider-germ free as any other coffee you’ve ever made.

    See? No biggie.

  2. She Likes Purple

    I once ate half a salad before I realized there was a dead bug in it. Thankfully it wasn’t half-bitten, but did it have friends? DID IT HAVE BABIES? Ugh.

  3. AndreAnna

    You said you wanted to change how you eat and a lot of people suggested protein in the morning. What better way than cafe au spider? I hear they’re packed with protein. ;)

  4. Tracy

    I’m with andreanna, a little protein can’t hurt right? Maybe that recipe could be submitted to Jessica Seinfelds “deceptively delicious” cookbook??

  5. d e v a n

    ewww. ewww. ewww.

    I once had a Sonic drink and at the bottom of my cup was a dead cricket. That’s right – at the BOTTOM. Which means I drank the WHOLE THING.


  6. Erica

    That episode scared the bejeezus outta me. That night, every time I’d close my eyes to go to sleep, I’d open them really fast just to make sure.

  7. MrsGrumpy

    Well…ummm…ick! But, to put a positive spin on it, your coffee maker is clean. Dr. Who was Leonard’s absolute favoritist (as in tivo-ing the entire marathons they run, knocking out my pre-recorded ANTM’s…grrr) show. I never understood it.

  8. Marie Green

    My husband LOVES Dr. Who. He’s DVR addicted. I’ll ask him if he’s seen that episode, and if he thinks it fit my criteria of “not scary enough to make me be scared to be home alone”.

    Also? There’s some urban legend about how we all swallow like, 14 spiders a night while we sleep. So see? We’re all gross. =) And I’d rather have my spider boiled than raw, thank you.

  9. Tessie

    What is Dr. Who? I am all discombobulated now. There is…a TV show…that I have not heard of? What…HUH? I shall look it up with the quickness.

    That bug-in-coffee-maker thing has happened to me not ONE but TWO times. You’ll be over it soon. Just in time for it to happen again.

  10. Jess

    One of my friends once noticed that her cappuccino maker wasn’t working as well as it used to, so she took it apart to clean it. And found a dead cockroach in the milk steamer. Ew. Ew.


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