Jewelry Boxes. Or, If You Prefer, Jewellery Boxes

Do you know, I have not even READ yesterday’s comments yet? There are about four latrillion of them (plus 272 posts in the RSS reader–aarrh!), and I am dying to see what you all said, but I am also engaged in an epic battle with the laundry and the bills and a bake sale I agreed in a fit of madness to contribute to. Plus, Henry is having his 6-month growth-spurt and he is nursing two extra times per day AND eating cereal once per day, and I am about to go berserk with the cereal crusts that adhere permanently to his face despite repeated scrubbings, and the up in the night again, and the oh my god Target you are NOT up at 4:30 a.m. because that would be INHUMANE.

AND I am trying to get Christmas shopping done. In fact, that is what brings us here today. My sister-in-law would like a jewelry box. I would like to buy her one. But damned lawned if I can find a good one.

My sister-in-law likes vintage and Etsy and kitsch and art, and she was putting sky blue with burnt orange and chocolate brown before I saw it anywhere else. So I am not about to get her a varnished wood box with little velvet-lined drawers, much as I may like that kind of thing myself.

My first thought was, “Hey! Etsy! Etsy will know what’s awesome!” But I am having a devil sheep of a time wading through the thousands and thousands of things that come up when I search for jewelry boxes. Gift boxes. Jewelry that comes in little cardboard boxes. Trinket boxes, which appear to be boxes too small to put anything in. Jewelry boxes that are actually recipe boxes. Jewelry boxes that look like a Decoupage Monster barfed on them.

Surely–SURELY–there are awesome jewelry boxes out there. SURELY! And surely you have seen some, and can point me in the right direction.

25 thoughts on “Jewelry Boxes. Or, If You Prefer, Jewellery Boxes

  1. Christina

    Check out I bought my sister a jewelry box there, and it’s this awesome sky blue satin, and the top has this super cool design made of crystals and orange-y red beads and such (it looks very vintage and cool, not at all chintzy or cheap). And it was $28!! It wouldn’t hold a ton – maybe 4 or 5 rings, a few bracelets, a lot of smaller earrings… but it was super cute, and definitely the perfect size for maybe just holding her GOOD jewelry. Anthropologie has LOTS of jewelry boxes (all prices, but most are reasonable) and 90% of them are funky and cute and not even sort of like the “velvet-lined wooden” box you’re trying to avoid.

  2. Mrs. M

    i’m not much help as i was going to suggest the target ones.

    i have this great creamy leather vintage (50s-60s) box witha big gold toggle and pea green velevet lining. so fun! i found it at a flea mkt and talked the guy down to $3! Woot!

    good luck–share with us what you find.

    and also–i have an etsy shop opening in January! WOOT WOOT!

  3. Welcome to our World

    I agree with the other Christina – has some really nifty stuff (I was just there a couple of weeks ago…) I also just saw some other cools ones but I will need to think about where… If I can remember, I will post.

  4. Welcome to our World

    I agree with the other Christina – has some really nifty stuff (I was just there a couple of weeks ago…) I also just saw some other cools ones but I will need to think about where… If I can remember, I will post.

  5. Welcome to our World

    I agree with the other Christina – has some really nifty stuff (I was just there a couple of weeks ago…) I also just saw some other cools ones but I will need to think about where… If I can remember, I will post.

  6. Someone Being Me

    I found these which I thought were pretty cool if you like an Asain influence.

    This one is pretty cool too.

    You can also check out this next link, they have some I thought were pretty cool.

    Some other cool ones are here:

    Hope this helps!

  7. Jess

    I have no answer to your dilemma. But I hope things calm down for you soon. And also, it must be so exciting to have whole long lists of helpful tips that you haven’t even read yet. I need to go back and read all the comments on your last post, too.

  8. MrsGrumpy

    No clue…as I am the sheepish owner of a stand on four legs and take up much room for the two rings, 10 mismatched earrings and tangled bangles hello 80’s monstrostical of a velvet covered jewelry box come filing cabinet.


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