First Attempt to Get a Christmas Card Photo of All Five Kids

Total photos taken in this session: 22

Number of times I thought, “You know what would make this easier? Getting rid of some of these kids”: 3

Number of photos rejected because of

  • someone making a dumb face on purpose: 7
  • someone making a dumb face accidentally: 2
  • someone blinking: 5
  • someone looking tortured: 4
  • someone appearing to pick someone else’s nose: 1

That’s 3 out of 22 worth considering, which is the best percentage EVER, including when we had just one child to photograph. None of the three shots are stagger-back awesome, but they look pretty great compared to the ones I deleted.

29 thoughts on “First Attempt to Get a Christmas Card Photo of All Five Kids

  1. MadMad

    Ooooh, I think that’s a GOOD ratio! I used to take rolls and rolls (remember rolls?) with only two kids. Then, I’d usually choose the very first picture. I’m fun that way.

  2. AndreAnna

    Thank Target for digital cameras. You’d be a broke ass momma if you had to develop and toss all the crappy ones!

    I tried to take our own pictures like I did last year, but now she knows the camera and runs from me, so I’m going to leave it to the Sears people to deal with.

    I hope you show them to us soon!

  3. Swistle

    Good idea about voting! I’m planning to do a few more sessions to see if I can get something even better; when I’ve narrowed it down, I’ll post the options.

    You know one reason today’s session went well is that I left them in what they happened to be wearing. If I got to a lot of trouble to put everyone in red and/or green, the session is disastrous.

  4. Katie

    But, where ARE these pictures? This is torture! You must share!

    I’m impressed you have three to choose from. Really. That is better than most can do!

  5. jen

    Last year I had a picture of both kids crying, and the dog sitting obediently in his little reindeer antlers. It was hilarious and I sent it out like that with a big cheery “merry christmas!” across the bottom. Along the sides I put some of the funnier rejects, including the one where my daughter was biting her fist in a rage.

    This year the picture came out pretty good. I just to photograph the tears out haha…

  6. KatieBug

    You only took 22 pictures and got 3good ones?! I loved your suggestion on my blog that I hire child models to portray my children for our Christmas photo. You seem to have some. Are they for rent? :)

  7. Nowheymama

    I am happily skipping the Christmas photo this year. Gasp! I think that sending out a New Year’s card complete with a photo of the children and their new sister makes much more sense. Or possibly a Valentine’s card. Whatever.

  8. nikki

    I always like the pictures of where kids are just being themselves instead of the staged posed look. I’d get a bigger kick out of seeing one kid trying to pick the other kids nose!

  9. LoriD

    My mom wanted a picture of all five of her grandchildren, ages: 6,5,4,3 and 2. There were four of us there with digital cameras snapping away. We each took about 15 pictures in total. Of those, there are maybe two that are passable… none that are really good. I’m dreading doing just my three this weekend. I’m thinking I’ll instruct them to make funny faces so the bad picture looks intentional.

  10. Sara

    My favorite photo of the kids always ends up being one that I’ve taken in the fall and I make that our christmas card. Ticks off the hubby to no end, since it is not a christmas photo. Being lazy this year, cutting wallets of the kid’s recent daycare photos (they did them together and separate) and throwing them in a card. They’re super cute. :)

  11. Welcome to our World

    I was frustrated with one – oh my goodness trying to wrangle FIVE!?!? I agree that three is a pretty good percentage and also thank goodness for digital. Can you imagine the rolls of film you would have had if you were doing old school!?

  12. Welcome to our World

    I was frustrated with one – oh my goodness trying to wrangle FIVE!?!? I agree that three is a pretty good percentage and also thank goodness for digital. Can you imagine the rolls of film you would have had if you were doing old school!?

  13. Welcome to our World

    I was frustrated with one – oh my goodness trying to wrangle FIVE!?!? I agree that three is a pretty good percentage and also thank goodness for digital. Can you imagine the rolls of film you would have had if you were doing old school!?

  14. MaryB

    All that you have described combined with the excuse that hubs is leaving the country for three weeks led me to Portrait Innovations.

    And, I agree whit all above who said the rejects are probably some of the best pics of all.

  15. Erin

    Yay for three to choose from! That’s awesome. We, too, did the christmas picture thing this weekend. I really wish I was skilled enough to cut and paste the photos together. If I could just stick this face on that body, with this other face on this other body… the photo really would be stagger-back awesome.

  16. biodtl

    I have the same problem with only two kids, but I came up with a solution. I managed to eke out one nice pose and then I used on of the ones where they are tormenting each other and making faces and went with a naughty/nice themed card. I told them we’re sending one to Santa to let him decide.


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