
Clearly you have NOT been studying the script. When I say, “Wah, wah, poor me, I feel like I’m being taken for a sucker on these stupid car repairs,” YOUR line is, “Oh, me too, there’s nothing for it but to pay what they ask and hope they’re not laughing after you leave. Just take it in and don’t think about it.” THAT’S your line. Not, “Your paranoid feelings are 100% accurate, and you should definitely call around / take the car to various dealers / do it yourself / not do it at all.”

My life philosophy is: Do what is easiest, then whine about it. So what I do in situations like this is take the car in and hand over what they say it costs, without arguing or getting another opinion or expending any energy beyond what is required for (a) fretting and (b) complaining. Which is what I had already done by the time I did my complaining yesterday. So now it is time for your line, which is, “Oh, totally, that’s what I would have done too.”

Also: Henry is ready for his close-up.

32 thoughts on “Script

  1. Anonymous

    OK–I didn’t read any of the other comments but I did spend $1100 last week on my car and most of the stuff on the list of things they did I don’t understand. DH had a coronary that night concerning my attitude towards the car shop (JUST FIX IT I DON’T CARE WHAT IS IT YOU HAVE TO DO–MAKE STUFF UP…WHATEVER) and so now it’s HIS problem when the cars break down.
    Basically it’s what I wanted in the first place anyway. I STILL don’t care. It’s fixed.

  2. Erica

    I think it’s maybe a “woman thing.” We’re not about to question and argue about something we have no idea about. Unlike men, who will argue about whether or not the sky is blue.

  3. Natalie (aka Phat Phannie)

    Swistle, just take in and don’t worry about it. There is nothing else you can do.


    Hehe, sorry, I didn’t read the part where you said you had already dished out the $$$.

    Bad Natalie, BAD BAD Natalie!

    This is one of the main reasons I’m staying on good terms with my son’s dad; so he will take care of the car. I cringe at the thought of entering a *gasp* dealership.

  4. desperate housewife

    If it makes you feel at all better, that actually IS what I would have done. Resented the crap out of the situation, yet suspected that all hell would break loose if I didn’t obey the all-knowing car people’s instructions. Your described outlook, of whining and complaining but not really making an effort to find another solution? That is pretty much mine, too.

  5. MadMad

    OF COURSE you should have done what you did – I was just unable to tell you so because I didn’t get here in time. But definitely. Absolutely. You were right. And those baby eyes of the Henry who is not Henry but might be after all Henry? Beautiful.

  6. Emblita

    I’m blessed that one of my dads best friends has a car-repair shop and so he lets us pay only for the parts (not the work) but I’m pretty much the same. I just want them to fix it without the hassle.
    And Hello Henry! What a cutie!

  7. Katie

    I haven’t had time to read the first blog about this, but this is what I think.

    You have FIVE children (right? Five?) You shouldn’t even be dealing with the car at all. Ever. Time for daddy to step up.

    Second, if you ARE dealing with the car? Just pay, get it fixed as quickly as possible, even if they are ripping you off. You just have to survive and whine to tell about it. That is all.

  8. Swistle

    Erica- I think for me it’s also that I have NO IDEA WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT. I’ll argue until I’m blue in the face at the pharmacy, because I totally know what’s what. But at the car place? They know I’m bluffing. I RADIATE “Make up names for imaginary car parts–it’s not like I’d have any idea.”

    Stacie- Whining is not about HAVING time, it’s about MAKING time.

  9. jonniker

    I had the same reaction that you did. I was all, LOOK IT IS TOO LATE, SWISTLE GOT THE PART FIXED. It was, as you said, time only for whining, which is NECESSARY.

    Also, not all states have inspections, so some people are confused as to the need. In Florida, for example, we do not, but in Massachusetts, we did.

  10. Alice

    i HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE car issues, for all those same stupid awful stupid stupid reasons. oh, the range bobble of the hypertension flux capacitator is broken? and it will cost me $4500? or my engine might explode the next time i turn on the car? uh… okeedoke. here’s a check.

  11. LoriD

    Ha ha! I was thinking the same thing when I was reading your comments yesterday. TOO LATE! IT’S DONE!

    I love close-up baby face shots. It just shows how perfect these little creatures really are.

  12. Mrs. Flinger

    Ok, thank you, because I MIGHT be you in about three days asking the same question. I’ll have to borrow the script.

    At least Henry is ADORABLE. I mean, you know, if the car is shit, make cute kids. That’s my motto.


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