22 thoughts on “Pink Coat

  1. Omaha Mama

    The hat! Coat! Shoes!

    So cute! And in my Brenna’s favorite color scheme. I used to buy her a lot of pink, before she grew hair, when she was a bald little baby. Now, when I hold up a purple, blue, or red shirt she wrinkles her nose. “Don’t they have pink?” She wants only pink.

  2. Trina N.

    I must know where you got that coat!!! I need a “fancy” winter coat for Hannah. She looks like a total dork in her snow coat and her Christmas dress.

  3. desperate housewife

    Man, I love me so some pink fluffy girliness! I am so happy Addy has chosen pink as her favorite color (despite her father’s chagrin.) At least if I don’t get another girl, I’ve got one girly girl! Looks like you do too- Elizabeth (aka NOT Elizabeth!) looks pretty at home in that pink fur!

  4. Sleepynita

    I am so lucky I don’t have a girl. I would be broke.

    correction… my boyfriend would be broke.

    I would NEVER be able to resist girls clothes. Although my boy is fun to dress,, but I have no clue how fun a girl could be. :(

  5. LoriD

    Ooh! Zoe had a pink fluffy coat that I gave away when I *thought* I was done having babies. I think I’ll go looking for one for Macy.

    Also, little boys in a little blue pea coat and hat with flaps is pretty darn cute too!


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