Thanksgiving if You’re in the U.S.; Regular Workday with Zero Feasting Otherwise

I am thankful that my in-laws live so far away.

I am thankful that my bonehead asshole father-in-law never even visits.

I am thankful for answering machines. Otherwise I guess we would have to answer the phone, in case it was an emergency.

I am thankful for the leftover chocolate pumpkin cheesecake in the fridge.

I am thankful for digital photography because, seriously, I used to sometimes throw out a whole roll’s worth of crappy prints.

I am thankful for not living in pioneer times, because that must have sucked.

I am thankful that my fifth baby is a good sleeper. Dear child, you know when to shut up, and that is extremely valuable in a family of seven.

I am thankful for good sales and lots of excuses to shop, and I am thankful that I don’t have to go out there tomorrow when people will be using crowbars to wedge themselves into crowded stores.

I am thankful for you guys–and so is Paul, because I vent a lot of stuff here that otherwise he’d have to hear twice. And the shopping talk I get out of my system! He is a happier man, because of you.

12 thoughts on “Thanksgiving if You’re in the U.S.; Regular Workday with Zero Feasting Otherwise

  1. Omaha Mama

    I’m thankful that you vent here. And do your shopping-talk. Because we share much of the same mix-and-match taste in kids’ clothes. I’m taking my crowbar before sunrise to go shopping. For the sport. And a $99 PS2. Wish me luck.


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