Remember how I was all, “The two-year spacing sucks!,” and then a few minutes later I was all pretending to retract it? Now I really DO retract it. The two-year spacing is great.
Silly boys, two years apart
Big sister and little brother, two years apart
Both of those pictures are just perfect, Swistle. The first for the bookend quality to it. Their smiles are so alike. And the second for the tenderness you see in big sis’s eyes and the locked in look on Henry’s face. I am all teary eyed looking at it.
Both pictures are adorable… but I love those silly boy smiles.
Holy heck you just made my uterus hurt.
Henry is such a little dude! I can’t believe how big he’s getting! Such cute pics.
Those silly boys are so sweet. And little Elizabeth… *sigh* adorable.
No wonder you keep having babies when you make them so damn cute like that.
The cuteness! Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch
Oh they are SO SO SO SO SO CUTE! I could eat them all up!
Now, who could fear that? Not me. Adorable. And I bet they’re like that every single day. ;)
Oh they are SO cute ~ but I’m still scared of the 2 year spacing! LOL
I’m a wuss.
Your kids are SO PRECIOUS.
Argh! The cute!
My god do those brothers look alike. And also, being two years apart from my own sister, let me tell you that I absolutely concur on the two-year spacing being a good thing in the long run.
Oh, Swistle, I agree! The two year difference SUCKS at first. But with mine, after my baby turned one it got better and it has only gotten increasingly better since then.
Cute, yes, but yours boys look so ornery that it totally takes it up a notch. I love how mischevious they look. Ornery=cute in my world. And big sister is cute. It’s all cute.
Mine will be 2.5 years apart, I’m really looking forward to it, most of the time. Sweet pictures and words like this help!
Swistle I love you. These pictures and the sentiment of the post just made my whole day.
aWW! We’re finding it’s not so bad sometimes too. :)
Those pictures are too too cute! Would you mind if I stole a child or two? God, so cute!
Those pics are so sweet! I’ve been wondering when we should try for a second, and I think 2 years sounds good, too.
I agree; that first month was ROUGH, and it’s still rough often enough. But- it’s starting to get a lot better, and it’s very rewarding to see how in love Addy is with her little brother.
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Love, love, love those pics!
And I love both my 2-year AND my 3-yr spacings.
And, hey! I got a question for the peanut gallery:
You have lovely children. What *fantastic* pictures.
Let me just parrot what everyone else is saying…holy cuteness!
I can’t get over that first picture, where Henry is just LOSING IT with joy. Oh it makes me happy just looking at it, honestly it does.
(Also, my word verification is ihog. The hell? I HOG. OH I HOG ALL THE TIME. Covers, snacks, you name it! I HOG IT.)
Thank you, thank you! I have been plagued with nightmares lately. These photos should shut up my subconcious.
Oh man, look at those kids! Those boys look so much alike and the second one looks like it belongs in a magazine. So gorgeous.
But I am still deeply a-feared of the two year spacing and deeply in awe of you and your fabulous coping skills. :)
There is for sure serious cute cuteness there.
No matter when I conceive again, I’m going to have to be seriously drugged.
Rufies or something like that.
Otherwise, I’ll have an only. child.
So, so, beautiful and sweet. That Henry — I could really just eat him up he’s so cute.
Oh so cute. I will refer back to these pictures whenever I start to get that worried feeling, as mine will be 2 1/2 years apart. You and those adorable little babies have given me hope!
me, after reading this post: heee. maybe just a baby or 4. my bf’s not so bad!
Baby Henry isn’t looking so baby anymore. What’s up with that?
Love the picture of those two boys!!! They sort of make me wish we’d have a boy one day.
You have absolutely adorable children!
This gives me hope!!!