Target Therapy

Today I was sad first thing in the morning, so I had coffee, turned on extra lights, stripped Henry down to a diaper to nurse him (skin contact helps), ate a muffin, put on lipstick–and then went to Target, my lovely, lovely Target. This is the kind of therapy that can backfire if children are whiny and demanding, but it went fine today. Elizabeth did keep saying, “Noooo! Noooooo! Noooo! Noooooooo! Nooooo!” for no apparent reason, but I just kept stuffing snacks in her whine-hole while I browsed. Photos of my haul:

Wrapping paper, 75% off: 87 cents – $1.24 per roll. I was especially glad to find the birthday paper, since William is going to a birthday party soon. Also, I like girly paper better than boyish paper, so I end up with 50 rolls of pink stuff and nothing to use for the boys’ birthdays. I think if I wrap Paul’s presents in floral paper even ONE MORE TIME, he is going to retaliate by wrapping mine in SpongeBob SquarePants paper.


Candy, 3 for $5.


Reusable drink boxes with flip-up straws. I think these will fit in the boys’ lunch boxes a whole lot better than the bottles I’ve been using, and the flip-tops will please William’s teacher, who recently mentioned that most first graders can’t handle screw-off caps so please send pop-ups. 30% off: $1.18 each.

[Edited to add: These bottles were AWFUL! One of my boys got to school to find a puddle in his backpack: the bottle was still closed but had leaked its entire contents. The other boy said his had not leaked–but when he unpacked his lunch things at the end of the day, the leftover water HAD leaked (bottle securely closed–I checked it myself). I threw them both out. It’s not worth the trouble to return them (I don’t have the paper label things anymore).]


Candles for my dad’s birthday cake. The candles spell out “O V E R T H E H I L L”
This is COMEDY GOLD, BABY. 75% off: 48 cents.


Ooooo, QUTE! This lil’ bottlekins has pancake powder in it. You add water and shake it up. Then you pour into a skillet. You get 6-8 pancakes. The bottle feels nice to hold in the hand. WANTED IT. 30% off: 72 cents.


Set of two pink gift boxes. 75% off: 98 cents.


Initial cards for friends. 75% off: 98 cents each set.


Socks for Elizabeth. 50% off: $3.14 for ten pairs.


Rose-scented lotion, talc, and body wash. They were in that aisle of specialty products where they keep lines such as Bert’s Bees. There were two other scent choices, but the gardenia smelled like coconut to me, and the other one (lavender? jasmine? lily? can’t remember) smelled like banana. The rose smelled YUM. 75% off: $1.68, $1.98, $1.96.

60 thoughts on “Target Therapy

  1. Jess

    This is amazing. What an incredible shopping job! Also, the skin contact helping thing is interesting. It was smart of you to nurse Henry in his diaper.

  2. Shannon

    What steals!!

    It is a dreary day today here and it is getting me all loopy. So, I’m eating. Lots of eating.

    My daughter has a whine-hole, too. LOL!

    Snacks work great.

  3. Pickles & Dimes

    Excellent deals! Love the monogrammed cards.

    Hey, did your Target have those blue puffer vests in size L? Because after I blew my chance to buy one, the Targets around here aren’t carrying them in that size, and of course, I’m now OBSESSED.

  4. Pickles & Dimes

    Excellent deals! Love the monogrammed cards.

    Hey, did your Target have those blue puffer vests in size L? Because after I blew my chance to buy one, the Targets around here aren’t carrying them in that size, and of course, I’m now OBSESSED.

  5. Pickles & Dimes

    Excellent deals! Love the monogrammed cards.

    Hey, did your Target have those blue puffer vests in size L? Because after I blew my chance to buy one, the Targets around here aren’t carrying them in that size, and of course, I’m now OBSESSED.

  6. Welcome to our World

    Good lawd, woman you are a master shopper. I am in awe. I lay down before thee Master shopper and bow…

    And than – Holy crap our Target sucks – I am always looking about for these little red stickers but hardly ever find them… that is what sucks about living in a small town with a small Target – the deals never stick around… SO SAD.

  7. Welcome to our World

    Good lawd, woman you are a master shopper. I am in awe. I lay down before thee Master shopper and bow…

    And than – Holy crap our Target sucks – I am always looking about for these little red stickers but hardly ever find them… that is what sucks about living in a small town with a small Target – the deals never stick around… SO SAD.

  8. Welcome to our World

    Good lawd, woman you are a master shopper. I am in awe. I lay down before thee Master shopper and bow…

    And than – Holy crap our Target sucks – I am always looking about for these little red stickers but hardly ever find them… that is what sucks about living in a small town with a small Target – the deals never stick around… SO SAD.

  9. Pickles & Dimes

    Yeah, they’re the Merona women’s vests. If my Target doesn’t have them when I go this weekend, I’ll have to bite the bullet and buy it online.

    Your Target seemed to have a lot of stuff on sale. I’m jealous.

  10. Pickles & Dimes

    Yeah, they’re the Merona women’s vests. If my Target doesn’t have them when I go this weekend, I’ll have to bite the bullet and buy it online.

    Your Target seemed to have a lot of stuff on sale. I’m jealous.

  11. Pickles & Dimes

    Yeah, they’re the Merona women’s vests. If my Target doesn’t have them when I go this weekend, I’ll have to bite the bullet and buy it online.

    Your Target seemed to have a lot of stuff on sale. I’m jealous.

  12. el-e-e

    Oh, how I LOVE multiple little red stickers on top of one another!! SCORE! Your grand total was approx $25?? (I couldn’t resist, had to get out the calculator.) You should get an AWARD for that. :)

    You are Gifted.

  13. Tessie

    I love those little pancake mix jugs. JUST ADD WATER PEOPLE! So silly and yet…so AWESOME.

    Also, I would now like to strip a baby down to its diaper and snuggle it.

  14. Misty

    Jealous. I want to go spend money at target on fancy things and gifts for people. Love buy gifts for people even more than love buying gifts for self.

  15. Mrs. M

    Target makes me positively giddy!! Giddy I tell you!! I’m going tonight in light of your goodies. I hope to snatch up some of those notecards!! Great gifts! I love exclamation points when talking about Target! Yes I do! Can you tell?!

  16. AndreAnna

    Glad you’re being aware and proactive about this!

    And since you are the first person I know to willingly buy talc and just not have it come in a package with other lotion-y goods, then resign it to a shelf for 5 years until you throw it away, maybe you can explain to me what it is and what you do with it? I know it’s powder but where and how do you put it? Am I missing out on something because I have never “talc”ed? I may need some!

  17. Di

    ooohh. nice!

    I am planning to take the Girl to Target tomorrow (involving two subways and many stairs) but we need diapers and heck, I might buy myself something pretty.

  18. caley

    No wonder I can never leave Target without spending less than $200; I am not finding deals as awesome as these! Also, I reeeally could have done without the visual aid on the part about the candy bars!! Now I must go in search of chocolate…

  19. aoife

    Your Target rocks. Mine has some sales, but nothing like yours. Is it a target outlet store or something??? *wink*

  20. Swistle

    El-e-e- Well, I bought diapers, too. And toilet paper. But those don’t count.

    Jana- Give…out…? (Hee hee.)

    Mrs. M- I sat there in front of the notecards trying to think of all my friends’ names! I wish I had more friends whose names started with F, I, Q, V, X, and Y!

    AndreAnna- This is my very first talc purchase! I plan to put it in my bathroom closet until it’s all dusty, and then throw it out.

  21. donna

    I did Target therapy today too! I also stocked up on the Halloween candy and I found a very cool cornucopia basket for Thanksgiving tables future (not this year b/c I’m not hosting) for $2.50! And some cool leather organizational trays for our coffee table for $10 each on clearance. Not quite the kick-ass deals you got, but I’m still happy.

    Oh and we call our daughter’s mouth her toast hole since buttered toast is her most favoritest thing in the universe right now.

  22. shoeaddict

    I’m a HUGE follower of the skin-on-skin and the shopping therapies. You can sprinkle the talc on your body or clothes before bed or after your bath/shower.

    I love the bisquick pourer! I’m Katie about your husband wrapping your presents. I don’t care what he wraps it in!

  23. samantha jo campen

    Your Target Therapy cost WAY less than real therapy, plus you get to keep cute stuff.

    I say you did a bang-up job.

    P.S. I have the exact same “S” monogrammed cards, but I suck and paid full price!

  24. Erin

    I’m loving the pancake thingy-ma-jiggie. But I’m confused as to the size. 6-8 pancakes doesn’t seem like very many. How many did you buy? And have you ever tried doing it that way, by pouring from a container? It makes so much SENSE! I lurrrrve pancakes, but I always use a ladle (ladel? laidle? how the hell do you spell that?) and that is messy and a pain in my pancake-loving ass. Must try the pouring method.

  25. Trina N.

    The pancake mix is awesome. Especially since it makes one less dish to wash. I only buy it when it’s on sale though.

  26. Mommy Daisy

    Now this is retail therapy at it’s best.

    I have a similar candy stock. I’ve hidden it away from everyone in my house. And we don’t get trick-or-treaters. Ha! Guess how many pounds I will gain between now and Halloween.

  27. Swistle

    My Target does not always rock quite so hard as it did yesterday. Sometimes I go and there is NOTHING on clearance, or only the “15%” clearances which DON’T COUNT. The secret is to go OFTEN, and to have a path that takes you past every endcap in the store and also lets you peek down each aisle.

    AndreAnna- I SUSPECT we’re supposed to have a big fluffy pouf, and we’re supposed to put talc on it and then…fluff it onto our skin, or something. I shook a little down the front of my shirt this morning, but I felt like a big idiot doing it.

    Shoeaddict- CLOTHES! Oh, THAT sounds more like it. I’ll try some talc on the pjs tonight.

    Samantha Jo- Sometimes it’s better to pay full-price and not gamble. I don’t usually see S on clearance (I have a friend whose name starts with S, so I’m always looking). But people whose names start with I and Y should definitely wait for the red stickers!

    Erin- I know, the bottle is WEE. I think that’s part of the appeal. I wonder if it comes in a larger size? I plan to use it on mornings when I’m having pancakes with the twins after the big boys go to school, or on mornings when I make them for just the kids. Pouring DOES seem smart. I always use a measuring cup (for it’s scooping powers, not because my pancakes Must Be The Same Size), and I get pancake slop EVERYWHERE. I HAVE a spare pitcher–I should use THAT.

  28. MrsGrumpy

    Ohhhh… If I were not in pajamas right now, I would be at Target. Your comment about planning to put the talc in the closet until it gets dusty, and then throwing it out, is right on. I also store lotion there…until it separates into liquid and solid…and then (maybe, if I can’t shake it back into lotion) I throw it out.

  29. Misguided Mommy

    okay so Swistle and AndreAnna I use the talc powder in shoes during the summer. like when i want to wear my keds or vans with out socks i sprinkle some of that in the bottom of em and wear away and then i smell pretty! your feet look a little dusty when you take em out but its better then stinky shoes

  30. Trina N.

    Hey Swistle,
    Just wanted to let you know they do sell the pancake mix in bigger sizes. At least they do at the grocery store I go to. :)

  31. Emblita

    Oh Target… it is a great place for retail therapy. When I lived in the states I was also a huge fan of Ross Dress For Less, TJ Maxx and Marshalls. I miss those :(
    I’ll just shop vicariously through you!

  32. Shauna Loves Chocolate

    I love some retail therapy.
    I love those juiceboxes, but we get the Rubbermaid brand (the generics always leak, but the RM ones, don’t). SO worth it. We have two different colors of tops – Nicholas gets the blue and Elise gets the pink, so we don’t mix em up when we take them on the run.


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